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GLORY Basic Handbook

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Format of a Character

  • Name:
  • Gender:
  • Age:
  • Weapon Skills:
  1. Melee:
  2. Ranged:
  3. Special:
  • Situational Skills:
  1. Strength:
  2. Swiftness:
  3. Survival:
  4. Stealth:
  5. Climbing
  6. Trapping:
  7. Alertness:
  8. Diplomacy:

Step 1: Basic Information

Choose a name, gender, and age. This information does not affect combat in any way, but there is an age cap of 40 set by the Kubera Khan for the tournament.

Step 2: Decide on weapon skills

There are three types of weapon skills classified by distance: Melee, Ranged, and Special.

  • Melee weapons consist of close-range weapons such as a Nanoknife or Shockspear.
  • Ranged weapons consist mostly of typical guns (Sonic Pistol, Plasma Rifle, etc.).
  • Special weapons consist of the most powerful weapons (Hand Cannon, etc.) as well as various types of throwables and projectiles (Sonic Grenade, etc.).

Each character has one weapon skill that is average (0), fair (1), and good (2). You decide which is which.

Step 3: Assign points to situational skills

Any skills you do not spend points in will be "mediocre", which means that you receive a "-1" modifier on rolls to perform those actions. Each point assigned will increase this modifier by one. You have 12 points to assign in this section, distributed across the following skills:

  • Strength: Ability to perform feats of strength, such as lifting heavy objects.
  • Swiftness: Ability to move quickly in response to threats or stimuli.
  • Survival: Ability to forage, make a fire, cut wood, and otherwise survive in a hostile environment.
  • Stealth: Ability to move silently, remain hidden, steal items, or pick locks.
  • Climbing: Ability to scale cliffs, climb up rocks, and otherwise traverse difficult terrain in the arena.
  • Trapping: Ability to disarm or set up traps.
  • Alertness: Ability to detect unexpected threats or stimuli.
  • Diplomacy: Ability to persuade an NPC to think or do something. Does NOT work on opponents.

You have now created your character! Seriously, that's it. We're keeping this simple - it should be no more complicated than determining the statistics of a player character in a video game like Fallout. In fact, it should probably be easier, because you aren't dealing with perks/special abilities or any weapon bonuses/statistics. When you’ve gotten this far, take the filled-out character template and PM it to the Kubera Khan account. After it has been received, we’ll PM you about what to do next.

We do have a few more sections to detail future changes to your character and the fatigue system, but if you stopped reading now, you would be ready for your first match in the arena.

Step 4: Fatigue

When you remain in the arena for long periods of time without rest, you will become fatigued. Fatigue has a number of possible effects on a character based on how long they have been in the arena. This system is in place to ensure no one player remains completely dominant in the arena for a huge amount of time. Got to make way for the new blood!

  • 1 victory: No effects
  • 2 victories: All situational rolls have a 25% chance of a "-1" modifier.
  • 3 victories: All situational rolls have a 50% chance of a "-1" modifier.
  • 4 victories: All situational rolls have a "-1" modifier.
  • 5+ victories: All situational rolls have a "-1" modifier and weapon rolls have a 25% chance of a "-1" modifier.

Step 5: Leveling your Character

For every victory in the arena, your character gains a level. Leveling up does not occur until your character dies and is regenerated outside of the arena. Characters start at Level 0.

  • Every level gained gives you one point to assign in situational skills.
  • Every three levels gained gives you one point to assign in weapon skills.

Leveling up is both a blessing and a curse. Reaching a higher level gives you prestige on the leaderboards and brings you closer to your ultimate goal: Honor, Fame, and Glory for your home planet. It also means that the Kubera Khan will acknowledge that you are more dangerous and increase the level of challenge for you in the arena. This could take the form of more disadvantageous weapons or otherwise having the odds stacked against you. You'll know the Kubera Khan has been impressed when you're facing off against the combined might of multiple players…

Be ready.

Format of a Game

At the beginning of each game, a thread will be created where the arena will be briefly described. In addition to this, a QuickTopic will be created for each player. The Mod will direct you when to post in each, but generally speaking, you will post in your QuickTopic when you aren’t interacting with your opponent and in the thread when you are. This is to prevent opponents from seeing/knowing what you’re doing/acquiring/setting up when they shouldn’t have that information.

All rolls, regardless of what place you’re posting in, will be posted in your QuickTopic. This information is not public to your opponent during the match.

Be aware that QuickTopics will be made public after the game is over.

The tl;dr

You don't need to read the rest of this guide to know how to play. This is intentional. All luck-based rolls will be conducted by the Moderators via QuickTopic, just so you are aware of how you got your scores. You don't need to view these in order to know what's going on.

