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The MafiaScum Community Portal
MafiaScum and the MafiaWiki wouldn't be the place it is today without all our community. This portal encompasses the site's members (affectionately referred to as Scummers), events and history.

MafiaScum Community

MafiaScum Discord

A great way to meet and get involved in the MafiaScum community is to join our Discord. Before getting verified as a member of the forum by site staff, you will have access to a limited number of channels. On Discord, we play social deduction games, music, jackbox games and more. There's also discussion channels for different interests, including a spotlighted flavor of the month channel. There are also advertisements to help you be in the know on what games are in signups on the forum.


More than 27 meetups have been held by the community over the years, primarily in North America and the U.K. These are typically organized in the site's General Discussion forum. Often, meets heavily feature mafia and board games. Some have focused more on sightseeing or fun group activities like escape rooms and laser tag. Others still ran full-blown Survivor games over the course of a couple of days.

Site Events & Traditions

Scummies & Mashies Ceremony

Each year, a committee consisting of volunteers undertakes the daunting task of holding our forum's very own adaptation of the Grammies; we call them the Scummies and Mashies. Here we award players for outstanding performance in games, for memorable moments, for being a great contributor to the site, or for tremendous creativity. The Scummies section of the wiki gives an overview of all awards handed out in specific years.

Team Mafia

Team Mafia is a special event where teams of mafia players compete in concurrently run games of mafia. Teammates play in separate games but can privately communicate with their teammates. Typically, Team Mafia has been coordinated by site staff to help ensure the event's success. The event first ran in 2011. An eighth season is planned for 2025.

Clash of the Mash

Clash of the Mash is a special event falling under Other Forum Games that was first ran in 2016. Over forty Scummers have competed in each season of this competition series. Stages of the competition have featured challenges ranging from trivia to board games. A third season is planned for the summer of 2024.

Category:Site Events


Each of our users can create a page (or more on the MafiaWiki, with (relatively) free reign on what to include. Many place information about themselves here, or record their games played and moderated on the site. Don't understand some reference we make? Chances are you may find out what we're on about here... well... only if the Tigers don't get to the information first.


The forum has been around since 2002 and is still going strong as a place to play online mafia and more. To learn more about the history of the site, check out this section of the wiki.