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< User:Lendunistus‎ | TheCouncil
Revision as of 20:56, 17 June 2024 by Lendunistus (talk | contribs) (items drop to the floor upon death)
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  • This is the ruleset for this game; all players must follow it.
  • [insert names here] are the Moderators of this game and have supreme power over its proceedings.
  • In case of any ambiguities in the Ruleset, the Moderators have the final say.
  • Rules in the Immutable section cannot be edited by proposal. Please do not try to circumvent them.
  • Pretending to break the rules will be treated similarly to actually breaking the rules.
  • Follow all site rules.
  • Play to win.
  • Treat others as you would like them to treat you. Heated discussion is fine, personal attacks are not.
  • Quoting out-of-game communication (e.g. your Role PM or Mafia PT) is forbidden. Paraphrasing is okay.
  • Discussing other ongoing games within this game or discussing this game within other ongoing games is forbidden.
  • Don't use encryption, hidden text or excessively small text in your posts (except where required by the ruleset).
  • Don't use any form of provable randomness (e.g. dice tags) except where required by the ruleset. Saying you flipped a coin is okay, providing proof that you did isn't.
  • If you have the ability to edit or delete your posts, do not do so.
  • The moderators' decisions are final.


  • You are expected to make at least one game-relevant post every 48 hours. Players who go 48 hours without posting will be prodded.
  • If you are prodded, you have 24 hours to post in-thread. If you do not respond within 24 hours, you will be replaced. Additionally, if you have to be prodded 3 or more times, you will be replaced at the moderators' discretion.
  • If you're being replaced for inactivity and post in the game thread before a replacement is found for you, you get to stay.
  • If you want to be replaced, send me a PM requesting replacement and do not talk about it at all in the main thread.
  • Abuse of prod dodges will result in you being replaced at my own discretion.
  • If you are going to be V/LA, please announce it in thread or PM one of the moderators. If your V/LA will last 7 days or longer, you may be replaced.


  • There are 10 Town members and 3 Mafia members in this game.
  • All players start the game alive. Upon the start of the game, you are privately informed of your alignment.
  • Members of the Mafia have access to a private thread, in which they may communicate at any time while alive.
  • If a player dies, their alignment is publicly revealed in the game thread at the end of the phase they died on (unless stated otherwise).
  • Players who have died are not considered to be players for the purposes of this ruleset (except for rules in the Immmutable section); these players may be referred to by the term "dead players".
  • Dead players may not post in the game thread or any private topics with the exception of the dead thread.
  • The game starts at the Day phase. Once the Day ends, Night begins.
  • Players may only post in the game thread during a Day phase unless otherwise specified.
  • Once per night, the Mafia may nightkill a living player; that player will die at the end of the Night.
  • Day phases will last for a maximum of 14 real-life days. Night phases will last for a maximum of two real-life days.
  • Town wins when all members of the Mafia are dead. Mafia wins when every member of the Town is dead or when nothing can prevent that from happening.



  • [name] is The Outsider.
  • Unless otherwise stated, proposal history and all publicly available gamestate is tracked at [insert wiki page here]. If this page does not properly reflect the current gamestate, any player may correct it.
  • Each Day phase has 12 Hours. When the number of Hours reaches 0, the Day phase ends immediately.
  • Unless otherwise stated, resources cannot be spent if doing so would cause that resource to go negative.
  • Quorum is the half the number of living players plus one, rounded down.


  • A living player may, during a Day phase, propose a change to the rules and/or gamestate. This is known as a Proposal.
  • A player may only make a Proposal if no Proposals authored by them are currently Pending.
  • A Proposal must have a title, body, and time cost. The time cost may not be higher than the current amount of hours left in the Day hase.
  • Once a Proposal is made, it must be approved by The Outsider, at which point it is made Pending and placed at the bottom of the Queue.
  • If there is 72 real-life hours or less remaining until the end of the Day phase, no new Proposals may be made except for Physical Proposals.
  • The Outsider may make Proposals at any time during a Day phase regardless of any limitations placed upon making Proposals.


  • While a Proposal is Pending, any living player may vote either FOR or AGAINST it. Once a player has cast their vote, they may not change it.
  • If a Proposal has a quorum or more of FOR votes and is at the top of the Queue, The Outsider or a Moderator should, at their first opportunity, Enact it, applying its changes in full.
  • If a Proposal has a quorum or more of AGAINST votes or it has been Pending for 48 or more real-life hours and is at the top of the Queue, The Outsider or a Moderator should, at their first opportunity, Fail it.
  • The Outsider may, at any time, Veto a Proposal that has not been Enacted or Failed. Upon doing so, that Proposal is immediately Failed. They are encouraged to Veto Proposals that they feel would cause a significant unfairness in the game balance or would be unfun for either side.
  • If a Proposal would be impossible to Enact even with a quorum of FOR votes, the Outsider or a Moderator may Fail it at any time.
  • A Proposal may not be Enacted if its time cost surpasses the number of Hours left in the day.
  • When the Day ends, all Pending Proposals are Failed.
  • When a player dies during a Day phase, any votes they have made on Pending Proposals are removed.


  • An entity is a physical item if it is described as some sort of physical object or is explicitly defined as a physical item.
  • A physical item can either be placed on the floor or be held by one player. A player may hold any amount of physical items.
  • A player holding a physical item may, at any time during a Day phase, put it on the floor or give it to another player.
  • Physical items start on the floor unless otherwise specified. They may only be moved from the floor to a player by a Proposal.
  • Physical items may only be taken away from the player holding them by a Proposal.
  • When a player dies, any items they were holding are dropped to the floor.

Physical Proposals

  • If a Proposal's effects are limited to moving around physical items, eliminating players and/or ending the Day, and it would not require the knowledge of hidden information to Enact, it is a Physical Proposal.
  • Physical Proposals always have a time cost of 1 Hour, unless otherwise specified.
  • If a Physical Proposal has a quorum or more of FOR votes, The Outsider or a Moderator may Enact it at any time regardless of its position in the Queue.
  • If a Physical Proposal would directly result in the death of another player when enacted, it is an Elimination Proposal.
  • Elimination Proposals always have a time cost of 6 Hours, unless otherwise specified.
  • An Elimination Proposal may only kill one player at a time. Only one Elimination Proposal may be Enacted per Day phase.