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Snow White

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Snow White" joined Mafia Scum 13June2009. The username originates from a boozy night out in the Capital where "Snow White" kissed 7men. Snow Whıte struck agaın on the 29th of Augest o9 from Turkey. Kissing all the men around the pool on her last day. Ü

Due to lackıng an englısh keyboard Snow Whıte set up an alternatıve account in Turkey. snowsalt (The snow-salt readıng of her name was not ınterpretted before she subımtte ıt. BLONDE!!!) ö Ü but its been locked now.

Its been brought up before i talk about nonsense most of the time, so deal with it or lynch me. Coroner's report of Snow White: Lynched due to talking crap.;) But due to this i usually try to refrain from the RVS. As 9times outta 10 it lands my in hot water.

I have 7 phones. Each for all you know is for sexy talk with my seven lovers. Jk. Ugh. Kinda. Haha. Football players(and rugby players too! Dayum!). :D My favourite flowers are yellow roses and my music taste varies between the 80's band "The Cure" and the naughties band "Empire of the Sun"

Im 19, with a degree in social studies and im currently doing another course in pre nursing in september. I do volunteer work in my spare time with teens and Mafia has been my latest gripe pushing out the golivewire forum where i previously frequented.

Game History

1.)-Her first game was ran under the golivewire forum username "KeiraOasis". The first game run by "I m Batman". She played as Mafia but on Day3 due to the one sided favouring of the host who outted 4/5 mafia she commited a public suicide in protest. 2 of her partners commiting the same act and the game collapsed. "I m Batman" was subsequently banned.

2.)** Her second game was again run under the golivewire forum Eastern University of Michigan Mafia, username "Keiraoasis". This game was run under "Thriftweed" and she played as cop. After a fellow player "CharolastrA" announced they were cop "KeiraOasis" too roleclaimed cop. It was agreed that they would both vote no vote and wait until the results of the investigation the following morning but despite efforts, town voted "CharolastrA" off. "CharolastrA" was proved "insane bulletproof cop". From then on "KeiraOasis" was continually roleblocked. Town lost. Eastern University of Michigan Mafia Days 1-7

3.)*** Dr. Perry Cox's - Scrubs Mafia. Snow White replaced in for BrianMcQueso who requested a replacement. She was given the role of Turk (Mafia Lover to JD) she played with Veerus (the Janitor) and Tzeentch (JD). BMQ and Tzeetch had claimed masons to disuade the town voting BMQ out. A lynch was led against fellow Mafian Veerus. After Veerus' death Snow and Tzee debated whether they would kill Fritzler or no lynch. A no lynch was decided and the next day they would attempt to lynch MafiaSSK who they believed they could portray as Veerus's scumbuddy. MafiaSSK roleclaimed cop, claimed to have known Veerus was scum and accused Snow White too of being scum. He however did not vote Veerus and the town believed Snow White and Tzeentch and voted off the MafiaSSK who flipped to be cop. That night. Tzeetch submitted a kill on Fritzler and the Brain Trust (Veerus, Tzeetch and Snow White) won the game. Dr. Perry Cox's - Scrubs Mafia

4.)***Caboose's - Mafia 97 Day Night Mafia. Snow White was killed night 2 in a peculiar struggle involving a fire hose which resulted in her being bifibricated (split in two). She was a Mason with Scott Brosius. Snow White often leaves several hints or clues in the scenario of her or her partner being killed and in the case of the partner needing a claim they have back up. However it was unnecessary as Scott Brosius was killed Night 3 in a horrific lawnmower accident. Caboose's - Mafia 97 Day Night Mafia Really aawesome game where i really got interested in mafia. Even though we lost to a lurker scumgroup, last scum was replaced in by a very active evil genius aka Kise. All round i think townies played a good game, disappointing loss but very enjoyable game. The lack of mafia cross kills was abysmal. The scum team that won were all inactives until the final replacing which invariably sucked. Best gambit went to townie xRECKONERx who claimed scum to get one of the other scum to come clean. Good game shame the gambit didnt pay off.

