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Revision as of 08:05, 11 November 2009 by (talk)
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A user, obviously. He's played a few games on GameFAQs, as well. Currently, in the process of exploring various styles of play. He tends to do most of his playstyle experimentation on Day 1 when there is no legitimate scumhunting that can be done, and as such tends to get lynched for it. If he can get past that first day, however, then when there is actual information to go on he picks up the slack he made on D1. He's also got a tendency to tunnel as town, but now does so a bit more a scum, to counteract this.

Game History


Newbie 752 - Mafia Win:
Role: Mafia Goon, Survived.
Perfect victory, mostly because of my partner, Chimp Pants. It's a shame he never joined a second game on the site. I witnessed what the chaos created by a townie fake-claiming cop can do to help the mafia.

Newbie 782 - Mafia Win:
Role: Cop, Endgamed
The scum claimed doc D1, and the real one waited until D3 to counter-claim. I, however, had investigated him N1, which led me to defend him. The mafia accused us of being the scumteam, and got the real doc lynched.


Mini 784 - Town Win:
Role: Mafia Gunsmith / Mafia Role-blocker, Lynched D5
Role changed after D3. I need to find ways to forget my alignment in order to scumhunt as scum. That's what cost me the game, here.

Mafia 94 - Ongoing:
Role: Alive


Stars Aligned - Ongoing:
Role: Alive

