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General Information

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Star Sign: Scorpio

Supposed Occupation: Author

A Background Check

I have done a great many things in my life already, and I am exceptionally intelligent. By "exceptional", I mean that my IQ is supposed to be in the lower genius range, and I scored in the top 97th percentile on some national test or the other. However, I have an inability to take most things seriously enough for that to matter. The knowledge that I should take things more seriously does not seem to help me actually do that. I am an atheist. I have been singing in the choral classes at my school since 6th grade. I have been in Show Choir since the 10th grade. I have been accepted into the All-District choral program 3 times, and have been twice. I have tried out for All-State once, and almost make it (they only take 2-4 for each section, plus an alternate or two, just in case someone gets sick), which is saying a lot, since about 40 people tried out for it, and I even messed up on a part of it. I am the most likely candidate to be my groups Dance Captain this year, after having been trained for the spot since 9th (vocally trained) and 10th (choreographically trained, as well as trained in gaining the group's trust) by the choral director and previous Dance Captain respectively. I also work stage crew for my school's all girl Show Choir group. This means that I am backstage when they come off to the sides for a dress change, and I even have to occasionally help them change. Yes, I do love my "job". I have been to places that I never would have thought of going, and they were beautiful (the mountains of West Virginia in winter, Ohio after snow), and done things that few will be able to say they've done. Those things consist of: sung the National Anthem at a professional NBA game; performed on the Hard Rock Cafe stage in Orlando, Florida. I am hoping to add singing in the Grand Opre in Nashville, Tennessee to that list by the end of this final high school year. I have had a poem published already, and am hoping to have another done as well before I graduate, possibly two more. And with all that going on, I suffer from self-diagnosed chronic-manic-depression, due to the fact that outside of singing, writing/reading, and the internet, my life hates me. Life's funny that way, isn't it?

Mafia Experience

I began to play on after having played mafia through the Facebook application. As such, I'm prone to calling the mafia "maf", instead of what appears to be the customary "scum", but at least I use "townie" now. I now play regularly (nearly regularly) on the site known as EpicMafia, in place of Facebook, which I have not gone back to in months.