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The largest wiki for the Game of Mafia on the web.
We have a total of 4,995 articles.

About Mafia...


"In the peaceful Sicilian village of Salem, a dark presence is about to make itself known. For years, the family based crime organization known as the Mafia has been establishing itself in the foundation of the community. Until now, the naive citizens have been unaware of the evil among them. Tonight, however, the Mafia makes its move. Tonight, someone will die, and until the Mafia has eliminated all opposition, the innocent will continue to die. Unless, of course, the Mafia is destroyed first..."

The above is a typical opening for the game called Mafia (Also known as "Werewolves of Miller's Hollow" or "Town of Salem"). The game can be played by an indeterminate group of people, each playing the role of either a murdering Mafia member or an innocent townsperson, along with a game moderator. At the beginning of the game, Night falls, and the Mafia family members become aware of each other (by communication from the moderator). They then choose a victim, and the moderator announces the death scene. When Day breaks, the town must try to weed out the evil by eliminating someone they suspect to be mafia.

The game of Mafia (in Meat World) is usually run with playing cards representing the possible roles in the game. The moderator secretly distributes the cards to the players, then has everyone put their head down/close their eyes. During the Night, the moderator "wakes up" the mafia, and they silently choose a victim. During the Day, everyone discusses, argues, swears, and eventually votes for someone to eliminate. The cycle repeats until the endgame.

MafiaScum, however, is devoted to the online version of the game. The history of can be traced back to a game moderated by mith in August 2000 on the Grey Labyrinth, a puzzle website. Due to the success and growth of the game on the GL, mith started as a dedicated forum in March 2002. Online Mafia has the potential for more strategy and subtlety because it removes most of the possibility for cheating and provides players with a chance to form suspicion based on logic and voting patterns instead of facial expression. It also has the potential for just as many (if not more) laughs, because the players can act however they like, no matter how shy they might be in real life.

For more information on the game check out this article: Game of Mafia

Getting Started...

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To get yourself into a game the first thing you will have to do is go to our forum. You need to register an account with us in order to do almost anything, the link to register is in the top right corner of the index-page. Please be aware that to register an account you will need a valid e-mail address, as it is required to try and filter out a few of those darn Chinese bots.
All of our sign-up threads for games are found in the Queue subforum. To join a game, post something along the lines of "/in" in its signup thread. You will be assigned to a player list, and when the list is full, you will be instructed further on where to go and what to do. If you're new to the site, we don't recommend joining a lot of games at once in case you lose interest and flake out of all of them later on. If you decide that you want to abandon a sign-up list before you are assigned to a game, post "/out".
For more details and information please read this guide: Quick Guide to Mafiascum

Featured role...

This month's featured role (well, modifier) is Loyal!

Loyal is a resolution modifier that causes actions to fail if they target someone who isn't aligned with you.

Loyal is a very versatile modifier that can give a role clues to player's alignments. A role that significantly benefits from the Loyal modifier is the Fruit Vendor, allowing claimed fruit to be turned into clears.

Loyal also has a flipped variant known as Disloyal, which causes actions to fail if they target someone who is aligned with you.

If you want a modifier that gives every role an investigative twist, why not consider Loyal?

Featured setup...

This month's featured setup is Toriel's Patience!

Toriel's Patience is an Undertale-themed open setup that has won the Rube Goldberg award during the 2023 Scummies.

Toriel's Patience starts off as a nightless setup. After Day 2 happens, the next phase is Day 2.5 where players must vote for Fight or Mercy. If Mercy is voted, eliminations are replaced with sparing and the Town must spare four townies while trying not to spare two mafia members. If Fight is voted, eliminations will continue to happen as normal. After Day 2.5 is Day 3, a short day phase where Toriel is eliminated or spared. After Day 3, Day 4 happens and the game is no longer nightless from that point on.

The setup is nearly mountainous, with the only power role being Toriel. The player who is Toriel is revealed at the start of the game. Toriel cannot be voted out even though Toriel's alignment is not known. Toriel is a Doublevoter on Day 1, has normal vote power on Day 2, and is Voteless after Day 2.

If you like choices that matter, this is the setup for you!

Help us out!

Without contributers this wiki wouldn't exist! Help us out by creating articles on mafia theory, keeping things tidy and organised, and producing content covering anything to do with mafia. Every little helps and we couldn't do this without the aid of others. To find ways you can help out either check the wiki-thread here or read the to-do lists here.

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