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Bastard++ is a 13 player semi-open setup based of C9++ designed by Fiasco. It was made by wgeurts on the 20th of September 2014 and is meant as a more non-serious version of C9++ containing many of the roles often included in bastard games.
- This setup uses a Daystart
- Inspectors are guaranteed to be sane
- Inspectors will get the result "Towny" if the person (s)he is inspecting has the role modifier "Inspection Immunity"
- Doctors prevent one night kill.
- Kills are indistinguishable - do not use varying flavor for Mafia, Vigilante or Serial Killer night kills.
- Elimination vote majority is 2/3 of all living players rounded down, Cult win majority is 1/2 plus 1.
- The the role modifier "Hated" means that the person with it needs 1 less vote to be eliminated.
- The role modifier "Loved" is the opposite of "Hated", requiring 1 more vote to be eliminated.
- The role modifier "Bullet-Proof" prevents 1 night-kill per night.
- The role modifier "Weak" means that if the person visits a mafia for their night-action, they die.
- If the role modifier "1-shot" is added, depending on what is connected to it allows an ability to be used only once.
- First, randomize the roles, then pick a random player to be the Hidden Condemnee, no matter what alignment.
The moderator randomly chooses 9 numbers from 1-100, repeating permitted. Then, each number is turned into a letter as follows:
- 1-30 = M (Mafia)
- 31-44 = C (Cult)
- 45-58 = J (Jester)
- 59-72 = T (Town)
- 73-86 = S (Survival)
- 87-100 = K (Killers)
The mod then notes how many of each letter is generated.
Setup Determination
Powerroles are inserted into the setup depending on how many of each letter are generated. For example, when looking at the "C" list, look at how many Cs you received. If you get no Cs, do not add any roles from the C list (exception: "M" list has a set of roles to be added if 0 Ts are generated). If you get three Cs, look at where it says CCC and add the corresponding powerroles into the game. In this case, add a Cult Leader.
Cult Roles
C = Hated Weak Cult-Leader
CC = Weak Cult-Leader
CCC = Cult-Leader
CCCC = Loved Cult-Leader
CCCCC = Loved Cult Leader + Cultist
Jester Roles
J = Loved Jester
JJ = Jester
JJJ = 2 Jesters
JJJJ = 1-Shot-Bullet-Proof Jester + Jester
JJJJJ = 2 1-Shot-Bullet-Proof Jesters
Town Roles
TTTT = 1-Shot Inspector + Hated Towny
TTT = Inspector + Loved Towny
TT = Inspector + 1-Shot Doctor + Hated Towny
T = Inspector + Doctor + Loved Towny
0 T's = Inspector + Doctor + 1-Shot Vigilante + Hated Towny + Loved Towny
Survival Roles
S = Condemner + Hidden Condemnee
SS = Condemner + Hidden Condemnee + Hated Survivor
SSS = Condemner + Hidden Condemnee + Survivor
SSSS = Condemner + Hidden Condemnee + Survivor + Hated Survivor
SSSSS = Condemner + Hidden Condemnee + 2 Survivors
Killer Roles
K = Hated Serial Killer
KK = Killer
KKK = 1-Shot-Bullet-Proof Serial Killer
KKKK = Inspection Immune Serial Killer
KKKKK = Inspection Immune 1-Shot-Bullet-Proof Serial Killer
Mafia Roles
MMMMMM= 2 Goons
MMMMM = 1-Shot Roleblocker + Goon
MMMM = Roleblocker + Goon
MMM = 1-Shot Stalker + 2 goons
MM = Stalker + 2 Goons
M = Stalker + 1-Shot Roleblocker + Goon
0 M's = Stalker + Roleblocker + Goon
Other Information
Once the town powerroles and scum roles have been determined, add a number of Vanilla Townies so that the game contains 13 players.
No games have been played so far.
Role Messages
Here's a list of Role Messages for mods to use as role PM's.
Note that the Role-Modifier part will have to be edited to only the right Role-Modifier before usage. I put them all together to save space.
Cult Leader
Your role is Cult Leader.
- Every night you visit one player, that player is the converted to a Cultist.
Win Condition:
- You win if the total number of people in the Cult has a majority of 1 over all other factions combined.
Role Modifier:
- None.
- Hated and Weak: You have a permanent extra vote for eliminations, meaning you need one less vote to reach majority and you win ties. You also die if you visit a member of the Mafia.
- Weak: You die if you visit a member of the Mafia.
- Loved: You have a permanent minus one vote to eliminations, meaning you need one more vote to reach majority and you lose ties.
