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Telephone Pictionary Platinum/Chain J

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Chain J: Creature's Chain

Creature - Phrase

We have the same number of grammy awards as Katy Perry.

FakeGod - Picture

Telcoin J1.jpg

DeathRowKitty - Phrase

"SleepyKrew and his oddly-dressed girlfriend will NOT be pleased by the lack of record player on this set of shelves!" the gesturing man yelled to his underlings.

MTD - Picture

Telcoin J2.png

Vijarada - Phrase

An angry man tells three other men about two pikachus, the number two, and a black ball.

Errantparabola - Picture

Telcoin J3.jpg

lalaladucks - Phrase

Pikachu interviews Pikachu Number 2, while the Pringles guy and his three mobster cronies watch the spectacle.

McMenno - Picture

Telcoin J4.png

notachipmunk - Phrase

Pringles man hires the Men in Black to go after Pikachu #2 in the Pikachu singing duo.

schadd_ - Picture

Telcoin J5.jpg

Annadog40 - Phrase

A decapitated Pringles guy grudgingly points a severed hand at the men in black who are shooting the pichu brothers who are now pikachus.

N - Picture

Telcoin J6.jpg

randomidget - Phrase

The Pringles man orders his mafia hitmen to execute the pikachus

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