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Survivor: The Real Theme Was Inside Us All Along

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Survivor: The Real Theme Was Inside Us All Along
Year: 2020
ORG/LSG Format: MafiaScum-Hosted
Type: Non-Anonymous
Players: 32
Moderator(s): PrivateI, D3f3nd3r, Cheery Dog
LSG List Mod: xofelf
Winner(s): zoraster
Runner-Up(s): Bellaphant, ScootsBaboo
Standard classification.

Survivor: TRTWIUAA was the largest Survivor game in the history of the site. It did not have a set maximum amount of players it would accept, and featured several newer players on its cast. In order to keep the pace up, it utilized a lot of rounds with multiple eliminations in the premerge. zoraster defeated fellow finalists Bellaphant and ScootsBaboo in a 5-2-0 jury vote. zoraster also won the "Sia's Fan Favourite Award," which was given by spectator vote.


Player Placement
NotAJumbleOfNumbers 31st
Kaiserjosh 31st
Dweller 28th
Piggygal15 28th
Formerfish 28th
racefan12 25th
Acfan 25th
CreativeMod1 25th
Jay Elsa Jay 23rd
Chemist1422 23rd
Anskyfan20 21st
Klick 21st
Iprobablysuck 20th
Utahstate4lyfe 19th
0verki11 18th
Lady Lambdadelta 17th
BROseidon 16th
hiplop 15th
panthaleon 14th
Brom 12th
panzerjager 12th
Jamelia 11th
1st Juror
McMenno 10th
2nd Juror
Haschel Cedricson 9th
3rd Juror
VashtaNeurotic 8th
4th Juror
entreri 7th
5th Juror
Radja 6th
6th Juror
het 5th
7th Juror
DeasVail 4th
8th Juror
ScootsBaboo 3rd
2nd Runner-up
Bellaphant 2nd
1st Runner-up
zoraster 1st
Sole Survivor


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Round 1

The Real

A surprisingly well-developed tribe given they haven't been to tribal yet! We've already had competing alliance offers, along with a clear narrative contrasting Vets and Newbies in a way that gives good potential for positive/negative edits. There are a few filler boots here, but I don’t think that will stop any tribals from being interesting, especially if Lexi ends up on the block earlier than some of the more inactive players.

Theme Was

This tribe was practically invisible this episode. Due to only having one source of information from here, there are a bunch of players we know nothing or next to nothing about and it’s very difficult to tell how a tribal would go. It’s a shame, because there are some interesting players here, we’re just not getting enough information on what they’re doing.

Inside Us

Inside Us immediately has a very clear majority alliance thanks to Hiplop, with Vash and Racefan on the outside. If I had to bet, I would say Racefan would go should the tribe go to another TC, but the line in the sand is likely to stir considerable resistance from the two on the outside, and especially if the tribe goes to two TCs I think there’s considerable potential of a blindside here.

All Along

This is a tribe without major alliance blocks so far, majorly consisting of 6 relatively strong players and 2 weaker newbies who are very clearly on the outs - despite their tribal being more exciting than expected, the end result was just a flip on which newbie went home. If they go to TC again, the next boot seems likely to be dweller, but there’s definitely potential for the unexpected to happen if either players were spooked by Pants’ determination to keep him in the game, or if Pants tries to save him again.

Round 2

The Real

The Real gets its first tribal with… no major surprises. It’s a tribe set to set the stage for a great deal of the major characters of the game, but it’s also looking like a fairly united one which still has obvious boots on the outside of the main alliances - for now. If they swap now, the tribe unity could have given these players the best start of anyone, but Zoraster’s uneasiness with the status quo has the potential to make a future tribal very interesting if they end up going to one.

Theme Was

What turned out to be by far the most interesting tribal of the round was almost ruined by a lack of information about it, but thankfully Jamelia stepped up and provided a better overview of the situation than the rest of his tribe combined did (!). It is however pretty much impossible to tell where this tribe will go from here, just because we were only really told about events going on right now and not about where players stand in the tribe as a whole at the moment. Another tribal could be fantastic - provided the players decide to talk to us about what’s going on.

