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Germy's Gambit

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This is a WIFOM gambit played by a mafia member in order to be considered a confirmed townie by the rest of the Town.

How It's Played

Early in the game, preferably on Day 1 or Day 2, the gambit-player, a mafia member, launches an attack on a fellow mafia member. The attack must not be completely irrational, and the gambit-player should elocute at least some reasoning. The gambit-player then places a vote, and continues their attack while encouraging others to vote for the mafia-member. The attack must not waver, and the gambit-player should not show doubt, although FOS's or other suspicions should be free to be voiced.

The gambit-player's vote does not move throughout the Day. One of two outcomes usually result: the mafia member the gambit-player attacks is lynched, or the gambit-player themselves is lynched.

A variation of this gambit is when a mafia member claims Cop and outs a fellow mafia member. When the mafia member is lynched, the gambit-player is considered verified. This gambit only succeeds, however, in certain semi-open setups where the claim is believable and other roles may exist that allow the gambit-player to theoretically survive the Night. The gambit-player can extend their life by confirming townies, and at LyLo claim a townie as mafia, thereby winning the game.

Why It Works

If the gambit-player is lynched, the mafia member remaining is considered to be a guaranteed townie. The WIFOM argument being: why else would the other player (now known to be mafia after their lynch) have tried so hard to get them lynched? This reasoning applies, too, if the mafia member is actually lynched: the gambit-player is considered to be obviously pro-town.

Although dangerous in endgame if other confirmable town roles exist (ie, Cop, Doc, etc.), this gambit can be very successful in limited role games.


The most successful gambit of this sort was pulled off by germy in Newbie 289. In this game, he was able to convince the other players that the Cop was lying, due to his "confirmed" status as a townie.