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== Ongoing games ==
== Ongoing games ==

Black background indicates I'm dead in that game.
Black background indicates games I'm dead in.<!-- Use "background:black; color:royalBlue"  -->
Gold background indicates games being played in a hydra.<!--  Use "background:#DAA520"  -->

{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
|- style="none"
| align="center" | [ Micro 211: Cracking Idea Mafia] || align="center" | [[Antagon]] || align="center" | Night 3
<!--|- style="background:black; color:royalBlue"
|- style="none"
| align="center" | [ Manatee's Pokemon Large Theme] || align="center" | {{U|May&#32;and&#32;Brendan}} || align="center"| Day 10-->
| align="center" | [ Mini 1482: Castle - A Mafia Murder so Vile] || align="center" | [[Malakittens]] || align="center" | Day 2
|- style="none"
| align="center" | [ Newbie 1414] || align="center" | {{U|PeregrineV}} || align="center" | Day 2
|- style="none"
| align="center" | [ Micro 220: Mainstream Micro IV] || align="center" | [[chkflip]] || align="center" | Day 2
|- style="none"
| align="center" | [ Newbie 1420: Fireproof] || align="center" | [[Cheery Dog]] || align="center" | Day 1

== Completed games ==
== Completed games ==
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{|class="wikitable" style="width:90%; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"
! colspan="6" | <h3 style="none">[ Newbie 1290]</h3>
! colspan="6" | <h3 style="none">[ Micro 1028: True Love]</h3>
|- align="center"
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! width="16%" | Status
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! width="14%" | Outcome
|- align="center"
|- align="center"
| Newbie
| Micro (Open)
| [[Jackal711]]
| [[lilith2013]]
| {{color|green| Vanilla Townie}}
| {{color|red| Mafia Lover}}  
| Started
| Replaced in D1
| {{color|red|Endgamed}}
| {{color|green| Survived}}
| {{color|red|Scum win}}
| {{color|red| Mafia win}}
| colspan="6" | My first game. The replacements made it to be less of a newbie game, especially when [[Thor665]] walked in (and happened to be scum). A general derp for the town the first days, with our townie IC [[Debonair Danny DiPietro]] performing a gambit on D2 which misled the town and got him lynched the next day. Despite that, our doctor {{U|Edosurist}} kept the game going and in the end we got to D5 where as a confirmed townie I had to lylo [[Thor665]] or {{U|Cybertronix}}, the remaining townie. The inactivity of the latter, among other things, made it so that in the end I mislynched him and lost us the game.
The winning scum team was [[Thor665]] and {{U|absta101}}.
{|class="wikitable" style="width:90%; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"
! colspan="6" | <h3 style="none">[ Mini 1396: Pokemon Gen1 uPick]</h3>
|- align="center"
! width="14%" | Game Type
! width="14%" | Modded by
! width="14%" | Role
! width="14%" | Entry
! width="16%" | Status
! width="14%" | Outcome
|- align="center"
| Mini Theme
| [[syndromeofadown]]
| {{color|green| Town Neighbour}}
| Started
| {{color|red|Vig'd N4}}
| {{color|red|Scum win}}
| colspan="6" | I was Dratini, a neighbour in a neighbourhood of 3 dragons... who all were town. Little did I know though, so I always believed there's one scum in my neighbours, [[Debonair Danny DiPietro]] and {{U|Shmugen}}. So after mislynching Shmugen I was completely certain DDD is scum.. Yeah my tunneling still needs work. The feelings were mutual as DDD vig'd me the last night which led to a scum win. Notable that all 3 scum were townreads of mine at D1 - either my scumdar was broken or the scum were pretty good. Speaking of which, the winning scum team was {{U|shos}}, [[DeasVail]] and {{U|theslimer3}}.
| colspan="6" | First time rolling scum in this setup. Managed to fool my lover and the town into townreading me for the most part (they were paranoid at times) and led two eliminations on the T/T pairs to flawlessly win the game.

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The winning scum team was [[Wisdom]] and {{U|Dunnstral}}.
! colspan="6" | <h3 style="none">[ Micro 100: Nomination Mafia]</h3>
|- align="center"
! width="14%" | Game Type
! width="14%" | Modded by
! width="14%" | Role
! width="14%" | Entry
! width="16%" | Status
! width="14%" | Outcome
|- align="center"
| Micro
| [[Quilford]]
| {{color|green| Vanilla Townie}}
| Started
| {{color|green|Survived}}
| {{color|green|Town win}}
| colspan="6" | I didn't play that good in this game. I was unusually inactive, but what wasn't unusual is that I tunneled on a town player D1. We didn't do so good and lynched two townies in a row, turning the third day into lylo. Scum derped though and didn't manage to communicate properly, and thus voted for each other. I soon became confirmed town and dealt with what I thought was one more hard lylo, not knowing that both options were scum. Then I had to deal with another lylo in the final day, where my paranoia made me suspect the remaining town (even though he was kind of confirmed). I made the right choice though, so this is my first win.
The winning town was [[Wisdom]], {{U|orcinus_theoriginal}}, [[MattP]], [[jmo16mla]] and [[chkflip]].

{|class="wikitable" style="width:90%; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"
! colspan="6" | <h3 style="none">[ Micro 86: Less Pressure]</h3>
|- align="center"
! width="14%" | Game Type
! width="14%" | Modded by
! width="14%" | Role
! width="14%" | Entry
! width="16%" | Status
! width="14%" | Outcome
|- align="center"
| Micro
| [[Messiah]]
| {{color|red| Mafia Goon}}
| Started
| {{color|red| Lynched D3}}
| {{color|green|Town win}}
| colspan="6" | My first scum game, which I enjoyed a lot. It was a White Flag game, and both my partners, {{U|Mantisdreamz}} and {{U|A_Stone}}, acted quite scummy on D1, making them be the lynch choices. I shifted the lynch from Mantis to A_Stone, as Mantis had more chances of survival D2 - but I was feeling the game was already lost due to me losing the support of the innocent children that I mostly had until that point. Replacements made it even worse. Despite that, I managed to make the town mislynch on D2, turning D3 into lylo. I insisted that we lynch Mantis on D3, so that town doesn't believe I'm partnered with her, which succeeded; town believed I'm partnered with one of the townies. Alas, they never voted him - they voted me instead, and I wasn't there to defend myself. It would have been a nice victory, but I don't feel that bad - I believe I did good.
The winning town was [[SoraAdvent]], [[Bitmap]], [[sword_of_omens]], [[Malakittens]] and [[Elscouta]]. The latter was the town MVP in my opinion.

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{|class="wikitable" style="width:90%; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"
! colspan="6" | <h3 style="none">[ Micro 99: Chosen Mafia]</h3>
! colspan="6" | <h3 style="none">[ Mini Normal 2236: Lemon Demon]</h3>
|- align="center"
|- align="center"
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! width="14%" | Outcome
|- align="center"
|- align="center"
| Micro
| Mini Normal
| [[Melmond]]
| {{U|DkKoba}}
| {{color|green| Vanilla Townie}}
| {{color|green| Vanilla Townie}}  
| Started
| {{color|green| Survived}}
| {{color|green|Town win}}
| colspan="6" | The ordinary. Tunneling on a town player, as well as speculation that was proven wrong. Being scum with {{U|Mantisdreamz}} in the above game made me wrongly believe she was town here - and thus began my wrong speculation. Fortunately, [[Nachomamma8]] nailed both scum and the town listened to him over me, bringing us the win.
The winning town was [[Wisdom]], [[Nachomamma8]], {{U|Majiffy}}, {{U|orcinus_theoriginal}}, {{U|penguin_alien}}, [[borkjerfkin]] and {{U|pirate&#32;mollie}}.
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! colspan="6" | <h3 style="none">[ Micro 107: Maysawns und Mafia]</h3>
|- align="center"
! width="14%" | Game Type
! width="14%" | Modded by
! width="14%" | Role
! width="14%" | Entry
! width="16%" | Status
! width="14%" | Outcome
|- align="center"
| Micro
| [[Om of the Nom]]
| {{color|green| Vanilla Townie}}
| Replaced in D1
| Replaced in D1
| {{color|red| Endgamed}}
| {{color|red| Killed N1}}
| {{color|red|Scum win}}
| {{color|red| Mafia win}}
| colspan="6" | I correctly guessed what role I was replacing in, but that wasn't enough for me to get the win. We almost lynched {{U|leviathan93}} on D1, but his partner [[Lincolm]] managed to correctly shoot a mason before that. I attributed that kill to [[Klick]], who is usually really good at getting early mason reads, and thus speculated wrongly about who the scum is. After Klick flipped town, I claimed Mason to lure scum to shoot me and correctly guessed the scumteam, but the actual remaining mason, {{U|Vintermute}}, got paranoid and supported I am scum, making me vote him back. Scum quickhammered for the win.
| colspan="6" | After a long two year hiatus I replaced in a game and helped identifying and eliminating two out of the three scum, getting shot on N1 for my efforts, like every good VT should. However the third scum had other plans and managed to survive until the end and win the game.
The winning scum team was [[Lincolm]] and {{U|leviathan93}}.

