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|org=The Challenge
The Challenge: The Void was a non-anonymous Large Social Game moderated by {{U|CuddlyCaucasian}} and {{U|Pablito}}. It ran from January 19th, 2018 to March 3rd, 2018.
The Challenge: The Void was a non-anonymous Large Social Game moderated by {{U|CuddlyCaucasian}} and {{U|Pablito}}. It ran from January 19th, 2018 to March 3rd, 2018.

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| colspan="2" style="text-align: center; background-color:#ffffff;" | Cephrir
| colspan="2" style="text-align: center; background-color:#ffffff;" | Cephrir
| colspan="2" style="text-align: center; background-color:#000000; color:#ffffff;" | Chevre
| colspan="2" style="text-align: center; background-color:#000000; color:#ffffff;" | Chevre
| colspan="2" style="text-align: center; background-color:#ffffff;" | Cephrir
| colspan="2" style="text-align: center; background-color:#000000; color:#ffffff;" | Cephrir
| colspan="2" style="text-align: center; background-color:#000000; color:#ffffff;" | CaptainMeme
| colspan="2" style="text-align: center; background-color:#000000; color:#ffffff;" | CaptainMeme
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| colspan="2" style="text-align: center; background-color:#656565; color:#ffffff;" | Ghug
| colspan="2" style="text-align: center; background-color:#656565; color:#ffffff;" | Ghug
[[Category: Large Social Games]]

Latest revision as of 18:48, 1 October 2023

The Challenge: The Void
Year: 2018
ORG/LSG Format: MafiaScum-Hosted
The Challenge
Type: Non-Anonymous
Players: 26
Moderator(s): CuddlyCaucasian, pablito
LSG List Mod: N/A
Winner(s): Cephrir
Runner-Up(s): Chevre, Ghug

The Challenge: The Void was a non-anonymous Large Social Game moderated by CuddlyCaucasian and Pablito. It ran from January 19th, 2018 to March 3rd, 2018.

Each round, players would be divided into two teams, who would compete in a challenge for team immunity. The losing team would then be split into two groups based on a vote - every player in the game could issue one vote to send someone to the Black Hole, and the three players who received the most votes (two players after Round 4) would compete in the Black Hole, a challenge where the worst performing player would be eliminated from the game. The rest of the losing team would compete in the Void, which was the same challenge with the worst performing player being eliminated, but with a larger number of players competing.

In the event of a tie on the Black Hole vote between more players than the Black Hole required, the tied players would become immune and the Black Hole spaces would be filled by players randomly chosen from the losing team. If a player had been in the Black Hole in the previous round, they could not be voted for, and could not be selected in the event of a tie.

Rounds 9 and 10 had five and four teams respectively, with just two players winning immunity in each.

In Round 11, there was no immunity challenge, and the 6 remaining players took part in three head-to-head duels with the winners advancing.

Cephrir defeated Chevre and Ghug in the Final Challenge to win the game.


Players Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Round 5 Round 6 Round 7 Round 8 Round 9 Round 10 Round 11 Round 12 Placement
animorpherv1 Void 26th
pickemgenius Black Hole 25th
Drench Immune Void 24th
Aurathebirb Immune Black Hole 23rd
TheHappyOne Void Immune Void 22nd
Entreri Void Void Black Hole 21st
Iprobablysuck Immune Immune Immune Black Hole 20th
Vijarada Void Black Hole Immune Void 19th
Zoraster Immune Void Black Hole Void Void 18th
racefan12 Black Hole Void Void Immune Black Hole 17th
PrivateI Void Immune Immune Immune Void Void 16th
DrumBeats Immune Void Black Hole Immune Immune Black Hole 15th
VashtaNeurotic Void Black Hole Void Immune Immune Immune Black Hole 14th
McMenno Void Immune Immune Immune Immune Black Hole Void 13th
Radja Immune Void Immune Immune Void Void Immune Void 12th
Fluminator Black Hole Immune Void Void Immune Void Immune Black Hole 11th
mv_gimmick Void Immune Immune Void Immune Void Immune Immune Void 10th
D3f3nd3r Immune Immune Immune Immune Immune Immune Void Immune Black Hole 9th
Xalxe Immune Immune Void Void Void Void Void Immune Void Void 8th
MGD Immune Immune Void Immune Immune Immune Immune Void Void Black Hole 7th
TheWayItEnds Immune Void Immune Void Black Hole Immune Void Immune Immune Immune Lost 6th
Kublai Khan Immune Immune Void Immune Void Immune Immune Immune Void Void Lost 5th
CaptainMeme Immune Immune Immune Black Hole Void Immune Immune Immune Void Black Hole Lost 4th
Ghug Immune Void Immune Immune Immune Immune Black Hole Void Void Void Won Lost 3rd
Chevre Void Void Immune Void Immune Immune Immune Black Hole Immune Void Won Lost 2nd
Cephrir Void Immune Void Black Hole Void Void Void Void Black Hole Immune Won Won 1st