5.)*Xtomxs Newbıe - Mafıa 807 Snow Whıtes fırst regıstered game however because she dıd not respond to her prod ın tıme she was replaced. Fortuneately she was able to replace \ın for FadedLunar who had dropped out of the game. She resısted the lynchıng of Kard who lynched hımself. *Angry face* and after Mejı Fan replaced FoShızzle and heavıly persued Snow for a post FadedLunar made before Snow replaced. That nıght Mejı Fan was kılled. Snow defended herself but many dısbelıeved her. But ınstead the town refocused themselves on Kırıchou a person who had faded ın and out of the game. Snow was wary of lynchıng a lurker and told the town she feared they would be proved wrong and dıd not partıcıpate ın hıs lynch. However Kıchırou flıpped mafıa and there was another stroke agaınst Snow for town. Dothefandango attacked Snow and agaın Snow Whıte managed to talk her way out of thıngs and was not lynched. Instead Dothefandango was hung and proved ınnocent. Not Snow Whıtes orıgınal choıce bgg1996. Lylo consısted of Snow Whıte ChannelDelıBırd and Bgg1996. Snow Whıte and ChannelDelıBırd talked but dıd not get ınto an arguement. Perhaps lıke Bgg1996 had hopped... However due to the tıme restraınt on newbıe games Bgg1996 won the game contrıbutıng nothıng but antı prod posts. A horrendous surprıse to many of the dead partıcıpants.

To date thıs has been the most dısappoıntıng unpleasant game Snow Whıte has partıcıpated ın. .Xtomxs Newbıe - Mafıa 807]

6.)*X's Mafia #100 Snow White played as traitor to the Sicillian Mafia. Her counterparts, were inactives and were NK'd by D3. BM caught onto Snow White and dragged her round like a rag doll. After she inherited the nightkill she decided she needed to kill him. Unfortunately DeathNote had inherited the role of "watcher" and watched BM every night. Snow White claimed an insane cop however DN claimed he had only seen Snow White target BM and when BM flipped town cop there were no further questions needed to be asked. Snow White admitted her role and was lynched D3.X's - Mafia #100


8.)-Gorrad's Webcomic Wars Mafia. No rating due to the fact i stupidly replaced into a 42page game and couldnt read that much. My predecessor wrote nothing except he wanted to replace out and lurked to the day he was replaced. I intervened an inevitable lynch so that town wouldnt have suspicions were RBT and my NK on Vino to fail. With Vino we killed the last comic by Scott K. was destroyed and we fulfilled the win con. Empty win but was a pleasure to be scumbuddies with RiceBallTail. Seemed an interesting fun game of Gorrad's but I would have likes to participated in it earlier.Gorrad's Webcomic Wars Mafia