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The winning scum team was [[Titus]], [[Alchemist21]] and {{U|Little&#32;Green&#32;Wheels}}.
! colspan="6" | <h3 style="none">[ Newbie 1305]</h3>
|- align="center"
! width="14%" | Game Type
! width="14%" | Modded by
! width="14%" | Role
! width="14%" | Entry
! width="16%" | Status
! width="14%" | Outcome
|- align="center"
| Newbie
| [[Jackal711]]
| {{color|green| Vanilla Townie}}
| Started
| {{color|green|Survived}}
| {{color|green|Town win}}
| colspan="6" | I nailed scum on D1 and kept pressuring even after he got replaced, but a deadline counterwagon got our Cop, {{U|UVApe}}, lynched instead. I was certain both scum had to be on that counterwagon and kept pressuring my D1 scumread, until he also replaced out - the new replacement, {{U|goodmorning}} got me confused and there started my usual paranoia, where I almost accused everyone except the actual scum of being scum. [[Nachomamma8]], the IC in this game, nailed both scum nicely though, and this time I decided to agree with him, lynching scum D2, then lynching the partner, [[Belisarius]], very quickly on D3. There were no night kills on either night, due to our Jailkeeper, {{U|Sexcellence}}, playing his role perfectly. Barring my usual speculations and paranoia, I had some accurate reads and theories this game, so I leave it behind happy.
The winning town was [[Wisdom]], [[Nachomamma8]], {{U|Sexcellence}}, {{U|Bulbazak}}, [[Zaicon]], {{U|kuror0}} and {{U|UVApe}}.

{|class="wikitable" style="width:90%; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"
! colspan="6" | <h3 style="none">[ Micro 121: SS9]</h3>
|- align="center"
! width="14%" | Game Type
! width="14%" | Modded by
! width="14%" | Role
! width="14%" | Entry
! width="16%" | Status
! width="14%" | Outcome
|- align="center"
| Micro
| [[implosion]]
| {{color|green| Town Supersaint}}
| Started
| {{color|red|Lynched D1}}
| {{color|green|Town win}}
| colspan="6" | I correctly read two out of the three scum, [[theslimer3]] and [[Huntress]], on D1. However my guess for the third scum, [[kmd4390]], was wrong, and I was suspected due to my push on him. [[theslimer3]] attempted to bluff with me but I saw through it, and forced him to hammer me and die with me. The town derped the second day, with a supersaint hammering another, bringing the game to lylo; but correctly figured out [[Huntress]] and [[Wickedestjr]] were the remaining scum, and thus won the game for town.
The winning town was [[Wisdom]], [[Lincolm]], [[Malakittens]], [[Cheery Dog]], {{U|Blueberry}} and [[kmd4390]].

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{|class="wikitable" style="width:90%; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"
! colspan="6" | <h3 style="none">[ Micro 118: Modified Mentor]</h3>
! colspan="6" | <h3 style="none">[ The Deck of Astral Roles II: Expanded Universe]</h3>
|- align="center"
|- align="center"
! width="14%" | Game Type
! width="14%" | Game Type
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! width="14%" | Role
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! width="14%" | Entry
! width="16%" | Status
! width="16%" | Fate
! width="14%" | Outcome
! width="14%" | Outcome
|- align="center"
|- align="center"
| Micro
| Large Theme
| [[LlamaFluff]]
| [[TemporalLich]]
| {{color|red| Mentee}}
| {{color|191970| Dark Creature Master of Deceit}}  
| Started
| Started
| {{color|green| Survived}}
| {{color|red| Eliminated D3}}
| {{color|red|Mentor & Mentee win}}
| {{color|green| Town}} and {{color|teal|Astral}} win
| colspan="6" | First win as scum. I was selected by {{U|Vintermute}}, the mentor, to be the mentee. Originally I thought this would be a hard game, especially given the presence of {{U|Mantisdreamz}} and [[Bitmap]], who had played in my first scum game and thus could figure me out. Bitmap got replaced early though, which helped. Once again, I did not have the choice to bus my partner in this game, as a death of my mentor would mean town win, so I tried to ignore his lurking and lack of content while making plans on how to keep the town's attention away from him. The replacements made the things harder for the town and were the first two lynches, leading the game to lylo. There, as predicted, Mantis figured I was scum with Vintermute, but didn't manage to convince the others, and eventually {{U|zabriel}} trusted me, voted the wrong person, and Vinter hammered, giving me my first scum win. I loved this setup, and I would like to play it as town too.
| colspan="6" | I played a good game on D1 but then I got kidnapped by a werewolf meaning I could not post at all for both D2 and D3, and I got rolecopped by town. Even so I believe I could turn it around when I would finally be able to post, but my buddy decided to hardbus me so I didn't get such a chance. Then he didn't do so well himself, getting gladiated and eliminated next.
The winning scum team was [[Wisdom]] and {{U|Vintermute}}.

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The winning town was {{U|MegAzumarill}}, [[Almost50]], {{U|Selynee}}, [[Titus]], [[Toogeloo]], {{U|lendunistus}}, [[Flea The Magician]], [[PookyTheMagicalBear]] and {{U|Galron}}. The winning Astral Creature was {{U|Not&#32;Known&#32;15}}.
! colspan="6" | <h3 style="none">[ Newbie 1327]</h3>
|- align="center"
! width="14%" | Game Type
! width="14%" | Modded by
! width="14%" | Role
! width="14%" | Entry
! width="16%" | Status
! width="14%" | Outcome
|- align="center"
| Newbie
| [[jmj3000]]
| {{color|green| Vanilla Townie}}
| Replaced in D1
| {{color|red|Endgamed}}
| {{color|red|Scum win}}
| colspan="6" | Derp! I replaced in and immediately found my old buddy Shmugen to be scummy, initiating a wagon on him. {{U|Shihad&#32;Mustafa}} did one of these derphammers and I just knew he has to be one of those newbie townies. I also had a gut scumread on the IC, [[UberNinja]], which got stronger when he didn't die on N1. Instead, the cop did. Then Shihad claimed doctor after being accused of being scum, and when I didn't believe his claim, he... selfhammered! Yeah, awesome stuff. The second night I expected my strongest townread, {{U|Elyse}}, to die, and started suspecting her when she didn't. {{U|Viktor&#32;Stein}} voted someone else in lylo though, only for the two scum to quickhammer for an easy win. Real derpy stuff.
The winning scum team was [[UberNinja]] and {{U|Elyse}}.