Inside Us

After the big blindside last round, Inside Us gets a break from tribal, welcomed by some but not all. More time is exactly what the outsiders need to make inroads and try to redraw or erase the line in the sand, and that’s exactly what the focus here was on. We’ll see how successful it was if they return to Tribal.

All Along

There are a lot of players willing to make big moves on this tribe, and it seems like the tribe unity could be close to collapsing as opportunities to take out threats are starting to arise. That didn’t culminate this round, but it did start to be put in place and only fizzled out because a player asked to be voted out. That’s not going to happen again in future, everyone left is here to play.

Round 3

The Real

Another tribal avoided in The Real, but which saw some interesting developments nonetheless. Although there’s some talk of big moves, it seems likely that future votes will still be on the outsiders to the initial alliance - but which of those outsiders gets booted could have a huge impact, and that’s what most of the discussion this round focused on.

Theme Was

A very interesting tribal here, ending with a bang - but not the bang I think most people wanted to see. The fact that we very nearly saw the character with the perceived strongest game on the tribe go home speaks volumes as to why it’s important to have more than one perspective on what’s going on, and as to why nobody on this tribe has been on the contenders list. Thankfully, we’re (very slowly) getting more confessionals from other players here.

Inside Us

The real focus here was on whether all that discussion between Het and Vash would result in any flip, and indeed everything else seemed to be a backdrop to that this round. Ultimately, it seemed to save Vash from the block but with Het unwilling to flip against Kilby, Vash is still in a pretty terrible spot here and is definitely right to be hoping for a swap.

All Along

One hell of a tribal and one hell of a big player gone, but overall not an unexpected result. All Along saved their tribe from cracking entirely by ganging up on the player looking for the cracks, but a lot of the tribe put their villainous side on display in the process, and that could have a big impact on how future votes shape up, especially since nobody seemed to have much of a reason to vote anyone else prior to CM1’s stirring the pot.

Round 4


Looking at episode 3’s edgics for this tribe’s members show that it could well be the next Theme Was in terms of the edit; a lot of heavily UTR characters with our view on the tribe relying on the few good narrators in the bunch. It’s hard to tell exactly what’s going to happen here as a result, although the big story of the round - Kilby’s unsuccessful push to keep Chemist - indicates that he may well be in trouble should the tribe go back to TC.


This tribe seems to have a solid alliance of 3 on each side (McMenno, LLD, Panzer vs Het, Klick, Entreri) with 2 swing votes in the middle, each of whom are working individually and looking to work with different sides. It’s a very interesting dynamic that’s sure to lead to an intense tribal council should this tribe go, although all of our reliable narrators being on the same side could cause us to have a warped perspective of what’s going on here.


This is a tribe full of characters and was a particularly hard one to edgic because you can’t really CP half of a tribe in a single round, despite them deserving it here. In terms of gameplay, the old The Real tribe members are solidly in charge here because of their numbers, their strong overall social game, and their stability - and I would suspect they continue to stick together and pick and choose who goes home, but the talk of potentially turning on Scoots is not something to overlook and this is something to watch in future tribals.

Round 5


This is the moment where, in actual Survivor, we all go shout that the show is being edited terribly. A tribe can’t really have given so little content as to justify complete invisibility, right? In this case, yes, they did - I genuinely think that were we editing a show out of this, we’d have one moment of Pants fighting his inner demons, one moment of Kilby just going ‘I’m in danger’, and then never show any of them again for the rest of the episode. I’m not even sure what to write about the tribe dynamic here. It’s reasonable to assume Kilby is still in trouble if they head to another TC, but we haven’t heard enough of anything to know.


This round sees the departure of one of our edgic favourites, as despite Brom’s defection the majority holds firm and successfully ousts Klick. The infighting of the ‘minority’ (that wasn’t a minority until Klick’s departure) is the story of the episode, and creates its own heroes and villains - all of whom are under threat going forward, as while the majority of 4 are very much in the background from an edit perspective, they are fully in control of the tribe and I would be very surprised if any of them went home should this tribe go back to TC.


