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Telephone Pictionary Platinum/Chain D

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Chain D: randomidget's Chain

randomidget - Phrase

Wolverine getting a haircut from Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson

Errantparabola - Picture

Telcoin D1.jpg

Creature - Phrase

Wolverine gets a new haircut.

DeathRowKitty - Picture

Telcoin D2.png

FakeGod - Phrase

Smiling barber attempts to give unamused Wolverine (from X-men) a haircut.

RadiantCowbells - Picture

Telcoin D3.png

xRECKONERx - Phrase

This X-Man's mutant power is having really long fingers.

MTD - Picture

Telcoin D4.png

McMenno - Phrase

Beast from the X-men's finger's length

notachipmunk - Picture

Telcoin D5.jpg

N - Phrase

The most impressive part of the Sonic/Hulk hybrid is the length of his finger.

ConManMick - Picture

Telcoin D6.jpg

DrippingGoofball - Phrase

The Hulksonic has the power to heal with his long E.T. finger.

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