{|class="wikitable" style="width:90%; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"
! colspan="6" | <h3 style="none">[ Newbie 1331]</h3>
|- align="center"
! width="14%" | Game Type
! width="14%" | Modded by
! width="14%" | Role
! width="14%" | Entry
! width="16%" | Status
! width="14%" | Outcome
|- align="center"
| Newbie
| [[TraceyLyn11]]
| {{color|green| Vanilla Townie}}
| Replaced in D1
| {{color|red|Lynched D1}}
| {{color|green|Town win}}
| colspan="6" | I replaced in a slot that was at L-1, after having acted very scummy. I thought I'd try and save that slot and I seemed to succeed in the beginning, but in the end I got lynched after a quickhammer from {{U|tigerzone}}. Not before I had established a confident scumread on the IC though, which got lynched on D2. Then the town made good use of their PRs and lynched his partner, {{U|thenewearth}}, winning the game for the town.
The winning town was [[Wisdom]], {{U|tigerzone}}, [[Robocopter87]], [[Mitillos]], {{U|Remembering&#32;Sunday}}, [[jmo16mla]] and [[uctriton00]].

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{|class="wikitable" style="width:90%; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"
! colspan="6" | <h3 style="none">[ Newbie 1330]</h3>
! colspan="6" | <h3 style="none">[ Open 830: Painters and Lies]</h3>
|- align="center"
|- align="center"
! width="14%" | Game Type
! width="14%" | Game Type
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! width="14%" | Role
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! width="14%" | Entry
! width="16%" | Status
! width="16%" | Fate
! width="14%" | Outcome
|- align="center"
| Newbie
| [[ProsecutorGodot]]
| {{color|red|Mafia RoleCop}}
| Replaced in pre-game
| {{color|green|Survived}}
| {{color|red|Scum win}}
| colspan="6" | I managed to play almost perfectly as scum this game, since nobody really suspected me, and even in lylo nobody could confidently call me scum. To be fair, town were unlucky since their only PR, the cop, flaked from the game and didn't submit an investigation on N1. The replacement, {{U|RadiantCowbells}}, did really good though, including making a really genuine-looking VT claim at the end of D2, which made me decide to kill someone else. He investigated the IC, [[Nachomamma8]], so I knew that lylo would be difficult given those two would be confirmed town and nobody else was a PR. Therefore, I fake-claimed doctor and doubted the fact he was a cop. {{U|hawkleader3}} believed me and voted Nacho, and we quickhammered for the win.
The winning scum team was [[Wisdom]] and [[Nobody Special]].
{|class="wikitable" style="width:90%; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"
! colspan="6" | <h3 style="none">[ Open 481: Duck, Duck, Goose Mafia]</h3>
|- align="center"
! width="14%" | Game Type
! width="14%" | Modded by
! width="14%" | Role
! width="14%" | Entry
! width="16%" | Status
! width="14%" | Outcome
! width="14%" | Outcome
|- align="center"
|- align="center"
| Open
| Open
| {{U|Lord&#32;Mhork}}
| [[T3]]
| {{color|green|1-Shot Paranoid Gun Owner}}
| {{color|red| Blue Mafia Painter}}  
| Started
| Started
| {{color|red|Endgamed}}
| {{color|green| Survived}}
| {{color|red|Scum win}}
| {{color|red| Blue Mafia and Red Mafia win}}
| colspan="6" | I had terrible reads this game. For starters, I immediately suspected {{U|Mantisdreamz}}, who I thought I had learned how to read accurately. She flipped town. Then I suspected [[fuzzybutternut]], who also flipped town. I saved a scum from a lynch, arguing that it's a mislynch. In general, I derped. At least I didn't use my 1-shot PGO and I was correct not to, since scum didn't target me on any night, but it doesn't change anything.
| colspan="6" | This setup turned to extremely scumsided after we eliminated town, then both scumteams also shot a townie, leaving only two townies against four scum. The fact the scumteams could win together on tie led to us just cooperating and eliminating the other two townies (although one of them tried to confuse us by claiming scum).
The winning scum team was [[Majiffy]], [[JacobSavage]] and [[Syryana]].

{|class="wikitable" style="width:90%; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"
The winning scumteams were [[Wisdom]] and {{U|HockeyFan}}, as well as {{U|Cycle&#32;Men}} and {{U|Enchant}}.
! colspan="6" | <h3 style="none">[ Micro 137: Less Pressure]</h3>
|- align="center"
! width="14%" | Game Type
! width="14%" | Modded by
! width="14%" | Role
! width="14%" | Entry
! width="16%" | Status
! width="14%" | Outcome
|- align="center"
| Micro
| [[Nobody Special]]
| {{color|green|Vanilla Townie}}
| Started
| {{color|red|Lynched D2}}
| {{color|red|Scum win}}
| colspan="6" | So I returned to the Less Pressure setup, this time as town. I correctly read [[SoraAdvent]] as scum, and locked my vote onto him, while also getting scumreads on [[Viktor Stein]] and [[goodmorning]]. Sora and Viktor ended up replacing out, and both replacements made me change my mind on their slots. In the mean time, [[thenewearth]] acted very scummy and everyone decided that he would be the lynch. I agreed, seeing as thenewearth did not want to be helpful or convince anyone he's town, but he unfortunately flipped town. Then [[Bacde]], Viktor's replacement, quickly voted me in lylo resulting in the 3 scum hammering me for the win. Huge derp. At least I was right on goodmorning and Sora; even though Sora's replacement, [[Remembrance]], completely changed my read on the slot. The ICs were kind of inactive too, which didn't help.
The winning scum team was [[Remembrance]], [[goodmorning]] and {{U|Mac}}.

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! colspan="6" | <h3 style="none">[ Diffusion of Power (Open 478)]</h3>
|- align="center"
! width="14%" | Game Type
! width="14%" | Modded by
! width="14%" | Role
! width="14%" | Entry
! width="16%" | Status
! width="14%" | Outcome
|- align="center"
| Open
| [[N]]
| {{color|green|N3 Cop}}
| Started
| {{color|red|Killed N1}}
| {{color|green|Town win}}
| colspan="6" | One more game that my reads weren't so good. I engaged in multiple town-on-town fights, especially with [[Human Destroyer]] and {{U|Disturbed_One}}, who both tunneled hard on me. My claiming that the reasons people were accusing [[pirate mollie]] were not scumtells, but null, was a reason people kept suspecting me for a long time. I correctly figured that the person to be the D1 lynch - RachMarie, a N1 doctor, was town telling the truth, but a replacing [[chkflip]] quickhammered her while I was typing a wall accusing people of bad reasons for voting her. Then I died on N1, because the scumteam, and especially [[kmd4390]], were tired of my hyperactivity and felt that I was damaging their scumgame. In other words, I was killed for posting too much. Thankfully, despite things looking bad early on, the town managed to find the scum and lynched all three of them in three consecutive days. Many kudos to {{U|ProHawk}} for a great town game.
The winning town was [[Wisdom]], {{U|ProHawk}}, [[Human Destroyer]], [[Mitillos]], [[Cheery Dog]], [[Bacde]], [[CF Riot]], [[chkflip]], {{U|BeautyAndTheBeast}}([[pirate mollie]] + [[Majiffy]]) and [[RachMarie]].

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! colspan="6" | <h3 style="none">[ /invitational 14 ]</h3>
! colspan="6" | <h3 style="none">[ Micro 1029: 8-Ball]</h3>
|- align="center"
|- align="center"
! width="14%" | Game Type
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! width="14%" | Outcome
|- align="center"
|- align="center"
| Invitational/Theme
| Micro (Open)
| [[Nexus]]
| [[Save The Dragons]]
| {{color|red|Mafia 2-shot Day Rolecop}}
| {{color|green| Vanilla Townie}}  
| Started
| Started
| {{color|red|Lynched D5}}
| {{color|red| Eliminated D2}}
| {{color|green|Town win}}
| {{color|green| Town win}}
| colspan="6" | I initially regretted signing up for invitationals, as I didn't particularly like the game or the playerlist I was put into. However I stayed in the game so I don't give the mod a hard time. Big mistake, as I played a pretty bad game. I bussed one of my partners, [[Zoidberg]], early on D1, which resulted in his lynch. I successfully rolecopped [[Oversoul]], finding he is a 1-shot Roleblocker, so me and my remaining partner, [[Debonair Danny DiPietro]], lived for a while, letting the town mislynch while tunneling on Oversoul and [[Lady Lambdadelta]] respectively. Oversoul claimed at the beginning of D4, and lied that he had not used his roleblock yet. It was looking like Oversoul would be lynched, but unfortunately DDD got lynched instead, out of nowhere. Then I no-killed, hoping to frame whoever Oversoul would block, but Oversoul had lied so I just got lynched the following day. Not that anything would be different if I killed anyone, as I was the most scummy and most suspicious. The lack of activity in the game worsened my play, but as I said, the main source was my initial dislike for the game. Now I know not to play in games I don't like.
| colspan="6" | I was correct on catching one of the scum but let go and pushed town, only to end up ending D1 with no elimination. Then I got eliminated on D2, which scum correctly predicted and made me the 8ball. A little shocking for me both that I was the 8ball and that I got miseliminated, as I consider myself to be hard to eliminate as town. Anyhow, town thankfully ended up winning.
The winning town was [[Human Destroyer]], [[Oversoul]], {{U|petapan}}, {{U|Zhero}}, [[Lady Lambdadelta]], [[MattP]], [[Axxle]], {{U|BBMolla}} and [[ChannelDelibird]].