9.- ***Hoopla's The Seaside. Replaced in for over9000_ page 4. My first taste of replacing in and its much better than starting from the off. Town bickered endlessly, prepared a policy lynch on Sho. Before the town turned on Exalt for not producing a case on Snow White. Exalt claimed cop. It then turned into "rolecop". Out of fear, Snow White battled with kiku and even Exalt, to keep him alive, at least until day2. With the deadline fast approaching people began to panic and instead of a no lynch which was propsed town lynched a lurker based on nothing else but he was a non active participant. He flipped innocent. And one of the more active and sensible people FHQ was killed during the night. I discovered him in the morning. It made me giggle. Exalt returned with results but it was then clarified he was a rolecop who got vanilla for towns and mafia goons, due to a mix up he had investigated a pro town player who replaced in instead of kiku. Someone who immediately discarded his roleclaim and relentlessly pushed for his lynch. Consistent buddying between Kiku and Sho made me sure one of them was scum. But due to Sho's flip floppy voting of me and persistent tag teaming to kiku's thoughts and votes i became more convinced it was him. Deadline approached again. And town bickering resulted in a naturally scummy and active lurking Fuzzyman. I was happy with this lynch but unfortunately he flipped town. That night DryFit was killed. Exalt revealed a vanilla result on Kiku. Day3. Had me on edge. I disliked the unnecessary lynchings and everyone but Exalt and RayFrost i believed as town had been killed. No lynch was decided on Day3 in fear of a mylo situation whereas i wanted to lynch Sho or Kiku. But recieveing a vanilla on Kiku the previous nght Exalt wouldnt hear of it. I disliked this no lynch decision. In the morning MaskMan was killed. Day4 was role claim day. The set up really confused me. 2town role cops and 1mafia role cop. One doctor. Sho. RayForst, Kiku and myself were all vanilla's and i believe one of the three rolecops had to be mafia. While others favoured the rolecops were there to identify themselves as innocents. RayFrost turned on me i felt at this stage because his beliefs differed and so, i grew more suspiious of him. I requested a reread and asked Kiku to remove her vote, to which she obliged but Exalt and i had a blow up, when i asked him to remove his vote from Kiku so i could contemplate. He would not and claimed i was her scum buddy. I threatened to trawl throught the pages and garner enough information to see him lynched if he would not. He would not. RayFrost and muzzz voted Kiku. She hammered herself. And i was left without scum blood on my hands. The next day, despite attempts at redemption, I was lynched. Despite rereading 20/40 pages. Exalt seemed genuinely sorry. I must say though i loved my lynch scene. I flipped innocent and that night Exalt was murdered. Fang, someone i had thought along the line of FHQ until he became a lurker, RayFrost, who i thought was scum day4 and muzzz, someone i was unsure about were left. Conversation was strained. There should have been a lot more effort. Particularily Fang should have been replaced. Ray Frost avidly tried to question people and scumhunt but misvoted Fang. Muzzz was the last scum. RayFrost was end gamed. Bitter loss. But i really did enjoy this game. Exalt in particular is a fantastically hilarious player, once his TUNNELVISIONOFDEATH is not focused on you. D: Hoopla's The Seaside

10.-***Prof. Guppy's Return to Smalltown Y Following the original Killer in Smalltown Y. Snow White replaced into the game for Rashminos as Ralph the cab driver. Thoroughly enjoyed this game. My first town win as town bus driver. So SO happy. Excellent kills. Day1. Town rushed through a lynch with Wade(skitso). I say rushed but it was fallen with replacements such as myself. Carmen the burglar(Jazzmyn) was poisoned first and foremost. She flipped UC cop so for town this was great. However, the absence of a UC cop arrest scared us slightly. Day2 since David(Eldritch Lord) and myself were roleblocked by Charles that night, it was a debate who'd be lynched. "Ill lynch Raplh when Ralph acts scummy" made me smile. We were all happy with a David lynch and Charles(imaginality) and Ralph (Snow White) tried to come up with an effective chain for the night. David flipped UC cop. Town was delighted and i was cleared. During the night however town was robbed of one of the most pro gangsta's round. Jack the Hitman(Tony Montana). However Chloe(Snix) was killed in the night UC cop. The handiwork of Mary Rose(Snow Bunny's) unstable doctor. The town now only had to worry about Tina. Due to the night actions both Bruce and Ralph(Snow White) were proven innocents. Day 3 town awoke to the body of Bruce. All threats to Smalltown Y abolished. What town did not bear privy to was that night. Mary Rose (Snow_Bunny) waited for Tina as she finished her business. Upon confrontation Tina was revealed to be Mary Rose's sister. Mary Rose advizes her to leave, concrete that she can redeem her sister. Snow_Bunny played an incredible game. Not only nailing Tina but also nailing Snix as Chloe the UC cop. Ooh! And in case anyone was wondering Lewarcher82 was the elusive Tina. I had ruled Lewarcher82 out as a UC cop upon reading, but couldnt disuade fears he may have been Tina. After the flavourful mod note on Jazzyman's body i spent more time defending him Day2 as i felt more confident lynching David too. Rarely used my bussing unless directed. Night 3 i didnt want to fuck up any of towns abilities so i took no action. Power roles came with prices such as chains which day1 was tempted to break but the element of scumhunting was never lost on the town. Incredible, amusing and funny game. Looking forward to "Schism in Smalltown" with great anticipation. And what's more Ralphie surviived!! :D [Prof. Guppy's Return to Smalltown Y

11.-Max's Perfectionist Mafia lol. This game was riddiculous. I was cop and was forced into roleclaiming because of my overactive use of smileys. Thanks guys. Notable saberwolf, MyMilkedEek, Starbuck, etc. etc. Fingered one mafia correctly early in the game but no one really believed me and i began to doubt myhself. I guessed there were two cops and was right. But when the second cop turned up dead then i was lynched.