Your role is Cultist.
- You have no abilities, your vote is your power.
Win Condition:
- You win if the total number of people in the Cult has a majority of 1 over all other factions combined.
Role Modifier:
- None.
Your role is Jester.
- You have no abilities, your vote is your power.
Win Condition:
- You win if you are eliminated.
Role Modifier:
- None.
- Loved: You have a permanent minus one vote to eliminations, meaning you need one more vote to reach majority and you lose ties.
- 1-Shot-Bullet-Proof: You will survive 1 Night-Kill.
Your role is Inspector.
- You visit one person each night and find out their role. If a player has the modifer "Inspector Immunity" the result will be Towny.
Result is Cult if player is:
- Cult Leader
- Cultist
Result is Self-Aligned if player is:
- Jester
- Survivor
- Condemner
- Serial Killer
Result is Mafia if player is:
- Mafia Goon
- Mafia Roleblocker
- Mafia Stalker
Result is Towny if player is:
- Towny
Result is Doctor if player is:
- Doctor
Result is Vigilante if player is:
- Vigilante
Win Condition:
- You win when all scum are eliminated.
Role Modifier:
- None.
- 1-Shot: You can visit only 1 person during the game.
Your role is Doctor.
- You visit one person each night, that person is protected from 1 night-kill that night only.
Win Condition:
- You win when all scum are eliminated.
Role Modifiers:
- None.
- 1-Shot: You can only visit one person during the game.
1-Shot Vigilante
Your role is 1-Shot Vigilante.
- Once per game you can night-kill one player.
Win Condition:
- You win when all scum are eliminated.
Role Modifiers:
- 1-Shot: Integrated into the ability.
Your role is Condemner.
- You have no abilities, your vote is your power.
Win Condition:
- You win if the Hidden Condemnee is eliminated. The Condemnee is <name>.
Role Modifiers:
- None.
Hidden Condemnee
Your role is Towny.
- You have no abilities, your vote is your power.
Win Condition:
- You win when all scum are eliminated.
Role Modifiers:
- None.
- Hated: You have a permanent plus one vote to eliminations, meaning you need one less vote for majority and you win ties.
- Loved: You have a permanent minus one vote to eliminations, meaning you need one more vote to reach majority and you lose ties.
(The Condemnee gets this PM as he doesn't know he's the Condemnee, he thinks he's a town.)
Your role is Survivor.
- You have no abilities, your vote is your power.
Win Condition:
- You win if any faction wins and you are still alive.
- None.
- Hated: You have a permanent plus one vote to eliminations, meaning you need one less vote for majority and you win ties.
Serial Killer
Your role is Serial Killer.
- You visit one person per night, that person is then night-killed.
Win Condition:
- You win if everyone except you is dead.
Role Modifiers:
- None.
- Hated: You have a permanent plus one vote to eliminations, meaning you need one less vote for majority and you win ties.
- 1-Shot-Bullet-Proof: You will survive 1 Night-Kill.
- Inspection Immune: You turn up "Towny" to the Cop or Stalker on inspection.
- Inspection Immume + 1-Shot-Bullet-Proof: You will survive 1 Night-Kill and you turn up "Towny" on inspection by the Cop or Stalker.
Your role is Towny.
- You have no abilities, your vote is your power.
Win Condition:
- You win when all scum are eliminated.
Role Modifiers:
- None.
- Hated: You have a permanent plus one vote to eliminations, meaning you need one less vote for majority and you win ties.
- Loved: You have a permanent minus one vote to eliminations, meaning you need one more vote to reach majority and you lose ties.
Your role is Mafia Goon.
- Your fellow mafia are <names>. You faction has 1 night-kill between all of you per night.
Win Condition:
- You win if the total number of remaining mafia equals 50% of the town.
Role Modifiers:
- None.
Your role is Mafia Roleblocker.
- Your fellow mafia are <names>. You faction has 1 night-kill between all of you per night.
You also visit one person per night, that persons abilities are blocked for that night.
Win Condition:
- You win if the total number of remaining mafia equals 50% of the town.
Role Modifiers:
- None.
- 1-Shot: You may only roleblock one person this game.
Your role is Mafia Stalker.
- Your fellow mafia are <names>. You faction has 1 night-kill between all of you per night.
You also visit one person per night, that players role is then revealed to you.
Win Condition:
- You win if the total number of remaining mafia equals 50% of the town.
Role Modifiers:
- None.
- 1-Shot: You may only stalk one person this game.
History |
Mini 1672 - (Mafia Win) |