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Ongoing Games

In order of latest joined
Game Name Status Progress Link
Disgaea Mafia Out Day 3 Mini 924
All Greek To Me Dead Day 8 AGTM

Completed Games

Format shamefully stolen from Vi


Game Name Role Fate Outcome Entry Link
Newbie 920 Goon Lynched Day 2 Town Win Replaced D2 [1]
Deja Vu anyone? My second attempt to save someone from L-1 and turn a game around for the scum ends in miserable failure. I must be a closet masochist or something XD


Game Name Role Fate Outcome Entry Link
Newbie 886 Doctor Killed Night 2 Mafia Win Replaced D1 Newbie 886
I didn't enjoy this game very much. I got a little busy at certain points with outside stuff, then all the sudden 'WHAM' huge case on Lasaiki based on something I couldn't agree was a scumtell. Then it just snowballed, and considering the rather low presence I already had in town, I just couldn't get into the game. Not that it would have mattered, I think I would have lost anyway. Also: I hate playing as doc more than I hate playing as townie. A lot more.


Game Name Role Fate Outcome Entry Link
Newbie 888 Vanilla Townie Endgamed Day 3 Town Win Signed up Newbie 888
Fairly good game overall. I feel like I've imparted some wisdom to the newbies in this game, though I performed almost entirely on the back of the IC. I was outed as a scum buddy at one point and I'm just glad that I wasn't quicklynched D2 XD In fact, I'm rather surprised I survived at all, but I guess townies didn't want to touch that WIFOM with a ten foot pole.


Game Name Role Fate Outcome Entry Link
The Eek! Farm Doctor Endgamed Day 4 Town Win Signed up Mini 895
First time playing a power role, and it happens to be my least favorite. I didn't like playing doctor here, and my targets were rarely under much threat of NK. For the game itself, I mostly disappeared and should have been replaced but I'm too stubborn for that. Not impressive performance, I was really a tree stump this game. But at least I lived x.x


Game Name Role Fate Outcome Entry Link
Newbie 873 Vanilla Townie Endgamed Day 4 Town Win Replaced in D3 Newbie 873
Went in to the game in Lylo, replacing someone who had been missing more or less the entire game. Honestly, this was the easiest game ever, but scum did a good job of making me nervous anyway. It was easy because I was confirmed town, and the other two townies left each claimed a PR; there were two clear sides so lynching one scum meant you had the other in the bag. The vote was on me and I just happened to pick the right one. Unremarkable, for me at least.


Game Name Role Fate Outcome Entry Link
Newbie 851 Vanilla Townie Endgamed Day 3 Mafia Win Replaced in D3 Newbie 851
I went into the game in LyLo, and very stupidly I immediately voted for a very scummy player which the scum were very quick to hop on the wagon and get the victory for. So far, my worst game yet. Which is up against some pretty stiff competition ^^;


Game Name Role Fate Outcome Entry Link
Newbie 843 Vanilla Townie Endgamed Day 4 Town Win Replaced in D2 Newbie 843
Lots of scummy players, lots of townies attacking their own targets, and lots of flakers including the mod. The game really came down to a cop investigation turning up guilty, and then a strong connection between the confirmed scum and an unconfirmed player in a game full of confirmed PRs. I learned here that it's easy to build cases, but hard to find actual scum. Basically, another game I did pretty badly.


Game Name Role Fate Outcome Entry Link
Newbie 858 Vanilla Townie Endgamed Day 2 Mafia Win Signed up Newbie 858
For my second game in, first "real" game played, I think I did okay. I mean, I didn't get myself lynched, and I didn't hammer any townies, so you might even say I did swimmingly, but I really performed on the backs of better players. And I didn't even do that very well either. In the end, town lost to a Mafia Sextuple Daykiller who killed the remaining townies just before he lynched him. That, or the mod got mad at us for talking like the game was over in Twilight XD


Game Name Role Fate Outcome Entry Link
Newbie 852 Mafia Roleblocker Lynched Day 1 Town Win Replaced in D1 Newbie 852
My first game, I made one post and was summarily lynched. My partner then self-proclaimed scum after an unfair meta was played on her, and then promptly self-voted and left the site. My first post could have gone better, but I think I was doomed anyway.