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CK9++ is a 13 player semi-open setup designed by Korina, with the intent of being a balanced hybrid middle-ground between C9++ and JK9++. Instead of being a direct hybrid of the two setups, it contains roles from both setups, plus some new roles to keep the game interesting and fresh.
The setup is complex, but like C9++ and JK9++, the basic principle is that the more power the Town is given, the more powerful the scum become in response.
Like C9++ and JK9++, 50% of all setups generated will contain a Serial Killer.
Game Mechanics
- Setup uses Daystart.
- If Serial Killer appears, they choose between Investigation Immunity AND 1-Shot Bulletproof or Ninja AND Strongman kills as their extra ability. They choose this pre-game.
- All investigative roles are guaranteed to be sane.
- Kills are indistinguishable, do not use varying flavor for Mafia, Vigilante, Serial Killer or Reflexive Vigilante night kills.
- Innocent Child is revealed at start of D1 by the mod.
- All protective roles prevent only one night kill.
- Mafia Roleblocker may not kill AND preform the factional kill in the same night.
- Mafia Roleblocker also has priority over Town Jailkeeper, Town Roleblocker, or Town Rolestopper.
- All bulletproof roles, (godfather, serial killer if they take BP), are informed if they are attacked.
Role Mechanics
- Cops receive results as "Town/Not Town".
- Trackers receive results as "Your target visited (name) last night!/Your target did not visit anyone last night!"
- Neapolitans receive results as "Vanilla Townie/Not Vanilla Townie".
- Gunsmiths receive results as "Your target has a gun!/Your target does not have a gun!"
- Godfather appears Innocent only to Cops.
- A Godfather will appear "Town" to a Cop
- A Godfather will appear as normal to Trackers, Neapolitans, and Gunsmiths.
- Millers, (and framed players), always appear guilty to all investigative roles.
- A Miller/Framed Player will always appear to be "Not Town" to a Cop.
- A Miller/Framed Player will always appear to have visited a player who was nightkilled to a Tracker.
- A Miller/Framed Player will always appear to not be a Vanilla Townie to a Neapolitan.
- A Miller/Framed Player will always appear to have a gun to a Gunsmith.
- Players who have a tailor forge an Innocent result on them will always appear innocent to all investigative roles.
- An Innocently Tailored Player will always appear to be "Town" to a Cop.
- An Innocently Tailored Player will always appear to not have visited any player to a Tracker.
- An Innocently Tailored Player will always appear to be a Vanilla Townie to a Neapolitan.
- An Innocently Tailored Player will always appear to not have a gun to a Gunsmith.
- Serial Killers appear Innocent to Gunsmiths, and situationally appear Innocent to Cops or Trackers.
- If the Serial Killer took Investigation Immunity, they will appear to be Town to Cops, but not Trackers.
- If the Serial Killer took Ninja and Strongman kills, they will appear to not visit, however, they will appear as "Not Town" to a Cop.
- The night a Reflexive Vigilante goes on alert, they are rendered Bulletproof. A Strongman will still kill the Reflexive Vigilante regardless of them going on alert.
The moderator randomly chooses 7 numbers from 1-100, repeating permitted. Then, each number is turned into a letter as follows:
- 1-50 = T (Scum Roles)
- 51-65 = I (Investigative Roles)
- 66-75 = P (Protective Roles)
- 76-85 = K (Killing Roles)
- 86-95 = M (Mason Roles)
- 96-100 = A (Action/Result Modification Roles)
The mod then notes how many of each letter is generated.
Setup Determination
Powerroles are inserted into the setup depending on how many of each letter are generated. For example, when looking at the "I" list, look at how many Is you received. If you get no Is, do not add any roles from the I list (exception: "T" list has a set of roles to be added if 0 Ts are generated). If you get three Is, look at where it says III and add the corresponding power-roles into the game. In this case, add a Cop OR Tracker, Cop OR Tracker, Neapolitan OR Gunsmith, randomly picking any "OR" choices.
One of the weird cases with this as well is if you have 2 or 3 P's, where you'll see {{Bodyguard OR Doctor} OR Jailkeeper}. The way you resolve those is simple. You resolve if it's a Bodyguard or Doctor, then resolve if it's the Bodyguard/Doctor, or Jailkeeper.
If you draw more letters than are listed in a category, give the maximum power listed for that letter.
