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Main Page Games Modded Games Achievements Avatars

Ongoing games

Black background indicates games I'm dead in.

Gold background indicates games being played in a hydra.

Game Mod Phase Hydra?
no deadlines mafia xyzzy Day 2
Micro 837: Joint Operation Mafia MariaR Day 5
Booneytoonz IX - Under The Sea Gamma Emerald Day 1

Completed games

No completed games in 2019 yet.

Games I didn't complete

Mini 2004 - Birth of the Necromancer

Game Type Modded by Role Entry Fate Outcome
Mini Theme Beefster Gabriel Manchester, Town Prophet Started N/A Mod-cancelled
The mod derped and after we lynched scum-mollie D1, he posted her role PM without removing her scumbuddies from it. Shame, because the setup was really interesting, and town was 100% winning this based on how D1 went. Also very proud of my reads.

Mini 2006: Scummer in this game UPick

Game Type Modded by Role Entry Fate Outcome
Mini Theme Cheetory6 mastina, Compulsive Town Wall (Ascetisizer) Started Replaced out Scum win
mastina, the very scummer I picked for my role, decided I was scum and deathtunneled me for 100+ pages. To make matters worse, she was a mason. To make matters even worse, she was a mason with NicoRobin, who, as usual, also deathtunneled me and refused to play the game. How much bullshit can one take? I couldn't. I replaced out, and I am done giving NicoRobin more chances. It's replace out on sight from now on.