{|class="wikitable" style="width:90%; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"
The winning town was [[Wisdom]], [[Something_Smart]], [[Morning Tweet]], [[House]], [[the worst]] and [[Taly]].
! colspan="6" | <h3 style="none">[ Newbie 1346]</h3>
|- align="center"
! width="14%" | Game Type
! width="14%" | Modded by
! width="14%" | Role
! width="14%" | Entry
! width="16%" | Status
! width="14%" | Outcome
|- align="center"
| Newbie
| [[Nobody Special]]
| {{color|green| Vanilla Townie}}
| Replaced in N3
| {{color|red|Endgamed}}
| {{color|red|Scum win}}
| colspan="6" | I replaced in the night before mylo, a first for me. My initial read through the game gave me a scumread on [[Bacde]]. During mylo, I realized that we had a confirmed townie, [[thenewearth]], so we stopped trying to no-lynch and started the scumhunting. [[fuzzybutternut]] tried to buddy me and argue that Bacde is the scum, while Bacde was convinced that I am the scum. After a long debate with Bacde, he decided to crossvote with fuzzy, which proved I am not scum, however I was stubborn and wanted to lynch Bacde, mostly because I didn't want him to win after all the debate. I convinced thenewearth to hammer him despite his own gut telling him to lynch fuzzy, and in the end he did and we lost, as fuzzy was the scum. I hate lylo.
The winning scum team was [[sirdanilot]] and [[fuzzybutternut]].

{|class="wikitable" style="width:90%; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"
! colspan="6" | <h3 style="none">[ Newbie 1352]</h3>
|- align="center"
! width="14%" | Game Type
! width="14%" | Modded by
! width="14%" | Role
! width="14%" | Entry
! width="16%" | Status
! width="14%" | Outcome
|- align="center"
| Newbie
| [[UberNinja]]
| {{color|green| Vanilla Townie}}
| Replaced in D1
| {{color|green|Survived}}
| {{color|green|Town win}}
| colspan="6" | One of my best town games imo, as not only I didn't attract a single vote for the whole game, but I also correctly read and lynched both scum. I gave 5 townreads upon catching up, all of which were proven correct, as the two scum were in my three null/scum reads. The first scum, {{U|orozorro}} tried to claim doctor, but failed as the actual doctor counterclaimed him, and the second scum, [[Belisarius]] got exposed after killing the top suspect, {{U|Skullduggery}} on N1.
The winning town was [[Wisdom]], [[Majiffy]], {{U|frog}}, {{U|Who}}, {{U|T&#32;S&#32;O}}, {{U|Skullduggery}} and {{U|catboi}}.

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{|class="wikitable" style="width:90%; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"
! colspan="6" | <h3 style="none">[ Micro 165: Vengeful]</h3>
! colspan="6" | <h3 style="none">[ Open 834: Trust Fall]</h3>
|- align="center"
|- align="center"
! width="14%" | Game Type
! width="14%" | Game Type
Line 406: Line 142:
! width="14%" | Role
! width="14%" | Role
! width="14%" | Entry
! width="14%" | Entry
! width="16%" | Status
! width="16%" | Fate
! width="14%" | Outcome
|- align="center"
| Micro
| [[Nexus]]
| {{color|green| Vanilla Townie}}
| Started
| {{color|green|Survived}}
| {{color|green|Town win}}
| colspan="6" | Another good town game from me; I correctly identified both scum as well as who is the godfather and who is the goon. I had a higher scumread on the goon, [[Hiraki]], so I preferred to lynch him over [[Maestro]], who was the more likely GF, on D1; then {{U|orozorro}} got modkilled for breaking a rule and we landed in lylo, where we lynched Maestro for the win.
The winning town was [[Wisdom]] and [[EspeciallyTheLies]].
{|class="wikitable" style="width:90%; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"
! colspan="6" | <h3 style="none">[ Mini 1430 - Pokémon uPick Mafia]</h3>
|- align="center"
! width="14%" | Game Type
! width="14%" | Modded by
! width="14%" | Role
! width="14%" | Entry
! width="16%" | Status
! width="14%" | Outcome
|- align="center"
| Mini Theme
| [[Oversoul]]
| {{color|green| 1-shot Ability Cop}}
| Started
| {{color|red|Endgamed}}
| {{color|red|Scum win}}
| colspan="6" | I was Eevee, 1-shot ability cop. I played my usual superactive trying-to-be-protown game, only to bring about destructive results; I mislynched [[Mac]] after catching him on a "scumslip" (or so I thought), while there were two L-1 wagons on two scum on that day. I got neighborized on N1; After what happened last time, I thought I'll try to be less paranoid with my neighbour, [[Glork]], but I could not: I kept thinking he's scum. We managed to lynch {{U|Seanald}}, one scum, on D3; then we lynched a Vengeful, [[fuzzybutternut]] on D5 who successfully killed [[Baby Spice]], another scum. Then I ended up in lylo (Oh how I love lylo - NOT), with my neighbour Glork and [[serrapaladin]]. I was certain it's serra, and he was certain it's me. We crossvoted. Guess what, it was Glork. Awesome scumplay.
Also I messed up in massclaim; forgot to mention that I am 1-shot and this haunted me till the end.
The winning scum team was [[Glork]], [[Baby Spice]] and {{U|Seanald}}.
{|class="wikitable" style="width:90%; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"
! colspan="6" | <h3 style="none">[ Micro 151: Mafia in New-Newbie Land]</h3>
|- align="center"
! width="14%" | Game Type
! width="14%" | Modded by
! width="14%" | Role
! width="14%" | Entry
! width="16%" | Status
! width="14%" | Outcome
|- align="center"
| Micro
| [[Quilford]]
| {{color|green| Vanilla Townie}}
| Started
| {{color|red|Lynched D3}}
| {{color|red|Scum win}}
| colspan="6" | I began this game with a different playstyle than usual which made people accuse me and wagon me; however I managed to stay alive. I correctly identified [[Majiffy]] as scum after he started misrepping the townies, especially [[Mac]], our roleblocker. We lynched Majiffy and then Mac roleblocked me on a night without a nightkill, which incriminated me. I got lynched, and then town made the wrong decision and lynched a townie in mylo, leading to a scum win.
The winning scum team was [[Majiffy]] and {{U|Jake from State Farm}}.
{|class="wikitable" style="width:90%; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"
! colspan="6" | <h3 style="none">[ Micro 180: Steel Reserve is the Best 40]</h3>
|- align="center"
! width="14%" | Game Type
! width="14%" | Modded by
! width="14%" | Role
! width="14%" | Entry
! width="16%" | Status
! width="14%" | Outcome
|- align="center"
| Micro
| [[borkjerfkin]]
| {{color|green| Vanilla Townie}}
| Started
| {{color|green|Survived}}
| {{color|green|Town win}}
| colspan="6" | Perfect town win. One of the two scum, {{U|ferretlover}}, was pretty bad so we nailed him fast; then his partner, [[JasonWazza]] tried to kill me on N1 only for the doctor, [[Bacde]], to protect me. Then we lynched him and won.
The winning town was [[Wisdom]], [[Bacde]], [[Malakittens]], [[Mac]], [[Nobody Special]], {{U|Alexcellent}} and {{U|Radioactive&#32;Wolf}}.
Said town was also nominated for a '''Best Town Performance''' scummy.
{|class="wikitable" style="width:90%; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"
! colspan="6" | <h3 style="none">[ Open 500 - Popcorn Mafia]</h3>
|- align="center"
! width="14%" | Game Type
! width="14%" | Modded by
! width="14%" | Role
! width="14%" | Entry
! width="16%" | Status
! width="14%" | Outcome
! width="14%" | Outcome
|- align="center"
|- align="center"
| Open
| Open
| [[Human Destroyer]]
| {{U|numberQ}}
| {{color|green| Vanilla Townie}}
| {{color|green| Vanilla Townie}}  
| Started
| Started
| {{color|red|Killed D7}}
| {{color|green| Survived}}
| {{color|green|Town win}}
| {{color|green| Town win}}
| colspan="6" | A nice setup, although townsided. The initial gunbearers, {{U|Oil&#32;Tycoons}}, managed to shoot three out of the four scum in quick succession before going down. Then town started shooting each other, until the gun came to me. I shot {{U|notscience}}, also town, but before I flipped, in twilight, I managed to uncover the last scum, {{U|Kerberos}}, by catching them in their lies. Then notscience shot them and won us the game.
| colspan="6" | Interesting mechanic with no lims, instead you have to trust a townie and leave the game with them, and you want to leave scum unpaired. Lots of paranoia between town, but a few bold trusts from myself and others ensured a town core and eventually we easily won.
The winning town was [[Wisdom]], {{U|KX}}, {{U|notscience}}, [[TheIrishPope]], {{U|Oil&#32;Tycoons}}([[Nachomamma8]] + [[Syryana]]), [[Siveure DtTrikyp]] and {{U|Fegelein}}.

