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Telephone Pictionary Platinum/Chain L

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Chain L: schadd_'s Chain

schadd_ - Phrase

i paid the math crone $5 and she taught me how to love math

McMenno - Picture

Telcoin L1.png

Errantparabola - Phrase

Mole-nosed human wearing a square root hat is paid money to love mathematics.

FakeGod - Picture

Telcoin L2.jpg

ConManMick - Phrase

The well dressed mole demonstrated how his love of mathematics could be turned into a lucrative business

N - Picture

Telcoin L3.png

Jopalopa - Phrase

The hat discovered a foolproof way to become rich: loving math.

DrippingGoofball - Picture

Telcoin L4.jpg

DeathRowKitty - Phrase

Money falls out of a feathered hat in front of the Wall of Math.

RadiantCowbells - Picture

Telcoin L5.png

mykonian - Phrase

We will build a wall of maths and make Mexico pay for it!

Papa Zito - Picture

Telcoin L6.png

lalaladucks - Phrase

"I will build a great wall of mathematics, and I will make Mexico do the calculations for that wall. Mark my words."

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