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Telephone Pictionary: International Calling Plan/Chain H

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Chain H: ChannelDelibird's Chain

ChannelDelibird - Phrase

"And who are you," the proud lord said, "that I must bow so low?"

Jal - Picture

Teleplan H1.png

N - Phrase

The half-Welsh knight tries to bow down to the bearded Ceylon knight, but is surprised when Ceylon knight challenges him.

sword_of_omens - Picture

Teleplan H2.jpg

xtopherusD - Phrase

Said the Blue Knight, "I'm sorry, sir, but I still don't know what it means to fight with Yellow!"

Empking - Picture

Teleplan H3.png

PiggyGal15 - Phrase

The king told the purple knight to go fight the yellow knight, but the purple knight didn't understand.

Mastermind of Sin - Picture

Teleplan H4.png

Nobody Special - Phrase

The king commanded that the Purple Knight duel with the invisible Yellow Knight.

Tierce - Picture

Teleplan H5.png

patzer - Phrase

The black king says that the white knight which is sword-fighting with the purple knight should be painted yellow.

Scigatt - Picture

Teleplan H6.png

Tazaro - Phrase

Because the black king chess piece does not like the white knight, it has to fight a purple knight with swords to the death.

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