For sake of keeping any multiple generational choices, (the OR choices), easy to locate, they have been put inside these curly brackets: {}
Investigative Roles
I = {Cop OR Tracker} (50/50 chance of either, the same is true for all "OR" options)
II = {Cop OR Tracker}, {1-Shot Cop OR 1-Shot Tracker}
III = {Cop OR Tracker}, {Cop OR Tracker}, {1-Shot Neapolitan OR 1-Shot Gunsmith}
IIII = {Cop OR Tracker}, {Cop OR Tracker}, {Neapolitan OR Gunsmith}
IIIII = {Cop OR Tracker}, {Neapolitan OR Gunsmith}, {Cop OR Tracker OR Neapolitan OR Gunsmith}, {Cop OR Tracker OR Neapolitan OR Gunsmith} (1/4 chance of any appearing).
Protective Roles
P = {Bodyguard OR Doctor}
PP = {Bodyguard OR Doctor}, {{Bodyguard OR Doctor} OR Jailkeeper}
PPP = {Bodyguard OR Doctor}, {{Bodyguard OR Doctor} OR Jailkeeper}, {Bodyguard OR Doctor OR Jailkeeper}
PPPP = {Doctor OR Bodyguard OR Jailkeeper}, {Doctor OR Bodyguard OR Jailkeeper}, Jailkeeper, Bodyguard
Killing Roles
K = {1-Shot Reflexive Vigilante OR Vengeful}
KK = Vigilante, {1-Shot Reflexive Vigilante OR Vengeful}
KKK = Vigilante, 1-Shot Reflexive Vigilante, Vengeful
KKKK = 1-Shot Reflexive Vigilante, Vengeful, {Vigilante, 1-Shot Reflexive Vigilante OR Vengeful}, {Vigilante, 1-Shot Reflexive Vigilante OR Vengeful}
Mason Roles
M = {Innocent Child OR Friendly Neighbor}
MM = Innocent Child, {2 Masons OR Friendly Neighbor OR Fruit Vendor}
MMM = 2 Masons, Fruit Vendor, {Innocent Child OR Friendly Neighbor OR Fruit Vendor}
MMMM = 3 Masons, {Innocent Child OR Friendly Neighbor OR Fruit Vendor}
Action/Result Modification Roles
A = {Miller OR 1-Shot Bus Driver}
AA = {Miller OR 1-Shot Bus Driver}, {Roleblocker OR Rolestopper}
AAA = {Miller OR 1-Shot Bus Driver}, {Roleblocker OR Rolestopper}, {Weak/Hider* OR 1-Shot Commuter}
AAAA = {Miller OR 1-Shot Bus Driver}, Roleblocker, {Weak/Hider OR 1-Shot Commuter}, {Miller OR Roleblocker OR Rolestopper OR Weak/Hider OR 1-Shot Commuter OR 1-Shot Bus Driver}
- Determine between if the Hider is Weak or not, then determine between the Hider OR 1-Shot Commuter
Scum Roles
TTTTTTT = Mafia Goon, Mafia Goon, Serial Killer
TTTTTT = Mafia Goon, {Mafia JOAT (Roleblock, Ninja Kill, Strongman Kill) OR Mafia Roleblocker} OR {Godfather OR Mafia Tailor}**
TTTTT = Mafia Goon, {Mafia JOAT OR Mafia Roleblocker} OR {Godfather OR Mafia Tailor}, Serial Killer
TTTT = Mafia Goon, Mafia Goon, {Mafia JOAT OR Mafia Roleblocker}
TTT = Mafia Goon, {Mafia JOAT OR Mafia Roleblocker}, {Godfather OR Mafia Tailor}, Serial Killer
TT = Mafia Goon, {Mafia JOAT OR Mafia Roleblocker}, {Godfather OR Mafia Tailor}
T = Mafia Tailor, Mafia Godfather, {Mafia JOAT OR Mafia Roleblocker}, Serial Killer
0 Ts = Mafia Tailor, Mafia Godfather, {Mafia JOAT OR Mafia Roleblocker}
Serial Killer chooses their ability pregame
Other Information
Once the town powerroles and scum roles have been determined, add a number of Vanilla Townies so that the game contains 13 players.
The order of night action resolution is as follows:
- Commuting / Arming
- Hiding
- Jailkeeping / Roleblocking
- Protecting
- Killing / Tailoring
- Investigating
- All other actions not listed above
Mafia Roleblocker also has priority over Town Jailkeeper, Town Roleblocker, or Town Rolestopper.
Example Role PM's
Vanilla Townie
- Welcome, [Player Name], you are a Vanilla Townie.
- You have no special abilities apart from your voice and your vote.
Win condition:
- You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and there is at least one town player alive.
Town 1-Shot Cop
- Welcome, [Player Name], you are a Town 1-Shot Cop.
- Once, at night, you may target one player in the game to investigate them. You will receive a result of "Town", "Not Town", or "No Result".