{|class="wikitable" style="width:90%; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"
The winning town was [[Wisdom]], [[Tammy]], {{U|Prism}}, {{U|MafMen}}, {{U|Ydrasse}}, [[Dwlee99]], {{U|cool&#32;cookie}} and {{U|Enchant}}.
! colspan="6" | <h3 style="none">[ Newbie 1366]</h3>
|- align="center"
! width="14%" | Game Type
! width="14%" | Modded by
! width="14%" | Role
! width="14%" | Entry
! width="16%" | Status
! width="14%" | Outcome
|- align="center"
| Newbie
| [[Voidedmafia]]
| {{color|green| Vanilla Townie}}
| Replaced in D1
| {{color|red|Endgamed}}
| {{color|red|Scum win}}
| colspan="6" | One of the last 2of4 newbie games, and it had the same ending as my first one; me as confirmed town in lylo choosing the wrong person. 5p lylo this time, but same thing. D1 was a disaster since a VI decided to claim "PR" after acting scummy, and refused to claim what PR that was, and after being pressured he claimed scum. He was VT. Then we mislynched the IC, [[serrapaladin]], on D2, and it came to D3. [[jmo16mla]] claimed Doctor and {{U|NicCage}} claimed cop, and I didn't know who to believe, both claims looked terrible. In the end I chose to lynch jmo, which was wrong, and lost the game.
The winning scum team was {{U|NicCage}} and [[Klick]].

{|class="wikitable" style="width:90%; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"
! colspan="6" | <h3 style="none">[ Open 503 - POLYGAMY IS EVIL.]</h3>
|- align="center"
! width="14%" | Game Type
! width="14%" | Modded by
! width="14%" | Role
! width="14%" | Entry
! width="16%" | Status
! width="14%" | Outcome
|- align="center"
| Open
| {{U|Xegarus}}
| {{color|red| Mafia Lover}}
| Started
| {{color|green|Survived}}
| {{color|red|Scum win}}
| colspan="6" | I think I played an awesome scumgame. Despite my three scumbuddies being scummy/inactive, I managed to carry the team by buddying [[Nachomamma8]]/[[pirate mollie]] and exploiting my usual town meta of tunneling and whatnot. I figured out the pairs easily and used that to my advantage in order to push a mislynch on [[Voodoo Lady]]/[[Ms Marangal]], who were the easiest pair to mislynch. Marangal tried to resist and got the full scumteam correct in her reads, but she got mislynched anyway. Then [[The Acting Method]] foolishly made a huge deal of someone's play and asked for replacement, which at the end got him mislynched because it appeared fake.
The winning scum team was [[Wisdom]], {{U|absta101}}, [[GuyInFreezer]] and {{U|Nachopappa}}.

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{|class="wikitable" style="width:90%; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"
! colspan="6" | <h3 style="none">[ Open 499: Friends and Enemies and Enemies]</h3>
! colspan="6" | <h3 style="none">[ Mini 2247: Mountain Dew Mafia]</h3>
|- align="center"
|- align="center"
! width="14%" | Game Type
! width="14%" | Game Type
Line 556: Line 165:
! width="14%" | Role
! width="14%" | Role
! width="14%" | Entry
! width="14%" | Entry
! width="16%" | Status
! width="16%" | Fate
! width="14%" | Outcome
! width="14%" | Outcome
|- align="center"
|- align="center"
| Open
| Mini Theme
| {{U|Keybladewielder}}
| [[Cabd]]
| {{color|green| Vanilla Townie}}
| {{color|lblue|''Throwback''}}, {{color|green| Vanilla Townie}}  
| Started
| Started
| {{color|red|Endgamed}}
| {{color|green| Survived}}
| {{color|brown|Werewolf win}}
| {{color|green| Town win}}
| colspan="6" | I caught one of the mafia, [[SoraAdvent]], on D1 and insisted until he was dead, despite him getting replaced. Then I proceeded to tunnel on {{U|theslimer3}} due to his game looking too much like his scumgame. We lynched him very quickly, even ignoring his mason claim, but unfortunately he was an actual mason. The remaining mafia, [[Nachomamma8]], died the following night and we just had to deal with the werewolves. Unfortunately, we lynched the scummiest person in the game, {{U|ferretlover}}, a VI, and gave the win to the wolves.
| colspan="6" | My reads were awful and I stubbornly townread and defended practically all three of the scum D1, despite the IC correctly scumreading all of them. Town listened to her and not me and we did get a scum lim, after which I kind of redeemed myself by figuring out the dead hider's crumb and getting another scumlim. Then on D3 I 1v1'd the last scum for ages before we finally lim'd a limbait VT, but the vig shot the last scum and we won.
The winning scum team was [[Bacde]] and [[Cheery Dog]].

{|class="wikitable" style="width:90%; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"
The winning town was [[Wisdom]], [[Lady Lambdadelta]], {{U|MUSHSHAGANA}}, [[Gamma Emerald]], {{U|Towelie}} ([[borkjerfkin]] + [[notscience]]), {{U|Jada}}, {{U|ssbm_Kyouko}}, {{U|StrangeMatter}}, {{U|Critter}} and [[Something_Smart]].
! colspan="6" | <h3 style="none">[ Mini 1438: Gonzo Mafia]</h3>
|- align="center"
! width="14%" | Game Type
! width="14%" | Modded by
! width="14%" | Role
! width="14%" | Entry
! width="16%" | Status
! width="14%" | Outcome
|- align="center"
| Theme
| [[Majiffy]]
| {{color|green| N3 Doctor}}
| Started
| {{color|red|Killed N1}}
| {{color|red|Scum win}}
| colspan="6" | Another Diffusion of Power game, another N3 role for me, another N1 kill for me. I found it very hard to form scumreads in this game, tunneling a lot on [[Nachomamma8]] and [[pirate mollie]] in the process, both of which were town. I was correct about [[Fate]] being scum after he tunneled on me, however I decided that [[RachMarie]] was the best lynch a few hours before the deadline, and actually got her lynched. Then I died on N1, Fate got lynched, his scumbuddy {{U|kuror0}} also did eventually, but mollie decided wrong in the final two days and let {{U|buldermar}} win the game for the scum.
The winning scum team was {{U|buldermar}}, {{U|kuror0}} and [[Fate]].

