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q21 has been a member of Mafia Scum since 29 March 2008.

26 Games, 8 Wins (6 Town, 2 Scum), 17 Losses (14 Town, 1 Scum, 2 Third Party) 1 Draw (Town)... horrendous, I know. I don't know why I enjoy I game I lose so repeatedly?

I tend to say what I think, when I think it - which can get me into trouble when that means disagreeing with the rest of the town. I'm also impatient. Not with people so much, but when a game starts to lag a bit I sometimes do rash things that I regret later - I also do some good things based on instinct... sometimes. Generally I'm not scared to bus my scumbuddies, which has been useful at times and detrimental at others.

q21 Profile Page

Completed Games

New York

Mafia 79: The Amish Mafia LOST Townie, Killed Night 3.
Replaced back into the game. Took Celebloki's place. Townie, died in endgame.
I played pretty well with my first life, and rather badly with my second. Oddly enough, the lynch of a serial killer was the final lynch that lost us the game.

Mafia 115: Wickedestjr's Large Mafia LOST Town Jailkeeper, Killed Night 6.
I think I played okay this game. Not great. Not horrible. Just okay. WE lost in lylo on Day 10 with only one scum left to catch so its not like town got schooled, but we didn't manage to win either... so... meh.

Little Italy

Mini 604: Major's Mansion LOST Mafia Goon, Lynched Day 3.
A combination of good luck from the Town Power Roles (Doctor stopped our night 0 and night 1 kills) and some good townie play was the reason for this loss.

Mini 617: Scottish Mafia LOST Townie, Lynched Final Day (4)
What can I say, the scum played well... and we had some fairly fairly poor town play going on. I'm personally satisfied with my performance, but there were a few times where I should have pushed things harder.

(Link) WON Robber (Mafia Goon), Lynched Day 3.
I had lots of LA and real life issues in this game that lead to low participation from me. However - when I hammered crywolf on day 2 to put the game in lylo I was pretty sure I was going down day 3, but that we'd end up winning day 4. We won on day 4. Mykonian, my scumbuddy, deserves special mention for his play. He won the Scummy for best role claim for this game.

(Link) LOST Cop (sane, I think) Killed Night 1.
I got offed on night 1. I guess I'll take it as a complement that the scum thought of me as the most townie of the three (all genuine) cop claims on day 1 - but I'd have liked to have had more to do with this game.

Mini: 735 Bad Times In Kuribonia LOST Vanilla Townie, Killed in Endgame.
I'm disappointed with the way I played this game. I replaced in and after rereading had picked out the scum (but not the SK) perfectly, but I backed down and ended up hammering a townie. I should have pushed, but I didn't.

Mini: 744 Moving Day Mafia LOST Cop, Killed Night 1.
Giving me a town power role is like giving the game to the scum. I'm really good at getting killed night one, its something of a talent. Happened this game and the town lost a cop. The scum then played well and took a perfect victory.

Mini 973: "Bawhston" Brawl WON Vanilla Townie, Killed Night 3
This was my first game back after a year without mafia. It took me a while to find my stride, but once I did I think I played pretty well. I helped secure the Day 1 lynch of the Serial Killer and hammered a scum on day three. Generally I think my analysis was decent and my play sound, all in all a good game for me.

Mini 1005: Mafiaphobes WON Vanilla Townie, Survived
This game I started out behind... by 5 pages, somehow I just didn't notice my role PM. I never really caught up which resulted in some fairly lurky play. In the end I was on 2/3 scum lynches and had successfully picked the final scum 2 days earlier than we lynched him. I don't think my play was great, but it wasn't terrible either. It was what it was, we won, I'm happy.

Mini 1042: Skillville DRAWN Town Cop, Killed Night 1
This was the first of three games in a row where I was killed night 1. In this case, thought, I'm kinda glad I died early as the game deteriorated as it went on and ended in a three way draw that should have been a prisoner's dilemma for the last remaining townie.

Mini 1058: Vanilla Town Mafia LOST Vanilla Townie, Killed Night 1
This time I wish I hadn't died night 1 because the game only had two scum and I reckon I could very well have made the difference in that situation. But I died early and the town lost in endgame, such is life.

Mini 1064: Charlie's Town DEAD This game started with the rather moronic lynch of the cop on Day 1, inside 7 pages. Despite that (and the fact that I died night 1, yet again) the town managed to take it to a three way lylo, but couldn't find the last scum.

Theme Park

Assassins in the Palace II: The Khalifs of Jelluña LOST Khalif of Jelluña, Assassinated Twilight Day 3.
My first game here. Not knowing anyone led me to ask some dumb questions and get myself killed.

Pick your Poison 3 LOST Townie, Lynched Day 2.
I made some mistakes an deserved to get lynched. That is all.