Win condition:
- You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and there is at least one town player alive.
Town Cop
- Welcome, [Player Name], you are a Town Cop.
- Each night phase, you may target one player in the game to investigate them. You will receive a result of "Town", "Not Town", or "No Result".
Win condition:
- You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and there is at least one town player alive.
Town 1-Shot Tracker
- Welcome, [Player Name], you are a Town 1-Shot Tracker.
- Once, at night, you may target a player in the game and learn if they targeted anyone (if at all).
Win condition:
- You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and there is at least one town player alive.
Town Tracker
- Welcome, [Player Name], you are a Town Tracker.
- Each night, you may target a player in the game and learn if they targeted anyone (if at all).
Win condition:
- You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and there is at least one town player alive.
Town 1-Shot Neapolitan
- Welcome, [Player Name], you are a Town 1-Shot Neapolitan.
- Once, at night, you may target one player in the game to investigate them. You will receive a result of "Vanilla Townie", "Not Vanilla Townie", or "No Result".
Win condition:
- You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and there is at least one town player alive.
Town Neapolitan
- Welcome, [Player Name], you are a Town Neapolitan.
- Each night phase, you may target one player in the game to investigate them. You will receive a result of "Vanilla Townie", "Not Vanilla Townie", or "No Result".
Win condition:
- You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and there is at least one town player alive.
Town 1-Shot Gunsmith
- Welcome, [Player Name], you are a Town 1-Shot Gunsmith.
- Once, at night, you may target one player in the game and learn if they have a gun, (if they even do).
Win condition:
- You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and there is at least one town player alive.
Town Gunsmith
- Welcome, [Player Name], you are a Town Gunsmith.
- Each night phase, you may target one player in the game and learn if they have a gun, (if they even do).
Win condition:
- You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and there is at least one town player alive.
Town Bodyguard
- Welcome, [Player Name], you are a Town Bodyguard.
- Each night phase, you may target one player in the game to guard. If they would die that phase, you will die in their place.
Win condition:
- You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and there is at least one town player alive.
Town Doctor
- Welcome, [Player Name], you are a Town Doctor.
- Each night phase, you may target one player in the game to heal them. They will be protected from a single kill. You may not target yourself.
Win condition:
- You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and there is at least one town player alive.
Town Jailkeeper
- Welcome, [Player Name], you are a Town Jailkeeper.
- Each night, you may jail a player in the game, simultaneously protecting them from one nightkill and roleblocking them.
Win condition:
- You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and there is at least one town player alive.
Town 1-Shot Reflexive Vigilante
- Welcome, [Player Name], you are a Town 1-Shot Reflexive Vigilante.
- Once, at night, you may arm yourself, protecting you from all kills and simultaneously killing all players targeting you that night.
Win condition:
- You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and there is at least one town player alive.
Town Vigilante
- Welcome, [Player Name], you are a Town Vigilante.
- Each night phase, you may target another player in the game to attempt to kill them.
Win condition:
- You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and there is at least one town player alive.
Town Vengeful
- Welcome, [Player Name], you are a Town Vengeful.
- When you are exiled, you may vengekill any player in the game during twilight. You do not have to kill.
Win condition:
- You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and there is at least one town player alive.
Town Innocent Child
- Welcome, [Player Name], you are a Town Innocent Child.
- On Day 1, you will be publicly confirmed to be Town.
Win condition:
- You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and there is at least one town player alive.
Town Friendly Neighbor
- Welcome, [Player Name], you are a Town Friendly Neighbor.
- Each night phase, you may target another player in the game to tell them you are Town.
Win condition:
- You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and there is at least one town player alive.
Town Mason
- Welcome, [Player Name], you are a Town Mason along with your partner(s) [Player Name] (and [Player Name]).
- You, [Player1], and [Player2] all know each other to be Town. Pre-game and during the night, you may talk to them here [Link].
Win condition:
- You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and there is at least one town player alive.
Town Fruit Vendor
- Welcome, [Player Name], you are a Town Fruit Vendor.
- Each night phase, you may target a player in the game to attempt to give them a piece of fruit. The fruit does nothing.
Win condition:
- You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and there is at least one town player alive.
Town Miller
- Welcome, [Player Name], you are a Town Miller.
- You passively will return an unfavorable result to any investigative role.
Win condition:
- You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and there is at least one town player alive.
Town Roleblocker
- Welcome, [Player Name], you are a Town Roleblocker.
- Each night phase, you may target another player in the game to attempt to block them from performing any night actions.
Win condition:
- You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and there is at least one town player alive.
