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ZombieSlayer54 is a player on MafiaScum, and sometimes EpicMafia.

MafiaScum Finished Games:

Assassins in the Palace II:

Role: Assassin of Pétrolli, partner Shy Guy.

Lynched Day 1, killed FlameAxe, Guard of Jelluña, per the request of Shy Guy.

Shy Guy was Lynched Day 3, killed both armlx and q21, both of them the Khalifs of Jelluña. He now officially loves Shy Guy for being able to decipher that and win the game for them.

Side Notes: He is not playing an AITP game again. Ever. All townies can do is speed-lynch and hope for the best.

Loser Mafia:

Role: Vanilla Townie

Lynched Day Two.

Unfortunately, PokerFace and Korlash were later able to convince the town to lynch them. Mafia victory.

Open 76: Polygamist Mafia

Role: Lover with BionicChop2

Mistakenly lynched DCorbe and PanzerJager Day 1, primarily because Panzer was being... Less than amiable.

By following the same logic, he lynched OhMyGodMyLife Day 2, resulting in the death of his THREE lovers. Bloody polygamist...

Overall Town victory.

Side Notes: He enjoyed this set-up immensely. He hopes to try it again sometime.

Open 74: C/9ths

Role: Vanilla Townie

Hammered by replacement scum day 4, replacement scum gets lynched day after.

Overall Town victory.

MafiaScum In-Progress Games:

Mini 595

Role: Mafia Spy (Dead: Lynched)

Theme Mini 598 (Abandoned)

Theme Mini 605

(Dead: Modkilled) That is what he gets for trying to loophole rules.

Score on EpicMafia:

615 Score

10 Wins

18 Used Lives

34.7 Score per life.

1 Suicide (Lag to teh MAX)

Other Notes

He is one sexy beast.

Members of his Super Duper Awesome Fun Fanclub!



Eldritch Lord (Junior Member)

Albert B. Rampage

Adel (Junior Member)


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