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Conceptual Consensus

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  • Conceptual Consensus
Setup Size:
  • 13
Setup Type:

Conceptual Consensus is an open setup designed by TemporalLich for the 2024 Open Setup Design Challenge, and is the winner for the Standard (PR-based) category of that year. The setup utilizes power roles determined by the players in an anonymous vote before the game begins.



  • Daystart
  • Normal voting and nightkills.
  • Inherent Multitasking is enabled. (i.e. the Mafia Roleblocker can kill and block on the same night)
  • Each player privately chooses one of four concepts during pregame. The concepts are Power, Spec, Charm, and Magic.
  • The most chosen concept gets a strong town role, while the second most chosen concept gets a weak town role. If at least 11 players choose a single concept, both town roles will correspond to that concept. Ties are broken randomly.
  • Players receive their Role PMs before concept choices. The Mafia PT will be unlocked during pregame, but the game thread will be locked during pregame.
  • The players who receive roles based on chosen concepts will receive "Town Strong Role" and "Town Weak Role" PMs during pregame, and will receive their actual Role PMs at the start of Day 1.
  • Players flip with their chosen concept. (e.g. a Vanilla Townie that chose Power will flip as "Vanilla Townie of Power")
  • Roleblocker takes precedence over Jailkeeper and Shield.
Concept Strong Role Weak Role
Power Vigilante Shield
Spec Watcher Tracker
Charm Jailkeeper Bodyguard
Magic Neapolitan Vanilla Cop

Role PMs

Mafia Roleblocker

  • Welcome, [Player Name]. You are a Mafia Roleblocker, along with your partners, [Player Name] and [Player Name].


  • Factional communication: At any time, you may talk with your partners here [Private Topic link].
  • Factional kill: Each night, one member of the Mafia may perform the Mafia factional nightkill.
  • Roleblock: Each night, you may prevent a player from using their ability.

Win condition:

  • You win when the Town has been wiped out, or nothing can stop this from occurring.

Mafia Goon

  • Welcome, [Player Name]. You are a Mafia Goon, along with your partners, [Player Name] and [Player Name].


  • Factional communication: At any time, you may talk with your partners here [Private Topic link].
  • Factional kill: Each night, one member of the Mafia may perform the Mafia factional nightkill.

Win condition:

  • You win when the Town has been wiped out, or nothing can stop this from occurring.

Town Strong Role

  • Welcome, [Player Name], you are a Town Strong Role.


  • Strong role: You will have a Strong Role based on the most chosen concept.

Win condition:

  • You win when there are no longer any threats to town.

Town Weak Role

  • Welcome, [Player Name], you are a Town Weak Role.


  • Weak role: You will have a Weak Role based on the second most chosen concept, unless 11 or more players choose a single concept in which case you will receive that concept's Weak Role.

Win condition:

  • You win when there are no longer any threats to town.

Vanilla Townie

  • Welcome, [Player Name], you are a Vanilla Townie.


  • You have no special abilities.

Win condition:

  • You win when there are no longer any threats to town.

Strong Roles

Town Vigilante

  • Welcome, [Player Name], you are a Town Vigilante.


  • Vigilante: Each night, you may attempt to kill a player.

Win condition:

  • You win when there are no longer any threats to town.

Town Watcher

  • Welcome, [Player Name], you are a Town Watcher.


  • Watcher: Each night, you may learn who targeted a player that night.

Win condition:

  • You win when there are no longer any threats to town.

Town Jailkeeper

  • Welcome, [Player Name], you are a Town Jailkeeper.


  • Jailkeeper: Each night, you may prevent a player from using their ability and protect them from kills.

Win condition:

  • You win when there are no longer any threats to town.

Town Neapolitan

  • Welcome, [Player Name], you are a Town Neapolitan.


  • Neapolitan: Each night, you may learn if a player is a Vanilla Townie or not.

Win condition:

  • You win when there are no longer any threats to town.

Weak Roles

Town Shield

  • Welcome, [Player Name], you are a Town Shield.


  • Shield: Each night, you may prevent a player from killing, however you will die if you successfully block a kill.

Win condition:

  • You win when there are no longer any threats to town.

Town Tracker

  • Welcome, [Player Name], you are a Town Tracker.


  • Tracker: Each night, you may learn who a player has targeted that night.

Win condition:

  • You win when there are no longer any threats to town.

Town Bodyguard

  • Welcome, [Player Name], you are a Town Bodyguard.


  • Bodyguard: Each night, you may protect a player from a single kill, however you will die if you successfully stop a kill.

Win condition:

  • You win when there are no longer any threats to town.

Town Vanilla Cop

  • Welcome, [Player Name], you are a Town Vanilla Cop.


  • Vanilla Cop: Each night, you may learn if a player is Vanilla or not.

Win condition:

  • You win when there are no longer any threats to town.