Town Rolestopper
- Welcome, [Player Name], you are a Town Rolestopper.
- Each night phase, you may target another player in the game to attempt to prevent all other night actions from affecting your target.
Win condition:
- You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and there is at least one town player alive.
Town Weak Hider
- Welcome, [Player Name], you are a Town Weak Hider.
- Each night phase, you may target another player in the game to hide behind, rendering yourself immune to all nightkills that phase. However, if your target dies that phase, you also die.
- In addition, if you hide behind any player who is not Town-Aligned, you will automatically die.
Win condition:
- You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and there is at least one town player alive.
Town Hider
- Welcome, [Player Name], you are a Town Hider.
- Each night phase, you may target another player in the game to hide behind, rendering yourself immune to all nightkills that phase. However, if your target dies that phase, you also die.
Win condition:
- You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and there is at least one town player alive.
Town 1-Shot Commuter
- Welcome, [Player Name], you are a Town 1-Shot Commuter.
- Once, at night, you may leave town, which will render you immune to all actions taken upon you for that night only.
Win condition:
- You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and there is at least one town player alive.
Town 1-Shot Bus Driver
- Welcome, [Player Name], you are a Town 1-Shot Bus Driver.
- Once at night, you may switch two players. Any actions that was meant to effect one player, will now effect the other, and vice versa.
- Players will not be told if they were driven, nor will any players be informed if their target is switched.
Win condition:
- You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and there is at least one town player alive.
Mafia Goon
- Welcome, [Player Name]. You are a Mafia Goon, along with your partner(s), [Player Name] (and [Player Name]).
- During the pre-game, and each night phase, you may talk to your group here [Link].
- Each night phase, you may send a member of your group to target another player in the game, attempting to kill them.
Win condition:
- You win when the Mafia obtain a majority or nothing can prevent this from occurring.
Mafia Tailor
- Welcome, [Player Name]. You are a Mafia Tailor, along with your partner(s), [Player Name] (and [Player Name]).
- During the pre-game, and each night phase, you may talk to your group here [Link].
- Each night phase, you may send a member of your group to target another player in the game, attempting to kill them.
- Each night phase, you may forge a result on a player of your choice. This result will apply to all Investigative roles that check that player.
Win condition:
- You win when the Mafia obtain a majority or nothing can prevent this from occurring.
Mafia Godfather
- Welcome, [Player Name]. You are a Mafia Godfather, along with your partner(s), [Player Name] (and [Player Name]).
- During the pre-game, and each night phase, you may talk to your group here [Link].
- Each night phase, you may send a member of your group to target another player in the game, attempting to kill them.
- You passively appear to be Town to any Cops that check you.
- You are passively bulletproof, and will survive any night-kill committed against you. Additionally, you will be informed if you are attacked at night.
Win condition:
- You win when the Mafia obtain a majority or nothing can prevent this from occurring.
Mafia JOAT
- Welcome, [Player Name]. You are a Mafia JOAT, along with your partner(s), [Player Name] (and [Player Name]).
- During the pre-game, and each night phase, you may talk to your group here [Link].
- Each night phase, you may send a member of your group to target another player in the game, attempting to kill them.
- Your JOAT abilities are as follows: Roleblock, Strongman, and Ninja.
- Roleblock: Once at night, you can roleblock a player.
- Strongman: Once at night, if you perform the factional kill, it will be converted into a Strongman kill which will bypass Doctors/Jailkeepers.
- Ninja: Once at night, if you perform the factional kill, it will be converted into a Ninja kill, which will bypass Trackers.
Win condition:
- You win when the Mafia obtain a majority or nothing can prevent this from occurring.
Mafia Roleblocker
- Welcome, [Player Name]. You are a Mafia Roleblocker, along with your partner(s), [Player Name] (and [Player Name]).
- During the pre-game, and each night phase, you may talk to your group here [Link].
- Each night phase, you may send a member of your group to target another player in the game, attempting to kill them.
- Each night phase, you may target another player in the game to attempt to block them from performing any night actions.
Win condition:
- You win when the Mafia obtain a majority or nothing can prevent this from occurring.
Serial Killer
- Welcome, [Player Name]. You are a Serial Killer.
- During pre-game, you must choose between being either Investigation Immunity AND 1-Shot Bulletproof OR Ninja AND Strongman kills.
- Each night phase, you may target another player in the game to attempt to kill them.
- You have access to a PT here [link] that you may speak in at any time.
Win condition:
- You win when you are the last player alive or nothing can prevent this from occurring.
History |
- Serial Killer Win Percentage: 0%
- Mafia Win Percentage: 0%
- Town Win Percentage: 100%