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Pick Your Power X/Y: Hint of Something Smart
Pick Your Power X/Y: Hint of Something_Smart is a 14 player open setup variant of Pick Your Power X/Y modified by Something_Smart.
Just like Pick Your Power X/Y, players receive only alignments initially. There are 3 Mafiosi and 11 Townies. The Mafia PT is open for the entire game, including pregame. Each player submits a positive whole number. During this time, the Mafia choose to either have Multitasking (they will be able to kill and take a personal action in the same night) or Informed (after the draft, they will learn one random pair that was not assigned, or they will learn that all pairs were assigned); this choice will be public. Then, players are ordered first by number of players who picked that number (fewest first), then by number value (lowest first), then randomly between those who picked the same number. The numbers and draft ordering are published, and each player requests one role from the following list:
- Night 3 Vigilante OR Vengeful
- 1-Shot Vigilante OR 2-Shot PGO (active)
- Ascetic Cop OR Bulletproof
- Draft Cop (learns what role pair a player tried to draft) OR 1-Shot Watcher
- Doctor OR Roleblocker
- Universal Backup OR Rolecop
- Neighborizer OR Voyeur
- Jailkeeper OR Tracker
The player highest on the list who requests a role from each pair will get it; all other players will become Vanilla. Only one of the two roles from each pair can be assigned.
Team Mafia 2023 Variation
There are two changes made in the Team Mafia 2023 variation of the Pick Your Power X/Y: Hint of Something_Smart setup.
One is that draft priority is given to the player closer to the median of the chosen numbers (based on absolute difference, with ties being awarded to the lower number) instead of the lower number. Draft priority is still given primarily to numbers that were chosen less often.
The other change is that the setup is changed to work with 13 players, this is done by removing a townie from the setup.
History |
Open 825 - (Town Win) |
Open 841 - (Mafia Win) |
Open 853 - (Town Win) |
Open 867 - (Mafia Win) |
Open 873 - (Town Win) |
Open 905 - (Town Win) |