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Telephone Pictionary: Elements of Surprise/Chain T

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Chain T: chamber's Chain

chamber - Phrase

The noodle person bathed in tomato sauce.

Klick - Picture

Tellurium T1.png

schadd_ - Phrase

i'm being showered in tomato juice

N - Picture

Tellurium T2.png

McMenno - Phrase

Someone is enjoying a strawberry milk shower.

Katyusha - Picture

Tellurium T3.png

Who - Phrase

Someone drinks the strawberry milk which showers down on them.

StrangerCoug - Picture

Tellurium T4.png

Bellaphant - Phrase

When life gives you eggplant rain, make healthy smoothies!!

Shaziro - Picture

Tellurium T5.png

GreenLiquid - Phrase

Eggplants rain from the storm cloud, to be sliced on the table and blended into eggplant smoothie.

Shadoweh - Picture

Tellurium T6.png

DeathRowKitty - Phrase

I love making smoothies when it rains eggplants.

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