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New to the mafiascum website, has played a bit elsewhere. Found the site when looking for ideas for a live mafia party and decided to play a bit.


Town 1-3
Mafia 1-0
Other 0-0
Overall 2-3

Current Games

Mini 808 - Rabbit Doubt Mafia (Enter the Wolves) - Killed Night 1
Mini 833 - Empire at War
Mini 830 - Time Bomb Mafia

Completed Games

Open 122 - Near Vanilla (Vanilla Townie - Survived) - Town Wins
Newbie747 (Vanilla Townie - Killed Night 1) - Mafia Wins
Mini 765 - Welcome to Hambargarville (Mafia Role blocker - Survived) - Mafia Wins
Mini 777 Scottish Mafia (Vanilla Townie - Killed in end game) - Mafia Wins
Mini 819 - WWF Mafia (BabyFace Avenger - Thrown out of ring Day 3) - Mafia Wins