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Player since March 26, 2009. Brought here by a google search of "mafia games".

View Askew Games

View Askew Games

Office Space Theme - Mod: Risen / Yzobel

  • Players=35
  • Role= Mafia, Anne the Ex
  • Result= Win
  • Death= Survived

This was the last day…For Initech.

“It’s all gonna burn…” is all Milton muttered to himself.

Peter, Tom, Samir, and Michael were all gone. Even a large number of Interns, but who cares about Interns?

There was no one left to guide Milton. Sure, some might suggest Drew could lead. However, sensing the end was near, Drew was showing everyone the ‘O Face’ that he could find. Especially the gals in Logistics.

Carefully, Milton moved the fake cases of Turtle Wax and Viagra into Lumberg’s office. Both products obviously being linked to his Porsche (you know what they say about expensive toy cars…). So no one thought it was odd. Within the boxes, however, were explosives. And like a red cherry on top, the Red Stapler was placed at the top, serving as the detonator.

While getting more Michael Bolton CD’s from his office, Bob #2 (Emlyn) noticed Milton in Lumberg’s office. He didn’t like that, and decided to investigate. As he entered, Milton rushed past and locked him in…

Wicked (book/musical) Theme - Mod: Penny Lane

  • Players=30
  • Role= Citizen, Irji
  • Result=Win
  • Death=Lynched Day 3, Vigged Day 3

With Elphie so removed from the crowd and the crowd itself so noisy, they didnt hear the approach of marching footsteps.

The Gale Force was upon them before they could make any move to scatter, but as quickly as they descended they were gone.

The Citizens were left to recover and try to figure out what the hell happened! There was a roll call to ensure that everyone was ok, and one by one there were sighs of relief as people stepped forward to state their presence.

That is all bar one...... Irji, son of Fiyero was nowhere to be found, his siblings and mother searched for him yet he was nowhere to be found. Sarima screamed as she came to accept that the Wizard had came for his life and vowed that he would not succeed.

DC Comics, Everyone Has a Power, Theme - Mod: Djinon

  • Players=35
  • Role=Citizen, Hero

You may use any power you've seen previously in the game, but only once each. .

  • Result=Draw
  • Death=Lynched, Day 7

Down below, Hero strolled around a couple buildings on the edge of town, taking a seat on a rock next to one of them.

"Not doing to much, I see"

He looked around, but didn't see anyone. He ran back and peered around the building, still not seeing anything.

"Well, that must be because you're quite dense. Earthlings..."

Hero looked up this time and saw a figure he had never seen before. He was glowing, especially his finger. All of a sudden, the 'thing' rushed at him.

Hero didn't have time to act, a beam of yellow light ripping through his chest. He had never seen this person before, didn't know what to expect, and, although he didn't know it, nothing he could have replicated would have done anything to protect him. No, he would have needed something very special, something... elsewhere.

Avengers Assemble, Everyone Has a Power, Theme - Mod: ChrisMoses

  • Players=45
  • Role=
  • Result=
  • Death=

Modding Experience

None as of yet.