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2023 Scummies

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Overview of the 2023 Scummies and Mashies Awards
Name: Reason: Winner: Games & Links:
Paragon of Mafia Hunters Best Scum Catcher jjh927 Datisi's University, Mini Normal 2314 - The Mafia Have a Cop, and Open 889 Secrets of the Anuket Topaz
Moment of Brilliance Best Town Performance Andresvmb Datisi's University
Don Corelone Most Cunning Manipulator Black Open 892, Open 885, and countless Newbie Games
Goodfellas Best Mafia Team NorwegianBoyEE, Shirou, T-Bone, and Gimli Legends of the Business Company
Modfather Best Moderator Alianna
Rube Goldberg Best Setup Isis Toriel's Patience
Mad Scientist Best Mutation Korina Weird Dreams Mafia and Weird Dreams Mafia Redux
Paperback Writer Best Flavour fferyllt Star Trek Upick
Rising Star Best Up-And-Comer Black
White Knight Best Replacement Gimli Legends of the Buisness Company
Hannibal Lecter Best Third Party Enchant Datisi's University
Kodak Moment Most Memorable Moment Doctor Drew and Ircher DEFCON 6.0
Mashtermind Best General Mish Mash Game (Mashie) CreativeMod1, Ariel, and Noraa Taskmaster Season 2
Best Social Game Best Large Social Game (Mashie) VashtaNeurotic, BipolarChemist, and Gypyx Survivor: Lights Camera Action
Smash Mouth Best Overall Mish Mash Player (Mashie) Ariel
Best Mish Mash Newbie Best New Mish Mash Player (Mashie) stoive
Mashterstroke Most memorable moment in any Mish Mash game/LSG (Mashie) the worst, Mina, and ORAM Taskmaster S2, Ep5
Game of the Year Most Enjoyable Game Alisae Pokemon Battles 2
Post of the Year Best Post hellbooks readlist in micro 1089
Community Contributor Best Site Contributor Ausuka