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UberNinja/Games/Mini 1359: A Death Already Died

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Mini 1359: A Death Already Died (scum win on Day 6)

  The game began with a discussion on policy lynches, which quickly devolved into the general mudslinging that usually follows such a discussion. Grimmjow was prodded. More discussion was had. Some of it was good, some of it was bad. Grimmjow was prodded again. Natalie replaced in for InflatablePie, who had to drop out. Then a wagon formed on McStab, and RxK hammered without a claim. VT down. Night one.

  Grimmjow requested replacement just before he would have been replaced for flaking. He was subsequently blacklisted postgame.

  During the night, Nachomamma8, a VT, and crypto, the 2-shot Cop, were killed. LolWagons replaced in as an alt, and almost immediately altslipped, posting on his main account, Slaxx. There was a bit of interesting banter between scumbuddies petapan and Slaxx at the beginning of Day 2, and even their hidden Traitor buddy Gallatin joined in. After a while, FUT replaced in for Katsuki, and the town decided to lynch another of their own. Soon, SGRaaize_ was dangling from a gallows in the city square. Another VT down.

  On the second night, RxK and Empking died. Both flipped VT. Day 3, the game finally got interesting.

Quotes from this game

"You did a very good job of modding Uber, in thread and out." – CF Riot
"the name "nachomamma" makes me do that little shudder you get after you’re done peeing" – RxK