Hot Potato Mafia LOST Tatermancer, Killed in End Game.
I thought I was really clever and had worked out who the last scum was. I was wrong, we lost.

Diablo III Mafia WON Diablo, killed night 3.
I appeared into this game on day three along with two other players. I died the next night. So I didn't really have much to do with the game, but I take comfort in the fact that in that one day I played townie enough for the scum to target me. And in the end a win is a win.

War in Heaven II LOST Satan the Adversary, was driven back out of Heaven in the Twenty-Seventh Æon.
This game was epic. 4000+ posts, about 3.5 weeks. I was essentially a Serial Killer in a mostly nightless game. I claimed Michael the Archangel of Battle to explain all the powers my actual role gave me, renaming my Rage Points to Zeal Points. If things had gone just a little (and I do mean really, tiny little bit) differently I had it. The scum played well, though. Also, was nominated for two scummies (Best Performance in a Losing Cause and Best Role Claim) for this performance, its easily some of my best play, despite having lost. Sadly I didn't win any individual awards for this, but the game as a whole (the Mod and all the players) won the scummy for most enjoyable game.

Scummies Invitational WON 2-shot Vig, Survived.
My day one play in this game wasn't great. I lurked due to a lack of RL time and made some dumb moves trying to figure out who to vig rather than just playing the game - in the end I had to claim to save myself. From there on it only got better: I hit 2 scum with my 2 vig kills, single handedly wiping out half the scumteam and was on the lynches of the other 2. Town thoroughly dominated this game and I was happy to be a part of the reason for that.

Coney Island

Mini 590: War in Heaven LOST Loyal Cherub, Driven Out during the 9th Æon.
This game had a great setup designed by Mr.Flay and was very nicely poised at 6 players left. Unfortunately MellowedMan sabotaged the game by lying about information he had gained as an Innocent Investigative Role. There's no guarantee that we'd have won without that, but it would have been a much closer game.

I lost interest in this game toward the end, so I didn't try very hard to keep myself alive when the heat was on. I was a cult leader that recruited by being targeted at night. Unknown to me the whole cult died when I did. So we lost.

Mini 1068: Prozac's Basic Theme 2 WON Michael Murphy, Vanilla Townie, Survived
We got lucky in that the scum targeted the PGO night 1. So that was nice. We also played well. I am very happy with my play in this game, having been a key part in both the scum lynches carried out toward the end of the game.

Mini 1071: Secret Invasion Mafia LOST Iron Man, Town 1-Shot Bulletproof Tracker, Killed in Endgame
With the scum team having a bulletproof member and a double voter we were pretty much up against it from the moment the game started. That said, a town with MagnaofIllusion, LynchMePls, Haschel Cedricson and myself should have done better.

The Road to Rome

Newbie 595 WON Mafia Goon, Lone Survivor.
My best game yet. Replaced in as public enemy number one. Lynched my scumbuddy on day one (the guy never posted once, but responded to his prods :|) and basically rode that to victory.

Newbie 634: Ballroon Blitz WON Townie, Survived.
In the end this game was pretty much the epitome of flawless victory. 2 dead scum, no dead Townies. I had a good game, hammered scum on day one and pushed the scum lynch at the end of day two. It was a good game for me.

Newbie 740 LOST as IC. Doctor, Killed Night 1.
Again the curse of being killed night 1 as a power role. Happens all the time. Was even more likely since I was IC. The town should have realised something was up when Elvis_Knits (the other IC and scum) was still alive after the next night. It isn't an autolynch offence, but someone should have at least noticed it.

Current Games

New York

Little Italy

Mini 1420: The Beginning Of The End ALIVE

Theme Park

Bookshelf Mafia ALIVE

Coney Island

Mini 1419: First Time Mafia ALIVE

The Road to Rome



Mini 691: Welcome to Cape Town
Ended in an impressive scum win. The town lynched scum successfully on days 1 and 2 and the scum's night 1 kill failed. Thanks to some expert bussing from KoC and generally good play from the last remaining scum, Simpor, they pulled of the win.

Mini 766: Soulshift Mafia
Town won this one. Xylthixlm was especially impressive and managed to find a way to confirm his innocence when he shouldn't have been able to. I tried very hard to make it impossible, but had just the combination of luck, intelligence and opportunism to pull it off.

Mini 1052: Personal Agenda Mafia
This game was won by the jester. Most jester's just go out and act obnoxiously until someone decides to push a wagon on them, sometimes it works and other times it doesn't, especially if there's been warning that there might be a jester in this game. MagnaofIllusion played a strong, townie Day 1 to gain the town's trust. On Day 2 he betrayed that trust by fake claiming and getting a townie lynched. On Day 3 he was summarily lynched, almost without question.