12.-Oman's - Utopia Mafia Mod abandoned. I was a Elf Sage. I would recieve no powers. I correctly identified one innocent Lewarcher. But also believed one mafia was also innocent. I was willing to hang Maemuki on mix up in quote tags but she turned out to be a bulletproof dwarf. lol. Bad. :D On the upside, I was first in line to be NK'd. Im taking it as a compliment! :)

13.-Myko's Flash mafia Mikeburnfire you evil genius. Good game but it severally lagged mid way and toward the end. I was ready to hang myself just to finish the game.

14.*** Fuzzyman's - i cant think of a thread title mini Replaced in Day2 as a neighbour. Where my initial analysis was leading me up to the i found PHANTOM the scummiest and he should have been hung, my neighbour Cirdua hammered someone i had ruled out as being scum in my analysis. Ruled out Exalt as scum. And ruled out LyingBrian as scum. Feelings were torn between Cirdua, who'd just hammered and PHANTOM who was the actual scum.

15.-Slicey's Kingdom Hearts Mafia Awesome game. Replaced into a 70 page game as lone deadweight scum. Managed to buddy DGB(an incredibly scary awesome player) and come across pretty town, i think this was because i was actually scumhunting for the heartless mafia. Managed to outlast the Heartless mafia and knew Starbuck was the SK Sephorith. However she was nightkill immune and i was unable to persuade her lynch. After dogging into her during day4. By day5 i was dead and the Nobody mafia was wiped out.

16.** Gorrad's Final Fantasy Mafia. My last game until summer. To be frank. I loved *most of this game. The idea of the game and the later disclosed roles. I was Kimhari, doctor of FFX. Lurkers really ruined it for me. REALLY REALLY REALLY!!! And they were town. The f*ck?! Halfway through the game i just gave up caring with them not being replaced. But got retransfixed in the game after Sajin's claim. I was right on Vino being scum at Day4, it was Sajin who led the way. I was too busy eating Christmas turkey with my family to place a vote. lol. But horrendously wrong on Locke, who was SK while i thought him innocent. Kise was the first lynched mafia due to Sajin's riskée claim of tracker. He was actually a cop who'd been roleblocked and having one dead town roleblocker lynched D1, knew there was another scum roleblocker. Kise claimed absorber and i was in knots convinced he was inncoent as he had publicly joked he had absorbed "Holy" from me. A healing spell. He was just scum pulling the piss. But still. CARDIAC ARREST!!! Locke was killed by Vinoscum who had a daykill in a bid for people to believe him town. And i believe if he'd shot someone else he could have waffled his way out of things. Vino's pressure vote on me the next day looked as though he was trying to ignore what had been piled against him but my claim as Doctor backed up by breadcrumbs which kinda rolled a few heads. But it was all good! We lynched Vino and the Cosmos was saved.

Games Pending

Needs updating.

Memorable Quotes

1.) Anyone can disagree with me, but what you do with your own vote is your own business. So worry about your own vote and not someone elses. Unless your being voted for. In that case, go crazy and worry about everyones vote. The End.

2.) Far be it for me to fail to express my feelings through posts. There are worser crimes ive commited. So let me make this clear as i can perhaps emphaysising with caps...

3.) The e-bum hasnt shown his face yet.

4.) So i beg to ask, are you serious about assuming im Mafia (again) or are you just making me sweat to pass the time?

5.) Which one do i get a cookie for being?

6.) I love you too.


8.) You kill me though and ill bleed cop everywhere.


10.) "Yes, Kiku fucked me thoroughly and left me on the side of the road to be lynched." Kiku's sig.


Memorable Quotes about Snow White

1.) Give it up for MC Bandwagon AKA Snow White - Anthem. Thirft's Mafia.

