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Survivor: South Bend

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Revision as of 02:35, 20 July 2023 by Ariel (talk | contribs)
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Player First Tribe Second Tribe Third Tribe Fourth Tribe Fifth Tribe Sixth Tribe Merge Events Finish
Malkon05 Erasmus Griffon 2nd voted out 17th place
TheStatusQuo Griffon Erasmus Griffon Griffon 4th voted out 16th place
Deasvail Spared Griffon Spared Griffon ??? 5th voted out 15th place
kdowns Erasmus Satori Griffon Griffon ??? Erasmus 7th voted out 14th place
McMenno Erasmus Erasmus Griffon ??? Erasmus 3rd voted out
Returned to game
13th place
Mina Griffon Griffon Erasmus Griffon ??? Griffon Pride! 9th voted out 12th place
Pickemgenius Griffon Griffon Erasmus Griffon ??? Griffon Pride! 10th voted out 11th place
1st jury member
Skelda Erasmus Mishawaka Griffon Erasmus ??? Erasmus Pride! 11th voted out 10th place
2nd jury member
Mallowgeno Griffon Erasmus Erasmus Erasmus ??? Griffon Pride! 12th voted out 9th place
3rd jury member
Deathnote Griffon Satori Erasmus Erasmus ??? Griffon Pride! 13th voted out 8th place
4rd jury member
Cephrir Erasmus Satori Erasmus Erasmus ??? Griffon Pride! 14th voted out 7th place
5th jury member
VashtaNeurotic Erasmus Mishawaka Erasmus Griffon ??? Erasmus Pride! 15th voted out 6th place
6th jury member
Lady Lambdadelta Griffon Mishawaka Erasmus Erasmus ??? Erasmus Pride! 16th voted out 5th place
7th jury member
het Erasmus Erasmus Erasmus Erasmus ??? Erasmus Pride! 17th voted out 4th place
8th jury member
Haschel Cedricson Griffon ??? Griffon Pride! 1st voted out
Returned to Game
8th voted out
Returned to game
Runner Up
2nd place
Elias_the_thief Erasmus Griffon Griffon Erasmus ??? Erasmus Pride! Runner Up 2nd place
PrivateI Griffon Mishawaka Griffon Griffon ??? Griffon Pride! 6th voted out
Returned to game
Sole Survivor
1st place