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Simple Normal

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Simple is a type of Normal game, introduced in the October 2023 Normal Update on Simple games are intended to provide an experience of a basic Mafia game with minimal complexity and focus on mechanical discussions. This type of game is very suitable for new players, and is also enjoyed by many more experienced players. Please use this page to learn what is and is not allowed in Simple games.


  • Simple Games may only use the roles and modifiers listed above.
    • Roles may not be hybrid. In Simple Games, most players should be Vanilla Townies - although there is not a hard floor here - and non-Vanilla roles must have one role and a maximum of one modifier.
    • Macho is a passive role, but can be treated as a modifier for the purpose of Simple games. For example, Macho Cop is legal, but Bulletproof Cop is not.
    • No duplicate roles are allowed.
    • Vigilantes are not allowed in Micro games.
    • No third parties, including Serial Killers, and no multiball - there can be only one Mafia faction.
    • There should not be any additional information in the opening posts of Simple games.
    • Flavor should be minimal or nonexistent.
    • Games which technically follow Simple rules may still be more suited to a different Compartment or Queue. For example, if reviewers feel that a game does not meet their standards of what should be considered Simple, they may change the game to be Regular.

Prior to running, all Normal Games are subject to a mandatory review by the Normal Review Group. To learn more about this process, visit this page.

Simple Games must follow all rules of Normal Games.

Setup Rules

    • Flips do not reveal private information, such as Mafia partners or investigation results.
    • Roles may not self-target, including roles like Doctor.

Role Descriptions

Role Description Alignment
 Vanilla No abilities. Town version is called Vanilla Townie, and Mafia version is called Mafia Goon. Any
 Bodyguard Protects a player at night - if they are targeted by a kill, the Bodyguard dies instead. Any
 Bulletproof Will survive any nightkills targeting them. Any
 Cop Investigates a player at night to find their alignment. Town Only
 Doctor Protects a player at night from a nightkill. Any
 Friendly Neighbor Targets a player at night. That player is informed that the Friendly Neighbor is Town. Town Only
 Gunsmith Investigates a player at night to learn if they have a gun. This is based on their role. Most mafia members have guns and most Town members don't, but please check the Gunsmith page for more details. Any
 Innocent Child Can confirm themselves as Town upon request to the moderator. Town Only
 Jailkeeper Protects a player at night and prevents them from using any abilities. Any
 Juggernaut When this player performs the factional kill, it cannot be prevented. Mafia Only
 Macho Cannot be protected from nightkills. Any
 Mason There must be at least two Masons if one exists. Masons know other Masons are Town and can communicate with them in a Private Topic. Town Only
 Neapolitan Investigates a player at night to learn whether or not they are a Vanilla Townie. Any
 Neighborizer Targets a player at night to add them to a Private Topic where they can communicate. Any
 Roleblocker Roleblocks a player at night to prevent them from using any abilities. Any
 Rolecop Investigates a player at night to learn their role, but not their alignment. Any
 Tracker Tracks a player at night to learn who - if anyone - they visited. Any
 Vanilla Cop Investigates a player at night to learn if they are Vanilla or not. Any
 Vigilante Kills a player at night. Town Only
 Watcher Watches a player at night to learn who - if anyone - visited them. Any

Modifier Descriptions

Role Description Alignment
 X-Shot Can only use its ability X amount of times. Any
 Novice Cannot use its ability on Night 1. Any
 Odd-Night/Even-Night Can only use its ability on odd numbered or even numbered nights. Any