Harmoniable’s tribal was all about the future. While there was some push to save Anskyfan, it wasn’t for Anskyfan; it was much more about setting up a way to keep Vash in the game. With this result, another tribal could see a 3-3 as Scoots is closer to DK/OK while Zor and DV are prepared to side with Vash. Something to watch for sure, and if it does cause a split, this could be a major battlefield for the game’s top contenders (although admittedly, they themselves would likely not be in danger).

Round 6: Not somebody you want in your majority alliance


On this new tribe, we had Panzerjager quickly propose a majority alliance of himself, Jamelia, McMenno, Radja, panthaleon, and Bellaphant. This alliance is hardly secret for long. Bellaphant and Jamelia appear to be swing voters, with those left out of that proposed majority seeming to want to work with them. Brom, Bellaphant, Radja, and panthaleon give up their opportunity to get the idol and secure the tribe immunity, while Jamelia skilfully nabs the idol.


Much like on Mafia, we have an immediate proposal for a 6-person majority alliance! Here, IPS wants to work with Lady Lambdadelta, 0verki11, Zoraster, het, and entreri, but in turn, there is an immediate desire to subvert it from Overki11. The other largest faction appears to be the former Theme Was and Inside Us tribe members, though there's a number of smaller clusters as well. Zoraster adds some spice to the round by framing hiplop as finding the idol. BROseidon is intially targeted within IPS's alliance, but it is IPS himself that is voted out unanimously.

Round 7: I'd rather die fighting than just get picked off next round


Per our main narrator on this tribe for this episode, "all the action's probably going to happen if we do go to Tribal and not before then." Which is to say, things are kind of stagnant from the last episode, and the edit is super imbalanced. lol


For the Scum tribe, this round was incredibly complex. The vote target changed so many times that it would probably be easier to define who wasn't targeted at some point than who was. entreri seemed to be most apparently on the bottom of the tribe to begin with. zoraster and Haschel worked to engineer a counter-push for Utahstate4lyfe. There was a failed attempt to pit 0verki11 versus het. Haschel Cedricson and Lady Lambdadelta were also certainly under fire at times. Both 0verki11 and Lady Lambdadelta made fake claims about having the idol. Het was the ultimate swing vote. We sadly lost a rootable newbie in Utahstate4lyfe, setting the stage for the next round's highly intense public drama. I'm just going to make almost half the tribe CP because the other tribe was so boring. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Round 8: anyone wanna get in a public fight


Not only was Matsing the only tribe that attended TC this episode, they were the primary targets of some intense public thread drama. Haschel Cedricson and zoraster were accused of being particularly responsible for “newbie decimation.” 0verki11 also received a number of public callouts by Lesu tribe members seeking to damage his reputation and protect potential future allies in former Mafia tribe members DeasVeil and VashtaNeurotic. Tribal lines were not primarily based on former Mafia and Scum designations, however. het and zoraster appear to be Matsing’s top dogs, and though VashtaNeurotic and Haschel Cedricson are suggested as options, 0verki11 is unanimously voted out. As has been par for the course, this tribe is heavy on confessionals.


This tribe is the least developed overall, which makes it pretty unclear who is unsafe if they attend tribal, since our main perspective on this is really just Panzerjager. A lot of their content is related to the public debate and about how real "the clique from hell" is. Perhaps the group shares common fears about those players come merge. hiplop is potentially in danger due to his controversial public antics.


On this tribe we have an apparent strong 3 in Bellaphant, panthaleon, and BROseidon who are preparing to throw a challenge to boot McMenno, indicating he is at rock bottom of the tribe. Dynamics are otherwise a bit murky, though Scoot seems in a better spot than entreri does. Multiple members of this tribe call out 0verki11 in public and demand he spill the tea, seemingly with a range of motivations.

Round 9: throwing so blatantly certainly sends a message


Good confessionalist gang avoids tribal and having to make choices, but it looked like that choice would have been Vash versus Haschel, with Zor as the main swing voter. Some individual members of the Matsing tribe get publicly called out by a couple of Ulong members for being cliquey newbie killers due to 0verki11's death.