Black indicates the player received enough votes to be sent to the Black Hole, white indicates they did not. Grey indicates that a player tied for a Black Hole place, becoming immune and a random untied player taking their place.

In Round 2, VashtaNeurotic, Vijarada, and Aurathebirb took the tied spots in the Black Hole. In Round 10, the tied spot was taken by MGD.

Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Round 5 Round 6 Round 7 Round 8 Round 9 Round 10
Votes 7-7-6-4-1-1 6*-6*-6*-6* 7-5-5-4-1 6-5-5-4 9-5-4 6-5-4-1 6-4-2-2 7-3-1-1 5-3-1-1 3-2*-2*-1
animorpherv1 racefan12
pickemgenius Entreri
Drench Fluminator Entreri
Aurathebirb pickemgenius Chevre
TheHappyOne racefan12 Zoraster Zoraster
Entreri racefan12 DrumBeats DrumBeats
Iprobablysuck pickemgenius Chevre Entreri Cephrir
Vijarada Entreri TheWayItEnds DrumBeats TheWayItEnds
Zoraster Fluminator Chevre Entreri CaptainMeme racefan12
racefan12 Entreri TheWayItEnds Zoraster Iprobablysuck Zoraster
PrivateI racefan12 TheWayItEnds DrumBeats Iprobablysuck TheWayItEnds DrumBeats
DrumBeats Fluminator Entreri Entreri CaptainMeme racefan12 McMenno
VashtaNeurotic racefan12 TheWayItEnds Zoraster Iprobablysuck TheWayItEnds DrumBeats Ghug
McMenno Entreri TheWayItEnds DrumBeats TheWayItEnds Zoraster Radja Ghug
Radja Fluminator Entreri TheHappyOne CaptainMeme racefan12 Fluminator D3f3nd3r Fluminator
Fluminator animorpherv1 Zoraster Zoraster Iprobablysuck TheWayItEnds DrumBeats Ghug Fluminator
mv_gimmick mv_gimmick Zoraster DrumBeats Iprobablysuck TheWayItEnds DrumBeats Ghug Cephrir Kublai Khan
D3f3nd3r Fluminator Entreri Fluminator CaptainMeme racefan12 McMenno VashtaNeurotic Fluminator Cephrir
Xalxe Fluminator Entreri Fluminator Cephrir racefan12 Fluminator Cephrir Fluminator Cephrir Xalxe
MGD pickemgenius Chevre Entreri Cephrir racefan12 McMenno VashtaNeurotic Chevre Cephrir Xalxe
TheWayItEnds Fluminator Entreri Fluminator CaptainMeme racefan12 McMenno VashtaNeurotic Fluminator Cephrir Chevre
Kublai Khan pickemgenius Chevre Entreri Cephrir racefan12 McMenno VashtaNeurotic Fluminator CaptainMeme CaptainMeme
CaptainMeme pickemgenius Zoraster DrumBeats Iprobablysuck TheWayItEnds Fluminator Ghug Chevre D3f3nd3r CaptainMeme
Ghug pickemgenius Chevre Fluminator Cephrir racefan12 McMenno Cephrir Chevre Cephrir CaptainMeme
Chevre racefan12 Zoraster DrumBeats TheWayItEnds Zoraster DrumBeats Ghug MGD D3f3nd3r Ghug
Cephrir racefan12 TheWayItEnds Zoraster TheWayItEnds Zoraster Fluminator D3f3nd3r Fluminator D3f3nd3r Ghug