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AurorusVox is active on both MafiaScum and [1]EpicMafia (under the same name). He doesn't quite know why he's talking in the third person, but he is known to live for the moment and just run with it. You can tell that you are with the Vox by his vibrant LEMON avatar. It is by no way an orange. The Lemon represents a student satire magazine that Vox co-founded and edited, which in its first year won a national award, "Best Student Media 2010" (he very is proud of this fact). His playstyle tends to be logic and analysis heavy.

AurorusVox's game record

Townie W3 / L2

Mafia W1 / L0

Played Games

[2]Newbie 929 - Vanilla Townie - Lost - Killed at Endgame I had a read on the scum, but our game was thrashed by a townie faking a cop report T_T

[3]Newbie 940 - Vanilla Townie - Lost - NK'd N1 Mafia made a very risky cop claim, and that risk paid off!

[4]Newbie 961 - Vanilla Townie - Victory! - NK'd N2 Alas, the scum seemed to give up in this game, though it was in the face of heavy evidence, collected and acted upon by a solid group of townies. Strangely, almost everyone was a replacement in this game!

[5](Marathon) 5 Player Vengeful - Vanilla Townie - Victory - Survived to endgame This game was intense at the end, but I'm glad that I kept my cool and took the correct lynch B)

Current Games


Other Such Shizzle

[6]Prisoner's Dilemma Reloaded - Replaced in