In general, the two things you do need to keep an eye on if you want to know how you’re doing in combat are:

  • CMoS = Combat Margin of Success - a higher number means a greater success for the victor, a lower number means a smaller success for the victor. This is used to determine how successful an action is.
  • Combat-Related Modifiers = How wounded/hurt you are during combat. Generally incurring a combat-related multiplier is a bad thing. It can throw the fight against your favor if you acquire them. If your combat-related modifier becomes too strongly negative, you will likely lose.

All you have to do to take an action (in or out of combat) is say what you want to do, and the moderators will handle all the technicalities using the information about your character that you've provided us. That's it! Simple!

Game Mechanics

Situational Rolls:

To perform an action, simply state what you want to do (i.e. "Shoot at player A" or “Scale this cliff”). Being specific is to your advantage. When you take any action that has a reasonable possibility of failure for the average person, we would make a situational roll for you. For example, something like walking from point A to point B generally wouldn't need a roll, but variations on it could. If there is a trip-wire in that direction, we would roll an awareness check to determine if you notice it. If you fail that check, and a rock begins to roll towards you "Indiana Jones"-style, we might roll a swiftness check to determine if you can escape it. If you are walking from point A to point B during combat, we might also roll a swiftness check to determine if you escape from your opponent's blow.

Players never roll dice in GLORY Basic. This is simply to keep the game moving and minimize the time it takes to perform combat and other actions. Mods will roll dice for players in your QuickTopics, listing what roll they are performing. The result will then be posted in-thread in flavor form.

For all situational rolls, the Mod(s) also determines the ToS (Threshold of Success). The ToS is the number you need to reach to successfully do what you're trying to do. This is a semi-arbitrary number, but if you hit this number, you will succeed. If you exceed this number, you may succeed and accomplish something better. For instance, a success of 2 over the ToS for pick-pocketing (based on Stealth) may net you the key you wanted to get out of someone's pocket and their wallet, as well. If you do not meet the ToS, you will fail. Generally, 1 below the ToS will not lead to a horrible failure - you just don't complete your action. Failing by a larger margin will result in a more severe failure. This may result in harm to your character or another undesirable outcome. In the previous pick-pocketing example, if you failed by a margin of 2, you would most likely alert the person you were attempting to pickpocket.

ToS is not revealed to the player explicitly. Use common sense when reading the flavor to determine whether it’s a good idea to do something. Climbing a completely vertical rock face is a horrible idea if you have no points in Climbing. Leaping across a 10 meter hole is always a bad idea. Generally speaking, the Mod(s) will not include obstacles in the arena that are so difficult that neither player would ever have a hope of succeeding.

You begin your situational roll with the modifier determined by the relevant situational skill. The Mod(s) then rolls 4d6 for the player. Every 1 or 2 rolled results in a decrease in your score by 1, while every 5 or 6 rolled increases your score by 1. This is the score compared to the ToS. It is important to note that rolling all 1’s or all 6’s results in a "critical" failure or “impressive” success. Critical failures or impressive successes mean that you will generally fail or succeed at your round no matter what, often in extreme ways.

Special Case: Combat

Combat is essentially a specialized case of a situational roll. Players or NPCs engaged in combat are called "agents”. In combat, all agents involved have the opportunity to perform an action at the same time. All actions resolve simultaneously. In combat, the applicable modifier is generally your weapon skill that relates to the weapon being used, although you could also use another modifier if you’re taking an action in combat that is not related to weaponry. The dice operate in the exact same manner as in normal situational rolls.

After both players have been rolled for (as they are doing actions simultaneously), their combat scores are compared. Whoever has the higher combat score is the winner. The CMoS is the combat margin of success, and refers to how much higher the combat score of the victor was than the combat score of the loser. The result of the combat round is determined by the CMoS:

  • 0 - Scratched (nothing happens)
  • 1 or 2 - Clipped (-1 modifier to next action only)
  • 3 or 4 - Hurt (-1 modifier until the end of the engagement)
  • 5 or 6 - Wounded (-1 modifer until healed)
  • 7 or more - Taken Out (combat is over, the loser has been knocked out)

Note that all modifiers stack, making it possible over time (but generally not in a single round) to take out an opponent. Base modifiers (weapon skills) are not revealed to players. CMoS is revealed for every round, as are modifiers that are the result of combat.

After a single round of combat, both agents again choose an action and another round occurs.

Special Thanks

Big thanks to everyone who worked on Amstaad, from which we drew our inspiration and the basic mechanics of luck-based events and combat.