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! colspan="6" | <h3 style="none">[ Micro 186: Vengeball]</h3>
|- align="center"
! width="14%" | Game Type
! width="14%" | Modded by
! width="14%" | Role
! width="14%" | Entry
! width="16%" | Status
! width="14%" | Outcome
|- align="center"
| Micro
| [[Cheery Dog]]
| {{color|green| Vengeful Townie}}
| Started
| {{color|red|Vengekilled D1}}
| {{color|green|Town win}}
| colspan="6" | I was kind of terrible; I sheeped [[Jake from State Farm]] onto [[Katsuki]], and tunneled on him, which only made him tunnel him back on me. We eventually lynched him and he was, ofc, town. He vengekilled me. Thankfully town was able to find all four scum and win the game anyway.
The winning town was [[Wisdom]], {{U|MP5}}, [[Siveure DtTrikyp]], {{U|Rift&#32;Adrift}}([[fferyllt]] + [[Syryana]]) and [[Katsuki]].

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{|class="wikitable" style="width:90%; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"
! colspan="6" | <h3 style="none">[  Micro 181: Everyone's being watched]</h3>
! colspan="6" | <h3 style="none">[ Micro 1032: Baton of Desperation]</h3>
|- align="center"
|- align="center"
! width="14%" | Game Type
! width="14%" | Game Type
Line 619: Line 188:
! width="14%" | Role
! width="14%" | Role
! width="14%" | Entry
! width="14%" | Entry
! width="16%" | Status
! width="16%" | Fate
! width="14%" | Outcome
! width="14%" | Outcome
|- align="center"
|- align="center"
| Micro
| Micro (Open)
| [[JasonWazza]]
| [[Kerset]]
| {{color|green| Vanilla Townie}}
| {{color|green| Vanilla Townie}}  
| Started
| Started
| {{color|red|Lynched D3}}
| {{color|red| Endgamed}}
| {{color|red|Scum win}}
| {{color|red| Scum win}}
| colspan="6" | Tunnels, tunnels, more tunnels. And secondguessing. [[Miss Destroyer]] ([[Ms Marangal]] + [[Human Destroyer]]) were the recipients of my tunneling this time, which only caused Mara to tunnel right back at me. A big derp from [[RachMarie]] caused her to easily be mislynched as well. I did secondguess myself and changed my mind about MissD in lylo, and was right about [[Malakittens]] being scum, but the same didn't happen for Mara, who instantly voted me, giving the win to scum. The other scum I would have never guessed though, as [[Grimgroove]] was awesome and I was certain he's town. The main problem though was that the Global Watcher did not use his ability on N1, which was stupid.
The winning scum team was [[Malakittens]] and [[Grimgroove]].
{|class="wikitable" style="width:90%; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"
! colspan="6" | <h3 style="none">[  Newbie 1380]</h3>
|- align="center"
! width="14%" | Game Type
! width="14%" | Modded by
! width="14%" | Role
! width="14%" | Entry
! width="16%" | Status
! width="14%" | Outcome
|- align="center"
| Newbie
| [[Zaicon]]
| {{color|red| Mafia Roleblocker}}
| Replaced in D3
| {{color|green|Survived}}
| {{color|red|Scum win}}
| colspan="6" | Good scumgame. I replaced in lylo, ready to counterclaim the claimed Jailkeeper, [[GuyInFreezer]]. However my predecessor's silence about said claim made me decide against it at the last moment. I fakeclaimed VT and sat back declaring I knew for a fact the remaining players were scum (we also had a conftown Bulletproof, so that left two), waiting until they decide who we will lynch. In the end, they decided to lynch the last VT, {{U|SalmonellaDreams}}, so I just hammered and won.
| colspan="6" | Scumsided setup where we had 24 hours to pass the baton to a townread until one player was left out and eliminated. The short time combined with the setup lacking crucial mafia elements like votes didn't help provide much information, so we lim'd two townies and then I passed the baton to scum on D3 to complete our loss.
The winning scum team was [[Wisdom]] and {{U|Glass}}.

{|class="wikitable" style="width:90%; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"
The winning scumteam was {{U|Clemency}} and {{U|DArby}}.
! colspan="6" | <h3 style="none">[ Micro: 198 Bricklayers in Sicily]</h3>
|- align="center"
! width="14%" | Game Type
! width="14%" | Modded by
! width="14%" | Role
! width="14%" | Entry
! width="16%" | Status
! width="14%" | Outcome
|- align="center"
| Micro
| [[jmo16mla]]
| {{color|green| Vanilla Townie}}
| Started
| {{color|green|Survived}}
| {{color|green|Town win}}
| colspan="6" | Masons and Mafia. Me and [[Sakura Hana]] tunneled on each other D1, until [[Bitmap]] started acting scummy and we started voting him. He used his daykill on me, and suicided. Then I got paranoid on who the other scum is and lynched Sakura anyway. Then I wanted to lynch [[Klick]], but the rest of the town lynched the inactive [[Lincolm]] who was indeed the last scum.
The winning town was [[Wisdom]], [[Klick]], {{U|SafetyDance}}, [[TheIrishPope]] and [[Sakura Hana]].
{|class="wikitable" style="width:90%; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"
! colspan="6" | <h3 style="none">[ Open 504: Masons and Mafia]</h3>
|- align="center"
! width="14%" | Game Type
! width="14%" | Modded by
! width="14%" | Role
! width="14%" | Entry
! width="16%" | Status
! width="14%" | Outcome
|- align="center"
| Open
| {{U|SafetyDance}}
| {{color|green| Vanilla Townie}}
| Started
| {{color|green|Survived}}
| {{color|green|Town win}}
| colspan="6" | When I first went to read the game, it was already D3. No, I didn't replace in. It's just that the first scum, [[Klick]], decided to shoot someone very fast and suicided, and then [[Lucky2u]], a mason, got shot successfully. Then another scum suicided. It was a painful game since me and [[pieceofpecanpie]] were annoyed by each other's attitude. I correctly pegged [[Maestro]] as scum after he went crazy the moment I started suspecting him. He was replaced by {{U|Mutleyddmc}}, who quickly confirmed to me the slot was scum, since his play was nothing like his townplay. We eventually lynched him, then I realized [[2birds1stone]] had to be the last scum because of the agenta he had been pushing that me or [[goodmorning]] have to be scum with Mutley. I had more disagreements and tunneling with pieceofpecanpie, but in the end we did lynch 2birds and won the game. Apparently, both suiciding scum shot me because they thought I am a mason, so I guess I played a very good game as a VT.
The winning town was [[Wisdom]], {{U|penguin_alien}}, [[pieceofpecanpie]], [[TheIrishPope]], [[goodmorning]], [[jmo16mla]], {{U|InHimShallIBe}}, [[Lucky2u]] and {{U|BoroPhil}}.
{|class="wikitable" style="width:90%; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"
! colspan="6" | <h3 style="none">[ Micro 203 - Death Note Mafia]</h3>
|- align="center"
! width="14%" | Game Type
! width="14%" | Modded by
! width="14%" | Role
! width="14%" | Entry
! width="16%" | Status
! width="14%" | Outcome
|- align="center"
| Micro
| {{U|Rob13}}
| {{color|green| Vanilla Townie}}
| Started
| {{color|red|Vig'd D1}}
| {{color|red|Scum win}}
| colspan="6" | I didn't manage to do much this game, since the town 1-shot Dayvig decided to kill me quickly enough. My reads for the short time I lived were wrong however. Scum didn't really have a hard time winning.
The winning scum team was [[Amrun]] and [[Axxle]].