The public drama and questions surrounding whether the clique is real appear to shape this tribe's choices. Panzerjager accidentally and single-handedly loses his tribe the challenge, and targets Radja. Two sides emerge, both seeming to want to eliminate those they expect to align with the "cabal" later on. Panzerjager and Lexi are weighed as countervotes, with Lexi ultimately being booted 4-2.


Quite comically, half this tribe was conspiring to throw the challenge...but failed to throw hard enough. McMenno appears to remain the tribe's "easy" boot despite some idol paranoia.

Episode 10: the more smiling emojis he uses, the more i know it's not cool


This round we have a tribe swap and a twist: both tribes vote someone out, and then the challenge scores of those voted out are compared, with only the loser being eliminated. The 8 person Yanny tribe consists of 3 RHAP patrons, 4 former The Real tribe members, 4 former Fantasmic tribe members, 7 former Mafia tribe members, and a 4-2-2 split (Lesu being the 4) from the tribes just before this swap. Panzer and McMenno, who appeared to be positioned poorly on Mafia, still seem to be. Conflict between Panzer and Brom also carries over from Ulong, with Panzer appearing to be in a worse position. McMenno announces he volunteers to be voted out, and earns his survival. Panzer picks up two votes from Scoots and Brom due to idol paranoia.


Though the five former Scum members on this tribe form a majority, them meeting again is the biggest source of conflict on the tribe. They can now resolve their issues in private rather than yelling about them in public! This tribe also consists of 3 former Theme Is members, 4 former Splendiferous members, and a 3-3-2 split from the previous swap (with Lesu as the 2). Haschel and Kilby appear to have unreconciable differences, but it is BROseidon that is voted out while on a ski trip over entreri in a 5-3 vote. This tribe has an imbalanced edit with most of the content about the round coming from one person.

Episode 11: Don't vote me out on christmas


We have 3 characters weighing in through confessional on the extent to which they are comfortable with this tribe's apparent status quo. And we have 5 characters we only hear about from the lenses of others. Panzerjager seems to still be in trouble, but there is hope.


Haschel brings up the idea of throwing the challenge to boot Kilby: some go along with this and others just didn't perform great. Regardless, the challenge was a blowout. Kilby desperately tries to save himself, seeming to target at least 3 different people at different times. His pleas not to be voted out on Christmas fall on deaf ears, and he is voted out unanimously.

Episode 12: Teetering on the edge of collapse

Merry Christmas

The 3 former Matsing members (Haschel, Vash and het) form a majority alliance with Bella, though it is implied this alliance may not survive the early merge. McMenno/Vash and Radja/het are meeting for the first time, and the latter seem to be getting along better than the former. This tribe has an imbalanced edit!!

Happy New Year

Pants was voted off with an unprecedented 3-2-1-1 vote spread (DV received 2; Brom and entreri 1 each). In a game full of unanimous vote offs, how did this happen? For starters, we have an apparent majority alliance of the former The Real tribe members, while entreri and DK have a difficult history. DV and entreri are meeting for the first time. The vote initially is shaping up to be Brom vs. entreri, with the minority trying to find cracks, and thinking zor is their best bet. It will become clear that cracks do exist. The Brom countervote is leaked, and then Scoots leaks DK's idol. Based on this information, the "majority" agenda considers a DK blindside, decides it's too risky, and turns toward a pants vote hoping to flush the idol... It turns out DV would rather vote Brom than pants. This gets leaked and implies DV/pants is a strong pairing that are trying to kill Brom. There's a last minute push for DV that DK/entreri are in on. Ultimately, zor, Brom and Scoots together vote out pants, blindsiding the rest of their tribe. Why pants has a stray vote on entreri is not clear from the information given!

Episode 13: "Don't let me into my zone"

Merry Christmas

Half this tribe was just blindsided, and the tribe knows about Jamelia's idol now. Rocks are a conversation, though with an idol and individual immunity necklace in the mix, it'd be an unusual rock draw. DV and zor appear to be the swing votes, and side with entreri against Brom, who is voted out 4-2.

Happy New Year

A decent portion of the content we see from this round is from the majority alliance group chat, and even in confessionals, they don't indicate that they seriously consider flipping. Exciting times. Panzer is voted out 5-2 with Bella as the countervote.