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Revision as of 12:28, 16 February 2017 by Shannon (talk | contribs)
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Rightyo then, I don't know how to make tables so let's just do this

Completed Games

Where I subbed in

Newbie 1691 - First game on site, Town (tracker), lost (Night killed late in the game when scum thought I'd crumbed a different PR)

Newbie 1688 - Town (VT), lost (Subbed in during 4P MYLO, in a game full of subs, and was killed the same night)

Micro 611 - House of Cards Season 1 - Scum (goon), won (Subbed in after 2 players had already had the slot, won by forcing a mislynch in 4P MYLO)

Where I was /in from the start

Newbie 1703 - Celestial Mafia - First scum game, Scum (goon), won (Townread the whole game, won in 5P by forcing a townie to self hammer)

Newbie 1732 - Innocentville - Town (JK), lost (Completely stuffed up and claimed way too early, got NKed for it)

New York 196 - My Game, My Flavour - Town (VT), lost (Made it to late game and solved it but didn't have the power to persuade anyone)

Mini Normal 1833 - Town, won (VT) (Was almost mislynched but lived to tell the tale)

Micro 644 - Flavourless Mafia - Town (doctor), won (Was almost killed N1, nearly forced a mislynch of the other doc D2, but solved it D3)

"Newbie 1757" - Town (VT), lost (was nightkilled N1, town rushed a silly lynch on Accountant and then rushed to vote in LYLO on D3)

"Micro 657 - Vanilla Mafia" - Town (VT), lost (was killed in my first 3P LYLO, other townie should not have voted so quickly after day start!)

"Newbie 1763 - Foreigners of a Person" - Town (VT), lost (lynched D2 after almost being lynched D1 and encouraging a newbie to hammer an unclaimed PR, lost in an absolute shit show)

"Mini 1857" - Town (VT), lost (night killed toward the end after sticking with stubborn town reads on scum and hammering an unclaimed Doc. Another shit show loss)

"Mini 1871 - Town of Whispers" - Scum (rolecop), won ( the neighbourhood mechanic really worked in our favour and we got lucky with N1. A clean win in 5P).

Total Stats

Town: 10 played, 2 won (20%)

Scum: 3 played, 3 won (100%)

Lynched: 2/13 (15.3% - one in 3P lylo, the other two for deserved shitty performance)

Night killed: 11/13 (55.5%)