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{|class="wikitable" style="width:90%; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"
! colspan="6" | <h3 style="none">[ Micro 204 - A Shadow Over Scumville]</h3>
! colspan="6" | <h3 style="none">[ Micro 1033: XD]</h3>
|- align="center"
|- align="center"
! width="14%" | Game Type
! width="14%" | Game Type
Line 726: Line 210:
! width="14%" | Role
! width="14%" | Role
! width="14%" | Entry
! width="14%" | Entry
! width="16%" | Status
! width="16%" | Fate
! width="14%" | Outcome
! width="14%" | Outcome
|- align="center"
|- align="center"
| Micro
| Micro (Open)
| {{U|Phenenas}}
| [[Kerset]]
| {{color|green| Vanilla Townie}}
| {{color|red| Mafia Goon}}  
| Started
| Started
| {{color|red|Endgamed}}
| {{color|red| Survived}}
| {{color|purple|Cult win}}
| {{color|red| Scum win}}
| colspan="6" | I wanted to be cult, no such luck. This town was so bad. We lynched two townies after it was obvious they're town. Then I caught {{U|Disturbed_One}} when he tried to lynch me over the one who had counterclaimed his role, and afterwards {{U|Mantisdreamz}} spotted another scumslip of his. We were certain the scumteam is Disturbed and [[RedCoyote]], however we managed to become paranoid due to the scumminess of {{U|FuDuzn}}, and decided to vote him in the end.
| colspan="6" | Obvtown'd easily and carefully led lims on three townies while avoiding the evil jester who was trying to get lim'd (and almost did a few times). Not without getting paranoid about who the jester is, of course, but all good.

The winning scum team was {{U|Disturbed_One}} and [[RedCoyote]].
The winning scumteam was [[Wisdom]] and {{U|Anastasia}}.

{|class="wikitable" style="width:90%; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"
{|class="wikitable" style="width:90%; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"
! colspan="6" | <h3 style="none">[ Mini 1479: Perpetual MyLo II]</h3>
! colspan="6" | <h3 style="none">[ Manatee's Pokemon Large Theme]</h3>
|- align="center"
|- align="center"
! width="14%" | Game Type
! width="14%" | Game Type
Line 748: Line 232:
! width="14%" | Role
! width="14%" | Role
! width="14%" | Entry
! width="14%" | Entry
! width="16%" | Status
! width="16%" | Fate
! width="14%" | Outcome
! width="14%" | Outcome
|- align="center"
|- align="center"
| Mini Theme
| Large Theme
| [[Wickedestjr]], {{U|Rob13}}
| [[Kerset]]
| {{color|green| Vanilla Townie}}
| {{color|lblue|''Clamperl -> Huntail''}}, {{color|green| Modified Follower}}  
| Started
| Started
| {{color|green|Survived}}
| {{color|red| Eliminated D5}}
| {{color|green|Town win}}
| {{color|red| Scum win}}
| colspan="6" | 5 scum and 7 town? I decided to act scummy and judge reactions. I got some good reads, however I did not understand how {{U|sangres}} could read {{U|better&#32;than&#32;nachos}} so easily and was not sure about which is scum for a while. Scum (and some town) tried to get me lynched a few times but failed. In the end we lynched three scum in a row and won. I was especially happy for my [[N]] scumread being right, which I was certain about but nobody was listening to me.
| colspan="6" | My role worked as follows; I started as a Clamperl and the longer I took to evolve, the more targets I would then be able to target with my follower ability. As such I used up three nights, two to add extra targets and one to evolve, and finally used my ability on three targets on N4. Meanwhile, the game was going great, my reads were very good and we lim'd three scum in those four days, leaving just one for me to catch. Which I did, one of my three targets was the remaining scum. Game over, right? Nope! I was quicklim'd for no reason on the following day, within 2 hours, without being able to post my guilty, and the remaining scum managed to survive not one, not two, FIVE more days before winning in elo.

The winning town was [[Wisdom]], {{U|sangres}}([[Nachomamma8]] + [[fferyllt]]), {{U|Mutleyddmc}}, {{U|AdoboNation}}([[Ms Marangal]] + [[thenewearth]]), [[TheIrishPope]], [[GuyInFreezer]] and {{U|Metal&#32;Sonic}}. Said town was also nominated for a '''Best Town Performance''' scummy.
The winning scumteam was [[PookyTheMagicalBear]], [[Imaginality]], [[Dwlee99]] and {{U|Woolax}} ([[Micc]] + [[the worst]])

{|class="wikitable" style="width:90%; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"
{|class="wikitable" style="width:90%; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"
! colspan="6" | <h3 style="none">[ Open 514: Monks and Masons in Serona]</h3>
! colspan="6" | <h3 style="none">[ Shakespeare uPick]</h3>
|- align="center"
|- align="center"
! width="14%" | Game Type
! width="14%" | Game Type
Line 770: Line 254:
! width="14%" | Role
! width="14%" | Role
! width="14%" | Entry
! width="14%" | Entry
! width="16%" | Status
! width="16%" | Fate
! width="14%" | Outcome
! width="14%" | Outcome
|- align="center"
|- align="center"
| Open
| Large Theme
| [[fferyllt]]
| [[fferyllt]]
| {{color|green| Vanilla Townie}}
| {{color|lblue|''Shylock''}}, {{color|green| Potion Vendor}}  
| Replaced in D1
| {{color|red|Killed N1}}
| {{color|red|Mafia win}}
| colspan="6" | I was my obvtown self this game, despite my predecessor having been scummy. I correctly pegged [[Malakittens]] as scum, I was very wrong about [[Ms Marangal]] and [[Sakura Hana]] though. I also heavily WKed [[goodmorning]] at first, until I changed my mind later (and was correct to do so). Malakittens killed me on N1 - I pegged 3 out of the 4 scum in the reads I gave upon arriving to the Dead QT. Town did lynch goodmorning the following day, but failed to lynch Malakittens, who in the end won the game for the Mafia.
The winning scum team was [[Malakittens]] and {{U|DrCirno}}.
{|class="wikitable" style="width:90%; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"
! colspan="6" | <h3 style="none">[ Mini 1468: Legends of the Hidden Temple]</h3>
|- align="center"
! width="14%" | Game Type
! width="14%" | Modded by
! width="14%" | Role
! width="14%" | Entry
! width="16%" | Status
! width="14%" | Outcome
|- align="center"
| Open
| [[Haschel Cedricson]]
| {{color|green| Vanilla Townie}}
| Started
| Started
| {{color|red|Endgamed}}
| {{color|red| Won and exited D6}}
| {{color|red|Scum win}}
| {{color|red| Scum and Shylock win}}
| colspan="6" | A tiring, nightless game. I was my obvtown self since there was no way scum could kill me, to the point of changing my mind all the time and showing my thought processes inthread. The game was a clusterfuck though, with most of the town being really bad. [[Venmar]] was especially bad, quickhammering [[Majiffy]] on the day before lylo because he was bored, despite [[pirate mollie]] being obvscum. And on top of that, he challenged me in lylo.
| colspan="6" | I had two win conditions; I could win with town, or manage to gather 12 gold coins, at which point I'd leave the game a winner. To achieve this I had to sell potions. For the first two nights people did not want to buy my potions though, and on the third I was blocked. Thankfully, I did sell on the next two nights and managed to win that way. Which was for the best, as the town managed to lose the game despite three early scum lims.

The winning scum team was [[AngryPidgeon]], [[qwints]], [[pirate mollie]] and [[Nobody Special]].
The winning scumteam was {{U|Icebox}} ([[Bell]] + [[GuyInFreezer]]), {{U|Enchant}}, {{U|Galron}} and {{U|Juliet&#32;Capulet}}. The winning Shylock was [[Wisdom]].

