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Juvenile Delinquent

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Juvenile Delinquent
Alias: none
Role type:
  • Negative Utility
  • Deceptive
  • Manipulative
Choice: none
Status: Known

Juvenile Delinquent is a role that is effectively a Miller Cop Enabler. That is, a Juvenile Delinquent passively returns an unfavorable result (i.e. Guilty) if investigated by a Cop and removes a Cop's power once dead.

A Juvenile Delinquent is a Town role.

Standard version

The standard Juvenile Delinquent is self-aware.

A Juvenile Delinquent returns a Guilty result if investigated by a Cop, "Juvenile Delinquent" if investigated by a Role Cop, and "non-Vanilla" to a Vanilla Cop. When a Juvenile Delinquent dies, the Cop role will no longer function.


A Juvenile Delinquent may enable all roles with the word "Cop" in them instead of just the Cop role.

Sample Role PMs

The sample Role PM for "Juvenile Delinquent" describes the passive ability as follows:

  • As an unmodified passive ability: You investigate as "Guilty" to Cops. When you die, the Cop role will cease to function for all players. (edit)
  • As a passive ability with a modifier: You investigate as "Guilty" to Cops. When you die, the Cop role will cease to function for all players. (edit)

Example (unmodified)

Welcome to game! You are a Town Juvenile Delinquent.

You investigate as "Guilty" to Cops. When you die, the Cop role will cease to function for all players.

You have no active abilities.

You win if all threats to the town are eliminated and at least one town-aligned player is alive.

Confirm by replying to this PM with a summary of your role.

Example (modified)

Welcome to game! You are a Town 1-shot Juvenile Delinquent.

You investigate as "Guilty" to Cops. When you die, the Cop role will cease to function for all players.

You have no active abilities.

You win if all threats to the town are eliminated and at least one town-aligned player is alive.

Confirm by replying to this PM with a summary of your role.