2.) I was worried that it would lose due to BMQ's lurkiness since he wasn't replaced right away at night like the others. When Snow White came in however, sacrafice was definitely the right play. Good call on the no-lynch too. It still kept us in LYLO and gave a plausible explanation for why the town-confirmed masons weren't dead. - Veerus. Scrubs Mafia.

3.) Meji Fan was nightkilled because the scum thought they could hang Snow White out to dry for it, and nearly succeeded. - ChannelDelıBırd. Newbie802.

4.)Crypto, Snow White, both of you played very well. - Goatrevolt. IHV.

5.) @Snow White: Most of my line of thinking regarding the night kills was to off the strongest player, whether scummy or townie. iPeanut. DayNightMafia.

6.) Snow White comes in as a voice of reason in 280. Shame no one listened. - Kairyuu. FFMafia.

7.) On an unrelated topic, if that's SW in her d.p, she's cute ^_^ - SaberWolf. :) XMafia.

8.) Snow White is playing a perfect game so far: making good cases, voting, and not getting attacked for it. - Lobstermania DayNightMafia scumchat.

9.) I would have pushed Snow White for our NK. Take it as a compliment - Budja. Abandoned Utophia Mafia.

10.) I should also mention that Kise and myself were working under the assumption that we had a secret godfather and we thought it was Snow White - Vino FFMafia.

11.) I am ready to change my vote to Snow White if Snow White will look scummier. - Lewarcher82. Prof Guppy Retrun to Y Town mafia.

12.)Snow, you were my strongest town read. I can't believe you were right about Kreriov. That reveal was surprising. - Crypto. IHV.

13.)Snow White looks fairly townie in my eyes, despite her whole "Claim? Nah? Aight, hammer" thing. - xRECKONERx. Halo.

Snow White's read games

Haschel/MafiaSSK's The Werewolver of Miller's Hallow. KMD's Twilight Mafia. Farside's Family Guy Mafia. Prof. Guppy's Killer in Smalltown Y Mafia. Empking's Kubrik Mafia. BattleMage's MeanMod Lovefest. Farside's Betrayal House. TonyMontana's Hip Hop Mafia. Seraphim's Empire at War Mafia. afatchic's The Fast and the Furious Mafia. LlamaFluff's Disney Mafia.

The Best of the Best (imho)

ChannelDeliBird. If Carlsburg made IC's, he'd probably be the best IC in the world. Xtom's Newbie mafia.

BattleMage. Caught me as scum and refused to let go. My eagerness to get rid of him cost me my life in X's Mafia#100.

Crypto. Constantly contraversial. Radical and eccentric. IHV

GoatRevolt. Pulled the wool over my eyes. All the right choices were made on who to recruit into his cult. IHV.

Exalt. Hilarious when enraged. True Leader. SeaSide.





Snow White's Blacklist

JDodge. CJMiller


Hoopla's Seaside Mafia

As the sun started to fall in the sky, exactly the way a helium balloon wouldn't, the tiny town prepared for a much needed meal. After the removal of kikuchiyo's carcass from the skewer, Snow White was attached. The town got a rare laugh when muzzz ironically placed an apple in her mouth.

The roticary started to work it's magic, evenly roasting Snow White's supple body. Her final cries were stifled by the apple wedged between her teeth - and collectively the town started to realize their mistake. Nonetheless, flesh is flesh, and the town wasn't going to waste any of Snow's over a simple case of mistaken identity. If anything, the fact she was so pure and innocent made her exceptionally tasty

__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Gorrad's Final Fantasy Mafia The remaining four members of the town, utterly unimpressed by Vino's destruction of the bounty hunter, band together in his destruction.

Snow White, never one to talk, stands in the background as the armor-clad forms of Kdub and Kairyuu hold Vino against the wall. As Sajin readies his dagger to finish him off, the lights go off once more! But this time, you're ready. A burst of fire from Snow White illuminates the forms of the Turks. They rush to attack, but the four of you, after a bit of a fight, manage to drive them away.

That leaves only their master. Vino, better known as Rufus Shinra, had been trying to harness the cycle of conflict as an energy source on which to capitalize. This time, he's destroyed with success, and Cosmos' forces are victorious.