{|class="wikitable" style="width:90%; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"
<!--== Games I didn't complete ==
! colspan="6" | <h3 style="none">[ Newbie 1402]</h3>
|- align="center"
! width="14%" | Game Type
! width="14%" | Modded by
! width="14%" | Role
! width="14%" | Entry
! width="16%" | Status
! width="14%" | Outcome
|- align="center"
| Newbie
| [[Malakittens]]
| {{color|red| Mafia Goon}}
| Replaced in D1
| {{color|green|Survived}}
| {{color|red|Scum win}}
| colspan="6" | A usual newbie scumgame - I played good and was considered obvtown. I was mostly voting my partner, [[notscience]], throughout the game, but never got him lynched. I picked up a PR slip by a newbie who was eager to end the day, and killed him N1, eliminating the Town Cop, town's only PR. I let the town mislynch [[RachMarie]] and then led a lynch on {{U|Edosurist}} in lylo, winning a perfect game for the Mafia.

The winning scum team was [[Wisdom]] and [[notscience]].
No games yet.-->
== Abandoned Games ==
{|class="wikitable" style="width:90%; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"
! colspan="6" | <h3 style="none">[ Mini 1443: Pokemon Nuzlocke Mafia]</h3>
|- align="center"
! width="14%" | Game Type
! width="14%" | Modded by
! width="14%" | Role
! width="14%" | Entry
! width="16%" | Status
! width="14%" | Outcome
|- align="center"
| Theme
| {{U|Guy_Named_Riggs}}
| {{color|green| Vanilla Townie}}
| Started
| {{color|grey|N/A}}
| {{color|grey|Abandoned}}
| colspan="6" | It was a promising game, with an interesting mechanic that included battling the other players with our Pokemon during the nights, but the mod had to leave and the game got abandoned. We did lynch scum D1 however, and I did learn that the speed of a wagon does not always mean that it's on town.


Latest revision as of 15:39, 24 December 2021

Main Page Games Modded Games Achievements Avatars

Ongoing games

Black background indicates games I'm dead in.

Gold background indicates games being played in a hydra.

Game Mod Phase Hydra?

Completed games

Micro 1028: True Love

Game Type Modded by Role Entry Fate Outcome
Micro (Open) lilith2013 Mafia Lover Replaced in D1 Survived Mafia win
First time rolling scum in this setup. Managed to fool my lover and the town into townreading me for the most part (they were paranoid at times) and led two eliminations on the T/T pairs to flawlessly win the game.

The winning scum team was Wisdom and Dunnstral.

Mini Normal 2236: Lemon Demon

Game Type Modded by Role Entry Fate Outcome
Mini Normal DkKoba Vanilla Townie Replaced in D1 Killed N1 Mafia win
After a long two year hiatus I replaced in a game and helped identifying and eliminating two out of the three scum, getting shot on N1 for my efforts, like every good VT should. However the third scum had other plans and managed to survive until the end and win the game.

The winning scum team was Titus, Alchemist21 and Little Green Wheels.

The Deck of Astral Roles II: Expanded Universe

Game Type Modded by Role Entry Fate Outcome
Large Theme TemporalLich Dark Creature Master of Deceit Started Eliminated D3 Town and Astral win
I played a good game on D1 but then I got kidnapped by a werewolf meaning I could not post at all for both D2 and D3, and I got rolecopped by town. Even so I believe I could turn it around when I would finally be able to post, but my buddy decided to hardbus me so I didn't get such a chance. Then he didn't do so well himself, getting gladiated and eliminated next.

The winning town was MegAzumarill, Almost50, Selynee, Titus, Toogeloo, lendunistus, Flea The Magician, PookyTheMagicalBear and Galron. The winning Astral Creature was Not Known 15.

Open 830: Painters and Lies

Game Type Modded by Role Entry Fate Outcome
Open T3 Blue Mafia Painter Started Survived Blue Mafia and Red Mafia win
This setup turned to extremely scumsided after we eliminated town, then both scumteams also shot a townie, leaving only two townies against four scum. The fact the scumteams could win together on tie led to us just cooperating and eliminating the other two townies (although one of them tried to confuse us by claiming scum).

The winning scumteams were Wisdom and HockeyFan, as well as Cycle Men and Enchant.

Micro 1029: 8-Ball

Game Type Modded by Role Entry Fate Outcome
Micro (Open) Save The Dragons Vanilla Townie Started Eliminated D2 Town win
I was correct on catching one of the scum but let go and pushed town, only to end up ending D1 with no elimination. Then I got eliminated on D2, which scum correctly predicted and made me the 8ball. A little shocking for me both that I was the 8ball and that I got miseliminated, as I consider myself to be hard to eliminate as town. Anyhow, town thankfully ended up winning.

The winning town was Wisdom, Something_Smart, Morning Tweet, House, the worst and Taly.

Open 834: Trust Fall

Game Type Modded by Role Entry Fate Outcome
Open numberQ Vanilla Townie Started Survived Town win
Interesting mechanic with no lims, instead you have to trust a townie and leave the game with them, and you want to leave scum unpaired. Lots of paranoia between town, but a few bold trusts from myself and others ensured a town core and eventually we easily won.

The winning town was Wisdom, Tammy, Prism, MafMen, Ydrasse, Dwlee99, cool cookie and Enchant.

Mini 2247: Mountain Dew Mafia

Game Type Modded by Role Entry Fate Outcome
Mini Theme Cabd Throwback, Vanilla Townie Started Survived Town win
My reads were awful and I stubbornly townread and defended practically all three of the scum D1, despite the IC correctly scumreading all of them. Town listened to her and not me and we did get a scum lim, after which I kind of redeemed myself by figuring out the dead hider's crumb and getting another scumlim. Then on D3 I 1v1'd the last scum for ages before we finally lim'd a limbait VT, but the vig shot the last scum and we won.

The winning town was Wisdom, Lady Lambdadelta, MUSHSHAGANA, Gamma Emerald, Towelie (borkjerfkin + notscience), Jada, ssbm_Kyouko, StrangeMatter, Critter and Something_Smart.

Micro 1032: Baton of Desperation

Game Type Modded by Role Entry Fate Outcome
Micro (Open) Kerset Vanilla Townie Started Endgamed Scum win
Scumsided setup where we had 24 hours to pass the baton to a townread until one player was left out and eliminated. The short time combined with the setup lacking crucial mafia elements like votes didn't help provide much information, so we lim'd two townies and then I passed the baton to scum on D3 to complete our loss.

The winning scumteam was Clemency and DArby.

Micro 1033: XD

Game Type Modded by Role Entry Fate Outcome
Micro (Open) Kerset Mafia Goon Started Survived Scum win
Obvtown'd easily and carefully led lims on three townies while avoiding the evil jester who was trying to get lim'd (and almost did a few times). Not without getting paranoid about who the jester is, of course, but all good.

The winning scumteam was Wisdom and Anastasia.

Manatee's Pokemon Large Theme

Game Type Modded by Role Entry Fate Outcome
Large Theme Kerset Clamperl -> Huntail, Modified Follower Started Eliminated D5 Scum win
My role worked as follows; I started as a Clamperl and the longer I took to evolve, the more targets I would then be able to target with my follower ability. As such I used up three nights, two to add extra targets and one to evolve, and finally used my ability on three targets on N4. Meanwhile, the game was going great, my reads were very good and we lim'd three scum in those four days, leaving just one for me to catch. Which I did, one of my three targets was the remaining scum. Game over, right? Nope! I was quicklim'd for no reason on the following day, within 2 hours, without being able to post my guilty, and the remaining scum managed to survive not one, not two, FIVE more days before winning in elo.

The winning scumteam was PookyTheMagicalBear, Imaginality, Dwlee99 and Woolax (Micc + the worst)

Shakespeare uPick

Game Type Modded by Role Entry Fate Outcome
Large Theme fferyllt Shylock, Potion Vendor Started Won and exited D6 Scum and Shylock win
I had two win conditions; I could win with town, or manage to gather 12 gold coins, at which point I'd leave the game a winner. To achieve this I had to sell potions. For the first two nights people did not want to buy my potions though, and on the third I was blocked. Thankfully, I did sell on the next two nights and managed to win that way. Which was for the best, as the town managed to lose the game despite three early scum lims.

The winning scumteam was Icebox (Bell + GuyInFreezer), Enchant, Galron and Juliet Capulet. The winning Shylock was Wisdom.